
作者&投稿:姬戚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
School uniform is popular in Japan. At that time, a lot of family's life are tought because of the war , producing two serious social classes, In order not to let students born in such poor families down, and to make students brought up by a good families to show off, and therefore the school require each student must wear the same clothes . Later this concept was accepted by most schools as does in Japan's school , gradually uniforms comes into most of the schools and throughout the school of the world!

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Uniforms first appeared in Japan. When most families lived a difficult life because of war and there's an extreme disparity between the rich and the poor, in oder to avoid a sense of inferiority generated in the students from poor families while avoid showoff among the students living in good conditions, schools required each student wear the same clothes to school. Later, the concept was accepted by most schools, requiring that students wear the same clothes to school. Gradually, most of the schools have followed the concept of uniforms, and uniforms are all over the world.

Uniforms first appeared in Japan. At that time, the war led to a large part of family life is difficult, resulting in two serious time, school students will be born in such families a sense of inferiority because of their own family problems, while not a good student of living conditions at home school to show off, and therefore require each student to school must wear the same clothes. Later this concept was most schools accepted to have been requiring students to wear the same clothes to school. Slowly uniforms, most of the schools to emulate. And throughout the world!


这是过去分词短语作状语 因为与句子主语是被动关系,所以用过去分词。

如果用现在分词 短语作状语 则与主语是主动关系
应该是Following some officials,Napoleon inspected his army.

意思就是 跟在一些官员后面,拿破仑视察了他的军队。

When studying in America, he learned to play piano.
The car has been bringing me troubles since i bought it.
Mary's parents don't permit her to go to america, thus it is still a wonder wheter she can realize her dream.
The more i learn about nature, the more attracted by it i am.
Compared to China, parents in USA prefer to owe their children's success to their gift.
We discussed the economic situation besides other matters in the meeting.
I think the duty of cops is to protect the people.
So long as you explain in detail what we should do, we will try out best to help you deal with it all.
Since we have never heard fom him, we begin to doubt whether he is still alive.
The first thing teachers should consider is to arouse the students' interest and to stimulate their creativity.
The body needs regular exercise , just as the machine needs normal operation.
To our disapointment, he refused our invitation.
She is beautiful, elegant, and attractive.
Please allow me to join in the item, because i am very interested in it.
It is a pleasure to have friends from far away.

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