
作者&投稿:称厘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.在大多数情况下,交通事故都是由于司机的疏忽大意造成的。(arise from/out of)
2.从某种意义上说,现在的学生对传统教学方法的反应不佳。(in a sense,respond)
3.在有些山区,猎人们打猎时总是先将野兽围拢在一起。(round up)
5.这家工厂的工人平均每天工作八小时。据估计,如果技术上有重大改进的话,他们就不必工作那么长时间。(on average,estimate,significant)

1、In most situations,traffic accidents are arise from/out of the negligence of drivers'.
2.In a sense(to some extent),current students respond terribly to the traditional teaching methods.
3.In some mountain areas,hunters always round beasts up when they are hunting.
4.If you are discontented to our goods within 7 days after buying,we guarantee to pay you back,full amount.
5.Workers in this factory work 8 hours per day on average.According to estimate,if there is a significant technologic improvement,they need not to work such long time.

In most cases ,traffic accidents arese from drivers' carelessness.

Speaking in a sense,nowadays students have a bad respond to traditional teaching.

In some mountainous areas ,hunters often round up the animal first.

If you didn't satisfied with our goods in 7 days,we guarantee to send back your payment.

Workers in this factory work 8 hours per day on average.According to the estimate,if there is a significant amelioration,they don't need to work a so long time.

1.In most cases,traffic accidents arise form the drivers ' negligence.
2.In a sense, the students nowadays don't respond too much to the traditional teaching methods.
3.In some mountainous areas, the hunters always round up the wild animals first when they're hunting.
4.If you're not satisfied with our foods within 7 days,we guarantee that all the money will be refund.
5.The workers in this factory work 8 hours on average everyday. It is estimated that if there is a siginificant improvement in techology, they don't have to work for so long time.

In most cases, traffic accidents arise from the driver's negligence .
2. In a sense, students nowdays don't respond well to traditional teaching methods .
3. In some mountain areas, the hunters always round up the wild animals first when they're hunting.
4. If you are not satisfied with our goods , we guarantee full refund back to you within 7 days.
5. The factory workers work on an average of eight hours a day. It is estimated that if there is an major technical improvement, they do not have to work so long hours.

1 In most cases, traffic accident arises from the carelessness of the drivers.
2 In a sense, the students nowadays don't respond well towards the traditional teaching methods.
3 In some mountainious areas, hunter round the beast up before the hunting start.
4 If you doesn't satisfy the purchase after 7 days, we guarantee to turn all your payment back.
5 The worker works 8 hours per day on average. According to the estimate, if significant improvement in the technology has taken place, they don't have to work for such a long time.


It sounds like an extraordinary experience for you to work as a volunteer in poverty-stricken areas in rural China.




本品内含:12cmX6cm 两张

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