
作者&投稿:老变 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  Mother’s Day is a holiday when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts and flowers. In many countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and the US, people cel lebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May while many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s day at different times through out the year.

  One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is to give your mom the day off. Let her relax with the rest of the family doing all the housework. Usually, dad and the kids will let mom sleep late that morning as they go into the kitchen to prepare her favourite breakfast. Never forget to place a vase with a single flower on the table beside the food. The kids can pick up the flower from the garden or buy one from the shop. Arrange everything nicely before mom wakes up. Some families will carry the food and mom’s favourite sections from the newspaper to her bedroom so that mom can have breakfast in bed. Presents and cards from the kids can be handed to mom by themselves or just placed on the dining table.

  After breakfast, go anywhere mom likes to go. Shopping, swimming or going on a picnic in the garden. Make a special Mother’s Day dinner or take mom out for a great meal in a famous restaurant she loves most.

  Anyway ,let mom enjoy the whole day and feel your love, and then the Mother’s Day can be a good one. As Mother’s Day is around the corner, it’s time to take actions!






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