
作者&投稿:帅胥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1、Everyone has the responsibility to protect the environment. It seems that environmental protection is far away from us, but it is always around us. The problem of environmental pollution can not be ignored.
2、To protect the environment, I have the following suggestions: we should cherish energy and not waste water and electricity resources; we should take good care of greening, not picking flowers and plants, not trampling on grass, not cutting trees; we should not create too much waste, such as plastic bags, and use as little as possible; we should know how to use waste, and useless newspapers, magazines, bottles, etc. should be sent to the purchasing station for waste recycling.
3、We should pay attention to environmental hygiene, not spitting, not littering, fruit debris should be put into the dustbin. These are all the ways that we can and should do.


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