
作者&投稿:蔺园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society.

It's a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mother's Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year.

Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation is regarded as the flower for mother.

In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe.

In addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best Mother's Day gifts.







Today's weather very good, God deliberately arranged. This particular day, blue skies, the number of words "Happy Mother's Day" reverberated in the ears.

From early in the morning, I mope, because it can not think of what gift to give mother. Later, I came up with in my opinion the best gift for mother. First to see Mother, I sang loudly: "Mother, Mother's Day Happiness! The world is only a good mother, there is the mother of the child as-bao block." Singing, leaves itself a son and mother's arms, "dropped into the embrace of mother, and ultimately, happy ... ... "Mother died in Iraq last year, with deep feeling with me, Staring at me, eyes full of love and caress. Looked thoughtful, I grew up my mother smile ... ...

Mother, in fact, you know, daughter wanted to tell you there is worth a thousand words, but there are also all into this beautiful melody, which Beat notes the go. Here not only has his daughter's aspirations, more daughters are infinite gratitude to you, sincere love.

People will have a total support of our total love for us there is a touching, heartbreaking. Ah! Mother, you like an umbrella, an umbrella unusual. Summer, for me keep off the sun, winter, let me escape the harsh wind and snow.

If you love the sun, let you love your mother, because there is no ray of sunshine than the warmth of maternal love; If you love wind, let you love your mother, because there is no more than a gentle breeze gentle motherly love ... ... ... If you love, please you love your mother, because all the world than maternal love everything tenacity, great, honest ...



妈妈,其实您知道的,女儿有千言万语想要对您说,然而,也全部溶入到这美妙的旋律,跳动 的音符当中去了.这里不仅有女儿的心声,更多的是女儿对您无限的感激,真挚的爱.




答:My mother is a doctor. Her English name is Amy. She is thirty-five years old. She is very nice .She has a long hair and two black eye. And she has a small mouth and small nose. My mother loves me very much. She is good at cooking. She likes singing. Every day, s...

答:4. 关于母亲节的英文作文并翻译 Dear mother: I'm your child . Today is Mother's day.I have a lot of saying to you. Thank you your love!Let me know how to be a good student.Thank you your love!Let me know how to make friend. Thank you your love!Let me so happy! I want ...

答:如果你仔细地翻阅童年的记忆,你会注意到你的父亲总是在你需要他们的时候出现,尽管他们从来没有大声说出他们有多么爱你,父亲就像暴风雨来临时的庇护所,父亲就像外面有危险时的门,父亲是一个无论你怎样对待他的人,他都会选择承受一切压力,让你自由。所以请为父亲的爱欢呼吧!4.描写父亲节的英语作文范文 今天是6月...

答:A mother's love is selfless, it is great. A mother's love is not to use in a few words can express it.And the children of the same age, I to have a proud to be the best mother in the world. Mother's hands warm hand, like enchanting spring, mother's hand i...

母亲节致母亲的一封信 英语作文 有翻译
答:Hello!After a few days is mother's day. Mother's day, what a holy day, for the world millions of mother, is a special day. I was thinking, this is what kind of gift do you prepare? You let me take this letter to express to your boundless gratitude!Ever since I landed...

答:Dear mom, Hello! Seedlings to grow, towering trees is rain moist; Fertile ground into pebble, need is the test of torrent; Shells pearls, need is conceived hardships... I went from a young and foolish children, become a sensible courtesy and boy, need is your care and ...

答:Dear mother:Hello.A few days is the mother's day. Mother's day, a holy day, for the thousands on thousands of mother, is a special day. I was thinking, the kind of gift for you? You let me take this letter to express your boundless gratitude!Ever since I was born ...

答:母亲节英语作文:母亲的爱 Today's weather very good, God deliberately arranged. This particular day, blue skies, the number of words "Happy Mother's Day" reverberated in the ears.From early in the morning, I mope, because it can not think of what gift to give mother. Later,...

母亲节英文小短文 (带翻译)
答:Thank you your love!Let me know how to be a good student.Thank you your love!Let me know how to make friend. Thank you your love!Let me so happy!I want to say you I love you !yours xxx 亲爱的妈妈:我是你的孩子,今天是母亲节,我有许多话要和你说 谢谢你的爱,让我知...

求英语作文: 母亲节快到了,我校要求每位学生给母亲写封感恩信。假如你...
答:I know I will watch myself,so don't worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can't be at home,I hope you will have a wonderful mother's day.母亲节快到了,我想在这封信里对您说“母亲节快乐”。我爱...