
作者&投稿:翟磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


One of my favorite dishes is sweet and sour pork loin. When I think of sweet and sour pork loin, my mouth water will come out. Wash the tenderloin and cut it into strips. Add appropriate amount of salt, white beard powder, egg white and ginger juice, mix well, marinate for a while, and then sprinkle with raw powder.


Then fry in an oil pan. After frying, use another pan, put the ketchup, sugar and a little water. After boiling, add a little starch water. Cook until the soup thickens and turn off the heat. Quickly pour the fried tenderloin and stir-fried rice. Sprinkle sesame seeds.


Don't say eat, just take a look at this sweet and cool tenderloin, and it makes people drool.



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