高分!请高手帮忙翻译10句,中译英,好的再追加悬赏 [高分翻译] 人工 中译英 翻译的好可以追加悬赏 4

作者&投稿:伍婷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1, the "million" is the name of the currency, the Asian financial crisis, did not devalue the yuan as the West is expected rather more firmness than before.

2、明年人民币的升值压力将会有所减少。2, the pressure on China to revalue the renminbi next year will be reduced. 外国投资的流入速度正在变得缓慢起来。The inflow of foreign investments is becoming slow speed up. 出口增长的减少将使中国贸易顺差缩小,其结果是中国的国际收支状况将肯定变坏。Export growth will reduce China's trade surplus narrowed, the result of China's international balance of payments situation will certainly deteriorate.

3、商业银行的主要职能之一是为商品的生产与流通提供短期资金。3, a commercial bank and one of its major functions is to provide short-term capital goods production and circulation.

4、在西方发达国家有两种财务报表是最基本的:一种是收入报表或盈亏报表,另一种是资产负债表。4, the Western countries have two : one is the most basic financial statements or profit and loss statements, income statements. Another is the balance sheet. 资产负债表列出了公司资产和负债的财务报表,能显示一个公司的经营状况和财务状况。The balance sheet presents the company's assets and liabilities in financial statements, will show a company's business condition and financial status.

5、银行最重要的特征是,它能吸收存款和发放贷款,而一般非银行金融机构是不能这样做的。5, Bank of the most important features is that it can attract deposits and loans. and the general non-bank financial institutions are unable to do so.

6、美国“格拉斯-斯蒂高尔法案”(Glass-Steagall Act)不允许美国商业银行从事投资银行业务。6. The United States, "Glass-Steagall Act" (Glass-Steagall Act), do not allow the United States commercial banks engaged in investment banking.

7、虽然竞争日益激烈,但英美的投资银行仍能赚到很多的钱,这是为什么呢?7, although competition is becoming increasingly fierce, but the British and American investment banks can earn a lot of money, which is why? 有一种解释是:股票包销业务仍能依赖发行者与银行之间的密切关系,这使得竞争者很难挤进来。One explanation is this : The stock underwriting business can rely on the close relationship between the issuer and the banks. It is difficult to squeeze competitors to make.

8、在英国有牵头包销者(lead underwriter),通常为投资银行来帮助安排股票发行事宜。8, the lead underwriter in the United Kingdom (lead underwriter). usually stock issue arranged for investment banks to help matters. 但在实施过程中,牵头包销者会充分重视分包销商(sub-unerwriters)以及机构投资者的作用。But in the process of its implementation, lead underwriters will pay full attention to sub-underwriters (sub-unerwriters) and the role of institutional investors.

9、在美国付给股票包销者的费用是比较高的,部分原因是美国的高营销成本。9, stock underwriters in the United States to pay the cost is relatively high, partly because of the high marketing cost to the United States.

