
作者&投稿:晁辉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium)

The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. In 2002 Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog & de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design & Research Group to win the competition. The stadium will seat as many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics, but this will be reduced to 80,000 after the games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. The stadium is 330 metres long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The 250,000 square metre (gross floor area) stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tonnes. The stadium will cost up to 3.5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). The ground was broken in December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in August 2004.

In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs. The construction of the Olympic buildings will continue once again in the beginning of 2005.

In depth
The stadium's appearance is one of synergy, with no distinction made between the facade and the superstructure. The structural elements mutually support each other and converge into a grid-like formation - almost like a bird's nest with its interwoven twigs. The spatial effect of the stadium is novel and radical, yet simple and of an almost archaic immediacy, thus creating a unique historical landmark for the Olympics of 2008.

The stadium was conceived as a large collective vessel, which makes a distinctive and unmistakable impression both from a distance and when seen from up close. It meets all the functional and technical requirements of an Olympic National Stadium, but without communicating the insistent sameness of technocratic architecture dominated by large spans and digital screens.

Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs full circle around the stands. From there, one can survey the circulation of the entire area including the stairs that access the three tiers of the stands. Functioning like an arcade or a concourse, the lobby is a covered urban space with restaurants and stores that invite visitors to stroll around. Just as birds stuff the spaces between the woven twigs of their nests with a soft filler, the spaces in the structure of the stadium will be filled with inflated ETFE cushions. Originally, on the roof, the cushions were to be mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof completely weatherproof, but the roof has been omitted from the design in 2004.

While the rain was to be collected for rainwater recuperation, the sunlight was to filter through the translucent roof, providing the lawn with essential ultraviolet radiation. On the facade, the inflated cushions will be mounted on the inside of the structure where necessary, e.g. to provide wind protection. Since all of the facilities -- restaurants, suites, shops and restrooms -- are all self-contained units, it is possible to do largely without a solid, enclosed facade. This allows for natural ventilation of the stadium, which is the most important aspect of the stadium's sustainable design.

The sliding roof was an integral part of the stadium structure. When it was to be closed, it would have converted the stadium into a covered arena; however, the sliding roof was eliminated in an effort to cut costs and increase overall safety of the radical new structure.

Beijing National Stadium
Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium

Facility statistics
Location Beijing
Broke ground Dec 2003
Opened Unknown
Closed N/A
Demolished N/A
Surface Grass
Construction cost 3.5 billion yuan
Architect Herzog & de Meuron

Seating capacity
91,000 (80,000 Post Olympics)

位于北京的鸟巢建筑面积为25.8万平方米,其外形结构主要由巨大的门式钢架组成。所用钢材名为Q460EZ235,这种钢的强度是普通钢材的两倍,性能达到最高级别。这种钢材完全由我国自主创新研发生产。 这种钢集刚强、柔韧特点于一体,保证了“鸟巢”在承受最大460兆帕的外力时不变形。这意味着如果北京遭遇1976年唐山大地震一样的地震,“鸟巢”依然能保持原状。



【제가 가장 숭배하고 존경하는 우상은 몸은 불구지만 의지는 견정하고 불요불굴의 "우주대왕"하드겐(Hodgen)입니다.】
【하드겐(Hodgen)은 영국 옥스퍼드(Oxford)에서 출생하고 옥스퍼드대학과 케임브리지 대학을 졸업하고 동시에 케임브리지 대학에서 박사 학위를 수여 받았다.】
【21살 나든해 불행하게도 근육을 위축시키는 루게릭병(Lou Gehrig's disease)에 걸렸다.그래서 휠체에 몸을 고정할 수 밖에 없었다.오직 두손가락만 움직일 뿐이였다.1985년 폐염으로 기관지 수술을 진행하게 되어 말할수 있는 기능을 잃게 되었다.】
【그러나 이는 그를 무느터리지 못했다.과학의 성과에서 역사이래 가장 걸출한 과학가의 한 사람으로 되었다.그의 공헌은 20여년 루게릭병으로 휠체에서 고정된 상황하에서 완성했다.이는 진정한 전무후무한 사연이다.】
【그의 공헌은 인류의 관념에 심원한 영향을 가져다 주고있다.】
【아인스탄 후에 나타난 세계상에서 가장 저명한 과학 사상가이고 가장 걸출한 이론 물리학가이다.】

那此授权委托书,他明确指定,Sgoumpopoulos Konstantinos及其构成,父亲的名字Alexios和母亲名叫玛格丽塔,商人,出生在雅典,在1970年,12 Dionysou Ekali Attikis街,因为他特别检察官与人身上,以文件可能正确,特别授权委托,为:吸收入,连同一个或更多的个人或法律实体(公司等)、有限责任公司在希腊据希腊法律,他将参加并获得股份的比例是16%(16%),它的首都。公司的宗旨将研制、开发、生产和贸易的优质葡萄酒等。签署和执行组织章程大纲及细则,指定的公司,特别是中央机构的目的,其定义、方向和管理的公司,其股本,参与的损益,公司同意任何条款和协议的作用,看看这个出版公司的章程大纲及章程对公司根据希腊法律,支付他的百分比的股本,做一切必要和适当的法律和运作的公司,在任何条款或协议,确定他会考虑他的审判中适当、公平、合理,依照《中华人民共和国法律,并给予任何希腊当局权力、命令和应采取一切行动的一体化公司。


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