
作者&投稿:伊匡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


You are very important to me.I can't be without you.
Maybe,you don't know.


You are a part of me.

You are my everything.


答:3、现在我都多吃蔬菜,因为那对于我的身体有好处也有助于学习。Now I eat a lot of vegetables, because it`s good to my health,and it`s also good to my studies.那个第二句的balance可能有点难,但那已经是我能想到的最简单的词了。。如果实在不认识麻烦用百度查一下吧,希望能帮到你~...

求翻译!急!求英语好的各位高手帮忙翻译一下呀~! 不要用翻译器, 这个我...
答:According to the Chinese zodiac, traditional, 12 animal for 12 zodiac signs, and constellation is different, the zodiac is every year a master to 12 years for a cycle, every 12 years will turn a the same animal sign, and this people turn the zodiac, this year we call it "...

答:5.no progress is regress 6.Discussion on desk only survives on desk qinyx1980,是没几个人能达到你的英语翻译水平。但楼主要的是翻译,不是说教和卖弄 (在下学资尚浅,语义不精,又见他人拿分心切,望楼主将本文仅供参考,多应用他人专业之译,以慰其心)你的英语水平我自愧不如,没想和你争...

哪位英语好的朋友帮我翻译下啊 很着急用啊
答:7这是我们出于职业目的的一个有意识的行动 8我一到家电话就响了 9二战以来,美国一直是世界第一大经济体,并且在大多数年份里,它还是世界最大出口国 10在英国我们得出的结论是:变化是大势所趋 11今天他在想为自己做些必要的事的驱动下走进了药店 12.根据宅地法,他们划定了自己的土地并用铁丝网...

英语高手请进...速度帮翻译一下 急急急!!! 在线坐等。。。用的词汇最...
答:Chinese new year. From the river bank, reflections of the brilliant fireworks can be seen from the clear Liujiang water.虽然“人造喷泉”可译为artifical fountain,但只用fountain的话,一般也是指人造喷泉。尤其是前面已经说过是artificial的了,后面就不必再特意加上这个词了。特此说明一下。

答:55。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家。56。 你能给我冲杯咖啡,好吗?57。你能告诉我到火车站的路怎么走吗?58。 你能告诉我怎么去银行呢?59。 你能告诉我怎么去你的大学吗?60。你能告诉我邮局在哪里吗?61。在南方农作物生长得很好。62。大卫从他的妹妹将会得到一个生日礼物。63。 你有没有去...

答:(1)织梦 DREAMING 问我的梦想是什么,嘘,悄悄告诉你,我要为所有的人,织一个最美的梦。What’s my fondest dream you query Shhh….Let me tell you secretly I want to weave, for everybody A dream of exquisite beauty 梦是五彩的。在梦里,不必担心看到灰色的世界,红色,黄色,蓝色,...

答:I stayed home during the holidays. I didn't go out because we were moving. The place we're moving to is much bigger than the old one. My parents were busy moving things every morning, I wanted to help as well, so I decided to move this big box. But it was so heavy ...

答:also want to consume an other assistance of oneself production a car provide of resources.因此,正确地计算并分配辅助生产费用并不是一件容易的事。||Lend support to the factor cost is the assistance produce the car at certain period inside for basic production car provide rent service ...

哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下对话。 不要电脑上的在线翻译,我想要人工的...
答:A:这是我吃过最好吃的菜了。A: this is my most delicious food eaten.C:你妈妈现在在厨房做什么呢,我真想去看看。C: your mother now doing in the kitchen? I really want to see.B:好啊,那我们一起去厨房看看吧、B: oh, that together we go look on the kitchen floor,A:...