10、大多数股票发行者为老字号的大企业。10, and most of the stocks were issued for the oldest name in large enterprises. 它们很少抱怨包销费用的多少。They seldom complain about the amount underwriters. 但从另一方面看,由于这些强有力的大客户,投资银行在其他服务领域,如兼并咨询费方面被迫减少了费用收入。From another perspective, as these big and powerful clients, investment banking services in other areas. being forced to reduce costs as merger advisory revenue.
1, lowering the average age of the population, income growth to create favorable conditions for the development of the life insurance industry.
2、美国国际保险集团是美国最大的商业和工业承保商,但它的运营收入的50%来自海外的经营。2, American International Insurance Group is the nation's largest commercial and industrial insurance business. but 50% of its operating income from overseas operations.
3、共同保险是指由几家保险公司共同分担保险单中的风险。3, co-insurance is shared by several insurance companies, the insurance risk.
4、债务保险是一种新的保险业务。4, debt insurance is a new business. 有人说,中国的保险公司还没有开展这种保险业务。Some people say that China's insurance companies have not carried out such insurance.
5、债券与股票都是证券,但两者有区别。5, stocks and bonds are securities, but there is a distinction between them. 最本质的区别是:债券是债务凭证,而股票则是所有权的证明。Notes : The essential difference is the debt instruments, while the stock is evidence of title.
6、股市分两种,一种叫“牛市”,指股票价格持续上扬的股票市场;另一种叫“熊市”,指股价不断下跌的股票市场。6, the stock market at the two, called a "bull market," referring to the stock market share prices continued to rise; Another is "bearish" referring to the falling stock market prices.
7、成100股的股票交易称之为“整份购买”。7, the 100 shares of stock transactions called "the whole purchase." 少于100股的股票购买称之为“零星购买”。Less than 100 shares of stock as "sporadic buying." 零星购买时,“投资者”要交较高的费用。Sporadic buying, "investors" have to pay a higher fee.
8、除付股票价格外,购买者还得向经济商行(brokerage firm)支付服务佣金,佣金一般是股票交易总价值的1-2%。8, the stock price was paid, economy buyers need to firms (brokerage firm) payment services commission The commission is generally 1-2% of the total value of stock transactions.
9、造成泰国金融危机的原因不少,其中主要的有:严重的经常项目逆差、泰铢的过早自由兑换,以及短期外国投机资本流入过多。9, the Thai financial crisis caused by many reasons, chief of which are : the current account deficit. Premature free convertibility of the Thai baht and excessive short-term foreign speculative capital inflows.
10、经济学中长期争论的一个问题是:固定汇率是否优于浮动汇率?10, the long-term economics is an issue of dispute : whether it is superior to a fixed exchange rate floating exchange rate? 对此问题作出过分简单的回答是不适当的,因为无论哪种汇率都是不完美的,它们都有自己的优点和缺点。The simple answer to this question is too much inappropriate, because no matter what the exchange rate is not perfect. They have their own advantages and disadvantages.
1, the fixed rate or floating rate are not a substitute for sound macroeconomic policies. 这些政策显然包括货币政策和财政政策。Clearly these policies, including monetary policy and fiscal policy.
2、由于最近泰国实施了一些极端的控制手段,泰国银行已不被允许向进行投机的外国投资者出售投资者出售其本国货币,外国投资者也不能再出售泰国股票换成泰铢。2, due to the recent implementation of the extreme means of control in Thailand. Bank of Thailand has not allowed foreign investors to sell speculative investors to sell their own currencies, Thailand could no longer sell shares to foreign investors into the Thai baht.
3、联邦储备银行系统(简称“美联储”)是美国的中央银行,其职能是:政府的银行、银行的银行、发行的银行和执行货币政策。3, the Federal Reserve Bank System ( "Federal Reserve Board") is the Central Bank of the United States, whose function is : bank Bank of banks, issuing banks and the implementation of monetary policy.
4、在美国有12格联邦储备区,每个区都设有一个联邦储备银行。4, 12 Georgia in the United States Federal Reserve districts, each have a Federal Reserve Bank. 为协调这12个联储银行的业务活动,在首都华盛顿建立了联邦储备委员会。This 12 Federal Reserve banks for the coordination of operational activities, the establishment of the Federal Reserve Board in Washington.
5、公开市场操作涉及到对政府证券的买卖,政府证券包括短期国库券(treasury bills)和长期债券两种。5, the open market operation involving the sale of government securities. Treasuries, including short-term government securities (treasury bills) and two long-term bonds. 出售这些证券可以减少货币供应,而当购买这些证券时可以使利率下减,增加货币供应,从而加快经济发展。These securities may be sold to reduce the money supply and interest rates when buying these securities can be lowered under increasing money supply, in order to accelerate economic development.
6、美联储除用贴现政策、存款准备金、公开市场业务这些传统的执行货币政策工具外,近几年来还越来越多地使用利率来调节货币供应量。6, in addition to the Federal Reserve discount policy, the deposit reserve requirement, the implementation of the open market operations of these traditional tools of monetary policy, In recent years also increasingly using interest rates to regulate money supply.
7、银行破产经常让政府感到恐惧,因此不少国家的政府创立了存款保险计划,如成立存款保险公司。7, bankruptcy often let the banks fear the government, the governments of many countries are founded a deposit insurance scheme. If the establishment of Deposit Insurance Corporation. 这样做的目的是为了保护储户使他们免受因银行破产所带来的损害。Their purpose in doing so is to protect depositors and keep them from the damage caused by the insolvency of banks.
8、呆帐、坏帐问题不能小看,这些问题会导致一连串银行破产的发生。8, so the problem of bad debts should not be underestimated, which will lead to a series of bank insolvencies from happening. 资本充足标准就是在此背景下产生的。Capital Adequacy Standards in the background. 该标准要求银行留出一定数量的钱以便在银行资产价值失去时保护存款人和债权人的利益。The standards require banks to set aside a certain amount of money in the bank to protect the value of the assets lost when the interests of depositors and creditors.
9、一些借款人不付利息,甚至不能付还本金,这是商业面临的风险。9, some borrowers do not pay interest, not even on repayment of principal, which is the commercial risk. 为对付这种风险,按国际标准,银行必须至少留出相当其贷款组合价值的8%。To counter this risk, in accordance with international standards, banks are required to set aside at least 8% of the value of their loan portfolios quite. 世界上不少银行家认为此标准业已过时,一些银行管理者也觉得有关的国际资本充足规定必须现代化,以适应新的已改变了的形势。Many of the world's bankers that this standard has been outdated Some managers also feel that the international capital adequacy requirements must be modernized to meet the new situation has changed.
10、银行提供的贷款有风险,但风险并不一致。10, the bank's lending risk, but risk is not unanimous. 对政府和金融机构的贷款风险肯定比向一般企业的贷款风险要小。Loans to the government and financial institutions to risk than the risk of loans to small businesses in general. 即使向企业的贷款风险也有差别。Even if there are differences in the risk of loans to enterprises. 对盈利甚丰的公司的贷款几乎没有风险,而向一个亏损企业的贷款风险则一定很大。HSBC profit for the company's credit almost no risk to the risk of loans is certainly a great loss.

