英语作文你准备去美国,你希望在那里见到你的好朋友george,请你给他写一封70词左右的电子邮件 跪求一篇英语作文 :“假如你是英语俱乐部的成员,你的朋友兰芳...

作者&投稿:夫狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Dear George
How's it going? I'm going to fly to The US next week.As you are my best friend,I really hope I can meet you then.
I'm going to stay there for three days.Of course, if you are available,you can have fun with me .The first day we will go to the shopping centre to buy some shoes and ties.After shopping,we will go to the KFC for eating.
The next day will be mainly to study.I hope you can teach me some Engish and some culture in you country.It will be very interesting.
The last day will be the happiest day.We will go to the beach,swimming,going to a picnic there.After that,I have got to go.
I think we will enjoy ourselves,I'll telephone you as soon as I arrive.



Dear Peter:
Hi, Peter! I'm Huang Hong. How are you?
I made a new friend, his name is George. He is 15 years old now. His home is in America. He is extroverted. He is friendly to us and he gets on very well with my classmates. He is very nice, he often helps us with our English. He likes do some sports and he is good at playing chess. All of my classmates also think he is friendly and nice, we are all like him.
What do you think of him? Would you like to be his friend? I think he must would love to be your friend, too!

Yours, Huang Hong


Dear English-Club,
I am LanFang. I was bron on 1999,6 -7. I like English very much. I always talk with my friends by English. I am interested in English. I usually watch English movies , such as ,, and so on.Since I watched ,I wanted to go to Britain. I am so interested in English that I want to join the English-Club. I think that I will broaden my mind ,enrich my knowlodgy and make friends if I join you.
(Wish you every success in the future!)可有可无

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