
作者&投稿:亢唐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Such is the technological development for human beings, so is the accumulation of man's spiritual wealth. Most of the knowledge, whether on technology or spirit, is stored in books. Books are the unique achievement for human ever achieved, and reading can enrich your scope of life. You'll form some thoughts of Homer by reading Homer's epics.

The development of technology for human is like this, and so is the human spirit wealth. The mostly knowledge, no matter in thechnology or in spirit, stores in books. Book is the unique achivement for human beings. Reading can expanding your life experence. Reading HOMER, there you will have the theory of homer in your brain.


And even if someone liked to offer the capital to run, long-term detention would have no effect. In 1981, 12.4 million prisoners have been released. Even though they were to be held in prison for more than one year, how many crimes could be prevented and stoped?


Dear XXXX,

I don't often watch NBA, so I don’t know much about each
team, but the Thunder is my favorite team. If you were born in 1998, you are a "Tiger"
according to our country’s zodiac. How do you like the "Tiger" zodiac?

Wish everything goes well with you!

Yours sincerely,


Dear XXXX,

How are you? I am very sorry for raising some offensive topics
in the last letter. As I am not familiar with the customs and cultures on your side,
please forgive me!! By the way, could you spend some time to explain some of your customs and cultures?
So I won't make the same mistake again.
Thank you!

Your sincerely,


Hello! XXXX,

I am getting well now, thank you for your concern! My favorite color is blue, and my favorite sport is basketball. As mentioned earlier, the guest bed was bought when I was a child. Since I am not tall, I can still sleep on it. How tall are you? If you are tall, please tell me now so that I can make some preparations in advance.

Wishing you a happy day!

Yours sincerely,

我简值无法等待这个会面日子的来临— 还有8天便终於会跟你相见了,我感到非常兴奋,同时我听说你们其中一位友人亦都会接待我的朋友Chrisyina Rankin(克里斯蒂娜‧兰金)。很对不起若果这会令你混淆,但我很想知道你们的朋友中有没有收留我们高中爵士乐队的成员? 若果有的话,他们一定要一起收留克里斯蒂娜‧兰金才好。不管怎样,我知道这是你们的早上2时46分了,所以你看信後得让你上牀睡觉罢。很感激你或谢谢(xie xie)你,对不起如果我拚错了。我只是还在学习,同时可以的话,你能教我如何拚写我的名字吗? 但若果这会给你很多麻烦的话,你就不需这样做,我不想给你添麻烦。

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