1, 无论在固定汇率还是浮动汇率都不能取代完好的宏观经济政策。这些政策显然包括货币政策和财政政策。
Neither the fixed exchange rate nor the floating exchange rate can replace the perfect macro-economic policies including monetary policies and fiscal policies obviously.
For Thailand fulfilled some extreme controls recently, Thailand banks are not allowed to sale its currency to foreign arbitrage investors, and foreign investors can no longer exchange their Thailand stocks into Thai Baht.
[疑问] 泰国银行已不被允许向进行投机的“外国投资者出售投资者”出售其本国货币,引号中什么意思?“出售泰国股票换成泰铢”建议改成“把泰国股票换成泰铢”
Federal Reserve System (briefly called “FRS”) is the central bank of America, whose functions are governmental banks, banker's banks, banks of circulation, and conduction of monetary policies.
There are 12 Federal Reserve Districts (FRD) in US with one Federal Reserve Bank per district. To coordinate 12 FRD’s business, Federal Reserve Board (FRB) was established in US capital-Washington.
5、公开市场操作涉及到对政府证券的买卖,政府证券包括短期国库券(treasury bills)和长期债券两种。出售这些证券可以减少货币供应,而当购买这些证券时可以使利率下减,增加货币供应,从而加快经济发展。
Open market operations involve in the exchange of government securities including two kinds as treasury bills and treasury bonds. The sale of these securities may reduce the money supply, while buying of these securities may reduce the interest rate, increase money supply and results in the promotion of economic development.
Besides the traditional monetary fulfillment policies such as discount policies, preparatory deposit system, and open market operations, FRS also regulates money supply using interest rate more and more in recent years.
Bank insolvency often makes the government feel afraid, thus the governments of many countries set up deposit insurance schemes such as setting up deposit insurance companies. The aim is to avoid the damages to the depositors brought by bank insolvencies.
Bad accounts and bad debts can not be neglected for these problems may result in serials bank insolvencies, and capital adequacy standard generates under this background. This standard demands the banks to reserve enough money to protect the interests of the depositors and the debt-holders when the bank asset value loses.
Some borrowers do not pay the interest even the principal; it is the risk business faced to. According to national standard, the banks must remain at least 8% of their loan combined value to counter this risk. Many bankers in the world think that this standard has been out-of-date, and some bank managers also think that relative international capital adequacy regulations should be modernized to adapt new situations.
The loans provided by the banks have different risks. Certainly, the loan risk of governments and financial institutions is less than that of common enterprises, and the loan risk is also different among different enterprises. Loan of profit-making companies seldom has risks, while that of a loss-making enterprise often has many risks.

