求翻译!急!求英语好的各位高手帮忙翻译一下呀~! 不要用翻译器, 这个我是看的出来的。 谢谢帮忙的您~! 求翻译~!求各位路过的大哥大姐帮忙翻译一下~ 谢谢您~!!!...

作者&投稿:康杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
According to the Chinese zodiac, traditional, 12 animal for 12 zodiac signs, and constellation is different, the zodiac is every year a master to 12 years for a cycle, every 12 years will turn a the same animal sign, and this people turn the zodiac, this year we call it "the man's life".
For example, you was born in 1976 of the dragon, and this is your life. Dragon in China is an auspicious signs, his different image contains almost all the beautiful expectations. Is the dragon man wise patience, strong leadership qualities, self-motivated and perseverance. And you also is just such a person, with such a charm we admire.
So, once again, wish your happy birthday! In this life year happy birthday!

According to the Chinese zodiac,twelve animals represent twelve kinds of Chinese zodiac,
which is different from constellation. The zodiac is every year a master to 12 years for a rebirth and we can get the same zodiac every twelve years.When one's zodiac year is coming,we call it the animal year of this man.
For example,If you were born in 1976,this year would be your animal year.Dragon is a lucky zodiac in China,whose different images symbol almost all kinds of good expections.This kind of people are very wisdom and patient.What's more,they have the quality of leading others.
Now I find that you're ture man of this kind of people,who make us admire and respect him.
Well,happy birthday to you one more time in your animal year.

According to Chinese Lunar New Year tradition , the 12 animals on behalf of 12 kinds of sign of the Zodiac , and constellations , the zodiac is every year a master of 12 years for a cycle every 12 years will turn to the same animal ,While the turn of the zodiac this year , we call this person's natal year.
For example, the dragon was born in 1976 , and this year is that you were born in.The dragon is an auspicious sign of the Zodiac in China , his image contains almost all the good expectations . Dragon wise patience , leadership qualities , perseverance and self-motivated .
You can also just such a person in such a charm our admiration .So once again Happy birthday to you !


Night, Jingde surprising.

Reminds me of ancient and modern, of the number of such "Ying Hanzi" ah: Renrufuchong Sima Qian wrote "Historical Records", Zhang Haidi still suffering from serious illness inspired the confidence of others, Helen blind deaf-mute with disabilities still wrote, "If I give three days Bright, "" My Life "and other works, Hawking, Aositeluo夫斯基…… they bravely face up to life, and Sang Tie fruit Grandpa, are the true heroes!

"After Chuida good iron and steel, it will send a strong spark" in our growth process, can not be all smooth sailing. Let Sang Tie fruit Grandpa's "one person is not born to be defeated, and you can do to eliminate him, it can not defeat him," these words will accompany us into a strong person!

According to Chinese Lunar New Year tradition, the 12 animals are on behalf of 12 kinds of sign of the Zodiac. Being different from constellations, the zodiac is every year a master of 12 years for a cycle and after a cycle will turn to the same animal, whenever turning to this person In this year of the zodiac, which we call:" natal year".
For example, the "dragon" was born in 1976, and this year is your "natal year". The dragon is an auspicious sign of the Zodiac in China, his image contains almost all the good expectations. Persons of "Dragon" are wise, patient, of leadership qualities, perseverance and self-motivated. You are just such a person in such a charm with our admiration.
So once again Happy birthday to you! "Natal year" Happy Birthday!

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