
作者&投稿:道烟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Besides, due to the limited time, my self introduction and study plan is not included in the application materials, but I will send them to you through email or let my sister pass them to you as soon as possible.


Also because of the time issue, I introduced and self-study plan is not included in the application information, I will be as soon as possible via e-mail to you from my sister or transmitted to you!

because of time constrain, i did not include my self introduction and studying sceme in the application. i will email them to you as soon as possible; or else i will ask my elder sister to pass to you.


besides,my self-introduction and studying plan would be not included in these applications for the limited time,and i will send them to you
via email ASAP,or will give you by my syster instead of me.


A beautiful student, want to take an examination of international driver's license. In the exam because too nervous, see the ground line is to the left.
He doesn't trust of asked: turn left?
Your examiner answer: right.
So he immediately turn right.
I'm sorry he's only come again next time.

Traditional kites and its symbol

Kites originated in Spring and Autumn Period time of China, which is more than 2000 years till now, and it used as a tool for sending messages in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. With the development of paper industry, people began to make kite with paper Sui and Tang Dynasty. In Song dynasty, flaying kites became the most popular outdoor games. Zhou Mi, who lived in Song dynasty, has wrote such words in his book "Old stores of Wulin", "In Qingming festival, people go out to fly Yuan, and get back in the afternoon." "Yuan" here means kite. We can also find the scene of flaying kites from the famous drawing in ancient times, such as Riverside Scene During The Qingming Festival (Which drawed by Zhang Zeduan in North Song dynasty) and One hundred children (Which drawed by Su Hanchen in Song dynasty). Flaying kites is traditional activity in China. The appearance of kites mainly are animals in the nature, such as birds, insects, wildlives and geometric drawings.

答:spinning room Training classroom Yoga chamber Finance office 体测室?Surpervisor office Coach office Locker room Internet Cafe 健身房英语ABC 2004-2-18 课程类:〔yoga瑜伽〕〔spinning动感单车〕〔body arts身体艺术〕〔aerobics有氧操〕〔step踏板〕〔boxing拳击〕〔karate空手道〕〔fitball健身球操〕...

朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。( have a debt) 求翻译成英语
答:朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。His friends have helped him a lot and he owes them a debt of gratitude。帮忙可用Help,表示欠某人人情,表感激的意思可用owe,但后面需接宾语。翻译的句子时态应该用过去式,因为帮了他很多忙是已经发生了的事。重点词汇解释:1、help vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;...

答:Besides, due to the limited time, my self introduction and study plan is not included in the application materials, but I will send them to you through email or let my sister pass them to you as soon as possible.如果是很严肃的申请的话楼主还是再斟酌一下吧。

答:您好虽然机翻比较猖獗,但我还是进来给您翻了,看您这说的也怪可怜的 您可以放心采纳,有什么地方需要解释请和我联系,谢谢 如果合心意的话请加分,译这个花了不少时间 - - - 曾经犯过的错,解释再多,只会被看成是借口。虽然无意,但在别人看来并不是。Once you've done something wrong, it...

答:谢谢你在百忙之中抽时间陪我出来买东西 Thank you for taking the time out amidst your busy schedule to accompany me to come out to shop.如果成绩跟不上或产生心理问题必须转校。Must change schools if cannot keep up with the results or if psychological problems emerge.美国高中学校的物质...

非常抱歉没有帮到忙。 请帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢。
答:I am sorry, I didn't do any thing for you yet.

求翻译 中文翻译成英文,要准确!考研要用 谢谢!!
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