答案:1,Can't replace intact macroscopic economic policy in fixed rate of exchange still floating rate of exchangeses regardless.These policies include the monetary policy and public finance policy obviously.
2,The The Because the Thailand carried the out some the extreme control the meanses recently, the the the the Thai the the bank had the the already the been the the not allow the the toward the the the the foreign investor the the that the carries the the on a the the speculation the to the the sell investor the the to the sell the the its native currency, the the the the foreign the investor can't the sell again the a Thai the stock to the change Baht, either.
3,The The The federal storage bank system(the the the brief name"the the the beautiful keep") is an American National Central Bank, the the its working talent BE:the the The bank of the bank of the bank, the the bank of the government, issue and performance monetary policy.
4,There are 12 space federal storage areas in the United States, each areas establish a federal storage bank.The In order to moderate the business activity that this is 12 s keeps banks, at capital city Washington built up the federal storage committee.
5,The open market operation involve to to the business of the government stock certificate, the government stock certificate includes the short-term treasury note(the treasury bills) and long-term bond two.Sell these stock certificates can reduce the currency supply, but while purchasing these stock certificates can make the interest rate descend to reduce, increase the currency supply, speed the economy development thus.
6,The beautiful keep in addition to using to discount these traditional performance monetary policy tools of policy,the savings reserve,the open market businesses, in the last few years still more and more the usage interest rate to regulate the currency supply quantity.
7,The bank bankruptcy usually lets the government feel fear, so not a few governments of nations established the savings insurance plan, if established savings insurance company.The purpose of do like this is for the sake of the protection to keep a door to keep them from be subjected to because the damage bring by the bank bankruptcy.
8,The delinquent debt,the bad loan problem can't despise, these problems will cause a series of occurrence that the banks bankrupt.Capital the ample standard be under this background to produce.That standard requests bank to stay a money of certain quantity in order to at the bank property value lose protect the � of the depositor and creditor?
9,Some borrow funds a person and don't pay interest, even can't pay to recover capital invested a gold, this is the risk that the business face.In order to deal with this kind of risk, press international standard, the bank has to be stayed equal its loan to combine value at least of 8%.Not a few bankers think in the world this standard are already dated, some bank governors also feel the relevant international capital ample provision has to be modern to adapt lately of have already changed of situation.
10,The loan that the bank provide contain risk, but the risk combine inconformity.BE affirmative to the loan risk of the government and the financing institution the ratio wants to be small toward the loan risk of the general business enterprise.Even also has difference toward the loan risk of the business enterprise.To earnings the loan of the very plentiful company almost has no risk, but toward a loan risk that losses in business a business enterprise is then certainly very big.



8. Bad and doubtful debts are not to be overlooked, these can often lead to a chain of bankrupcy. The concept of adequate capital was born under these circumstances. It states that banks must have enough monetary reserve to protect depositors and creditors when the bank's assets depreciate in value.

9. Debtors who do not pay interest or cannot pay back the base loan pose high commercial risks. To counter these risks, banks must reserve 8% of the total value of the loan to comply with international standards. Many international bankers believe these standards are no longer appropriate, and several bank manages also believe relevant international capital adequacy policies should be adapted to serve under modern economic circumstances.

10. Bank loans pose risks, however, these risks are spread unevenly amongst borrowers. Lending to goverment and financial institutions clearly poses less risk than lending to average businesses. Inconsistencies exist even amongst large enterprises. There is almost no risk lending to a profitable company, whereas the risk of lending to a firm incurring an economic loss is significantly larger.


[高分翻译] 人工 中译英 翻译的好可以追加悬赏 2~

Stand up also accompanied by cold sweat only with tears streaming down. Just outside the door with the existence of a strong sense that she's afraid to turn around very frightened, it is fortunate that she did not look back, otherwise, she will see a pale and long and pointed fingernails woman's hand (or can be said to as the claws) from 402 micro-room door opened slowly to reach out to in, and that hand is obviously the goal of Fiona. If she was back, and that she has no energy or no chance to open the door and ran away.

