用英语写自己的偶像赵丽颖 英语作文偶像赵丽颖50字

作者&投稿:员妮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
My idol Zhao Liying


I have a friend named zhaoliying. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. I liked her.

I have a friend named zhaoliying. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. I liked her

答:My idol My idol is Zhao li yin. She is a talent singer.She can play many instrument.For example,She can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the small love in big city","Kiss ...

答:我的偶像赵丽颖的英语小作文,不少于60词,初中生 展开  我来答 你的回答被采纳后将获得: 系统奖励15(财富值+成长值)+难题奖励30(财富值+成长值)2个回答 #热议# 公司那些设施可以提高员工幸福感?匿名用户 2015-10-18 展开全部 My idol My idol is Zhao li yin. She is a talent singer.She can...

答:the act<,she joined in the ><。 2013年. 我最喜欢的演员赵丽颖赵丽颖;s search. 2006 year she was join in the Yahoo',因为出演《新还珠格格》中的晴儿一角受到关注,Chinese new actress;qiner a act got some notice;actress;Kneeling family >s advertised. 2011 year;2013 year;years go...

答:Zhao Liying, born in Langfang City, Hebei Province on October 16, 1987, is a film and television actress in mainland China.赵丽颖,1987年10月16日出生于河北省廊坊市,中国内地影视女演员。In 2015, the starring Xianxia drama "flower thousand bones" set a ratings record for weekly ...

答:have a friend named zhaoliying. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a ...

答:loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. I liked her ...

答:loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. I liked her.

答:many awards.So,many people like this girl.赵丽颖是一个出色的演员。她1987年10月16日出生于河北省廊坊市。赵丽颖努力向上,充满了正能量,前后出演过《陆贞传奇》,《追鱼传奇》,《杉杉来了》等电视剧,一致获得好评。还被评为2014年“金鹰女神”,此外还获得了许多奖项。所以,很多人喜欢这个女孩。

答:我的偶像赵丽颖 My idol Zhao Liying

答:赵丽颖的脸型是比较瘦的而且很小的那种,她的五官很漂亮,又直又挺的鼻梁,圆圆的双眼皮大眼睛,嘴巴的话我觉得所有明星都一个样,这没什么好说的 Zhao Liying's face is quite thin and very little of that, her facial features is very beautiful, straight and pretty nose, round big eyes ...