Hard-won emotional stability efforts Fiona finally stood up, and inadvertently to the hall to see the clock, then just point to 11 o'clock the whole clock, and Fiona did not know is that the corridor outside the room where all the street lights went out transient , no longer be able to light up!

Frightened by Fiona has not just the joy of home, but the fastest bath, back bedroom, closed the door after the lights are turned off to bed, and blankets to cover themselves from head to toe are is Yan-Yan In fact, for fear that it is exposed skin. She just want to fall asleep quickly, so that those who forget her uneasy. However, although she tired, but in any case can not sleep, as long as I closed my eyes, she will think of 402 rooms of the half-open door.

Fiona has been hiding on this nest, I would like to fall asleep quickly, but they dare not even close their eyes, thinking mind repeatedly mentioned what happened the evening, as well as the words of Ivo,More and more disturbed, but also want to more fear. Fiona did not leave some regret Cara own, and also more personal courage, good! Perhaps also, she really should not be considered not to think about buying the house on, as Cara said, such a good house is sold so cheap, more or less will always be some problems, and she really The decision should not be so anxious to ah!

Time has already gone through the 12 o'clock midnight, the whole room is quiet frightening, suffocating quiet, she is the only way to hear their carefully suppressed breathing. Suddenly, a long iron gate open, "Twist-squeak" sound coming from outside. Although Fiona in their own bedroom and closed the door, and choke the first quilt, but in this quiet night, it was exceptionally clear voice, harsh and introgression. Fiona became a rigid body, if she heard correctly, this is her house to open the iron gate of the voice. However, at this late hour, who will? Suddenly, Ivo, then another surfaced in her mind "after 11 o'clock, if it happened outside, even if tens of millions of people also ah knock on the door," Yes, can not go out! Fiona has done quite a few deep breath, hard to think about to jump out of their throat heart.

"Knock, knock, knock," a cold, there is no temperature moment the rules of the knock on the door shattered Fiona done before all of the psychological line of defense. Her eyes wide open with horror, the rapid contraction of the pupil, and knock on the door at the moment of death as a reminder of the spirit of music in general is almost the collapse of her. Cold sweat on his forehead slowly down along the body can not exercise restraint and to tremble in the wind like a残叶, she can even hear their teeth playing collisions with each other in times of war "was a" sound, as well as their rapid heartbeats.

Knock on the door outside the rules still have to continue, and those who knock on the door (perhaps not a person) seems to be much patience do not intend to leave. Fiona trembling with cold sweat that has soaked their hands cover your lips with a little jitter in order to prevent their own voice, the tears poured out of fear Momin already covered with her pale face.

"Fishy!" Her mind suddenly emerge out of these two terror-stricken people of the word. After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door? Leaving aside the fact that she did not know this, and even friends, Cara and only know the address of her new home, ah, with toes like that can not be a Cara. And if a thief or bandit, he will virtually be impossible for such a "courtesy" to knock on the door to the. It was also unlikely to engage in such low-level prank to tease her ah!

I do not know how long it had, knock on the door finally stopped, Fiona has been hiding in a house move is still not speak, she sent a little fear that their own voices, that time again that I do not know the door is a ghost of the "things" back to the cited . As if a century had for so long, or no movement outside. In determining that no longer knock on the door sounded, the entire body have been wet cold of the Fiona, only courage opened quietly in a corner of the quilt, looked scared to secretly Zhang. Although she dreads to see some of their own will not see "things", but did not personally confirm the safety of their own, she can not feel at ease ah! A dark room, only going from bad to worse from the input of the window to the room the moonlight cast a layer of blue Yam strange.

西西 翻译的对么

That pair have long fingernails, such as chicken feet as pale and slightly curly hand with the fingers to support the ground, the blood red sleeve, Cara can even see the green from the blood vessels black skin Lane revealed, the dark, can not say terrible.
She did not rise, the long and strange black ground cover in front of her face, Cara a tightening of the stomach, before she sick of the scene, she is now best hope is that the woman should not hold his head high and do not move, intuition told her that he must not think of her face. May not like what she had hoped the development of the woman slowly raised his head, as she moves slowly also long hours to both sides of the same revealed her pale face to see to Cara. Not! It can not be called a watch, Cara can not help but to scream out of control out of the woman and not only the white of the eye pupil, as Sensen, it is crazy terrorist. With the screaming Cara, That Ghost (Cara has identified the identity of her will not doubt that she is not a ghost) mouth laugh, Cara can not see her mouth with teeth, there just seems to see the end of phagocytosis of the people of the black throat, with laughter, his face pale Road together with the sudden appearance of a wound, the blood suddenly filled with the laughing face grimace. That expression of extreme and distorted sound, Cara can not imagine a more terrible than this scene, she would like to escape, but the body just like the filling of the lead can not be moved, and then, Cara sit and look at those hair fiercely burst long entangled from his throat, slowly tightened until her black eyes, then I can not breathe ... ...
Cara final in a perception of the screen is not that only the white of the eye pupil and her ghost is looking at the face-to-face distance ..
Cara suddenly collapsed, so we know what to do in the way to the hospital, Cara died, the cause of death because the heart of detached shock, who do not know when Cara collapsed in the end the experience of what, who do not know Cara when in the collapsed to see what in the end.

Fiona from Cara day passed away, then she bought it to sell houses because and kill her own best friend, everything, it seems, seems to have ended, can be all it seems only a beginning.

Six months later, Fiona work at home, read the newspaper at home when a newspaper found that news, the XX District XX City, XX Street, on the 13th of the 401 and 402 rooms and the XX City CC District CC Street on the 13th of 401, Room 402 Patinopecten successive gangs homicide, the death toll so far has been more than 14 people, 3 missing, and has yet to find missing persons, of which 14 were suffocated dead, lifeless great terror weapon for extremely long hair, the current The police investigation was in full swing, I hope members of the public after 23:00 will not go out, or knock on the door to alert strangers, it's best not to open the door, if there are any clues or information on this event source with the police, please contact . Grateful we are talking about. Thank you with.

Fiona put down the newspaper, when she caught in the midst of meditation, the emergence of a doubt in her mind, why is' it 'expands the scope of? And on at this time, all of a sudden, "knock, knock, knock "a cold, and no rules temperature knock on the door once again sounded outside her home ...

".. F.i.. O .... N.a? .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ..."

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哪位高手可以帮忙翻译一些句子 中译英
答:10)I always suspect my bad ball skills, however,it`s just because i don`t have a huge ass.11)the following student will be a good explanation of making every effort to dedication.12)many times, there would be many magic actions in the playgrand, just as...13)Final reminde...

答:我好长时间没见到安了,我都快忘了她长什么样了。2. You have to make a choice. Are you going to leave the job or stay?你不得不做个选择。你想走人(辞职)还是留下来?3. Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was still able to make a phone call.尽管司机在车祸中受...

答:1.他对目前的工作感到心满意足。She is content with her present work.2.现代科技已将人们从繁重的家务中解放出来。(free...from)Modern technology has freed people from heavy housework.3.安妮尽一切可能使婚姻不致破裂。(fall apart)Annie tried her best not to make her marriage fall apart...

答:9.The moment we got to the theater, the film has started.10.He said that he would get the final victory.11.By the end of this year,I will finish this project.12.It has been snowing since last Saturday.13.The teacher told us that light goes faster than sound.可以不 ...

答:Mr. Smith busy, He was replaced by his secretary to the meeting. 7. not followed by chocolate. This will affect your meals\'s appetite. 8. Doctors recommend bed rest for three days I. 9. Sarah Jane and I have not identified. They shape elephants. 10. Finally the family d...

答:10.我刚刚读完一本从一种新的视角研究莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的有趣的书。(approach)I have just read an interesting book from a new approaching about Shakespeare.11.当别人遇到困难是,约翰会毫不犹豫地提供帮助(not hesitate for a second)When somebody else are in difficulties, John won'...

答:suspending on the ceiling.7. They still keep in touch with each other since graduation.8. You'd better not arrange them on two close seats.9. They only have one week to go for the prizes awarding ceremony.10. You can apprecitate the high-qualified music with this MP3....

答:5.祝您今天愉快 : Have a nice day.6.您说什么 : Pardon me? / Sorry, you were saying...?7.试试看 : Have a go at it. / Give it a try.8.不要紧 : It's okay. / Don't worry about it.9.给我打个电话 : Give me a call. / Call me.10.当然 : Of course.11.放松...