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作者&投稿:休清 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





A vacuum cleaner is a device that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually from floors. Most homes with carpeted floors in developed countries possess a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. The dirt is collected by a filtering system or a cyclone for later disposal.



A vacuum's suction is caused by a difference in air pressure. A pump reduces the pressure inside the tube. Atmospheric pressure then pushes the air through the carpet and into the tube, and so the dust is literally pushed into the bag.

Tests have shown that vacuuming can kill 100% of young fleas and 96% of adult fleas.



Vacuum cleaner configurations:

* Upright vacuum cleaners take the form of a cleaning head, onto which a handle and bag are attached. Upright designs usually employ a rotating brush-roll, which removes dirt through a combination of sweeping and vibration. There are two types of upright vacuums; dirty-fan/direct air, or clean-fan/indirect air.

The older of the two designs, dirty-fan cleaners have a large impellor (fan) mounted close to the suction opening, through which the dirt passes directly, before being blown into a bag. The motor is often cooled by a separate cooling fan. Due to their large-bladed fans, and comparatively-short air-paths, dirty-air cleaners create a very efficient airflow from a low amount of power, and make great carpet cleaners. Their 'above-floor' cleaning power is less efficient, since the airflow is lost when it passes through a long hose.

Clean-fan uprights have their motor mounted after the bag. Dust is removed from the airstream by the bag, and usually a filter, before it passes through the fan. The fans are smaller, and are usually a combination of several moving and stationary turbines working in sequence to boost power. The motor is cooled by the airstream passing through it. Clean-air vacuums are good for both carpet and above-floor cleaning, since their suction does not significantly diminish over the distance of a hose, as it does in dirty-fan cleaners. However, their air-paths are much less efficient, and can require more than twice as much power than dirty-fan cleaners to achieve the same results.

The most common upright vacuum cleaners use a drive-belt powered by the suction motor to rotate the brush-roll. However, a less common design of dual motor upright, often found in commercial vacuum cleaners, is available. In these cleaners, the suction is provided via a large motor, while the brush-roll is powered by a separate, smaller motor, which does not create any suction. The brush-roll motor can sometimes be switched off, so hard floors can be cleaned without the brush-roll scattering the dirt. It may also have an automatic cut-out feature, which shuts the motor off if the brush-roll becomes jammed, protecting it from damage.

* Canister (or cylinder) designs have the motor and bag in a separate canister unit (usually mounted on wheels) connected to the vacuum head by a flexible hose. Although upright units have been tested as more effective (mainly because of the beaters), the lighter, more maneuverable heads of canister models are popular. Some upmarket canister models have "power heads", which contain the same sort of mechanical beaters as in upright units, although such beaters are driven by a separate electric motor.

* Wet vacs or wet/dry vacuums—a specialized form of the canister vacuum—can be used to clean up wet or liquid spills. They commonly can accommodate both wet and dry soilage; some are also equipped with a switch or exhaust port for reversing the airflow, a useful function for everything from clearing a clogged hose to blowing dust into a corner for easy collection.

* Back-pack vacs are commonly used for commercial cleaning: they allow the user to move rapidly about a large area. They are essentially canister vacuum cleaners, except that straps are used to carry the canister unit on the user's back.

* Built-in or central vacuum cleaners move the suction motor and bag to a central location in the building and provide vacuum inlets throughout the building: only the hose and pickup head need be carried from room to room; and the hose is commonly 8 m (25 ft) long, allowing a large range of movement without changing vacuum inlets. Plastic piping connects the vacuum outlets to the central unit. The vacuum head may either be unpowered or have beaters operated by an electric motor or air-driven motor.

The dirt bag in a central vacuum system is usually so large that emptying or changing needs to be done less often, perhaps once per year. The central unit usually stays in "stand-by", and is turned on by a switch on the handle of the hose, or the unit powers up when the hose is plugged into the wall inlet. Such a unit also produces greater suction than common vacuum cleaners, because a larger fan and more powerful motor can be used when they are not required to be portable. Another benefit of a central vacuum system is that unlike a standard vacuum cleaner, which blows some of the dirt collected back into the room being cleaned (no matter how efficient its filtration), a central vacuum removes all the dirt collected to the central unit. Since this central unit is usually located outside the living area, no dust is recirculated back into the room being cleaned. In addition, because of the remote location of the motor unit, there is less noise in the room being cleaned than with a standard vacuum cleaner.
The iRobot Roomba Discovery Robotic vacuum cleaner operates autonomously.
The iRobot Roomba Discovery Robotic vacuum cleaner operates autonomously.

* Robotic vacuum cleaners move autonomously, usually in a mostly chaotic pattern ('random bounce'). Some come back to a docking station to charge their batteries, and a few are able to empty their dust containers into the dock as well.

* Small hand-held vacuum cleaners, either battery-operated or mains powered, are also popular for cleaning up smaller spills.

* Drum vacuums are used in industrial applications. With such a configuration, a vacuum "head" sits atop of an industrial drum, using it as the waste or recovery container. Electric and Compressed Air powered models are common. Compressed air vacuums utilize the venturi effect.

Most vacuum cleaners are supplied with various specialized attachments, tools, brushes and extension wands to allow them to reach otherwise inaccessible places or to be used for cleaning a variety of surfaces.


Vacuum cleaner specifications

The performance of a vacuum cleaner can be measured by several parameters:

* airflow, in cubic feet per minute (CFM or ft³/min) or litres per second (l/s)
* air speed, in miles per hour (mph) or metres per second (m/s)
* suction, vacuum, or water lift, in inches of water or pascals (Pa)

The suction is the maximum pressure difference that the pump can create. For example, a typical domestic model has a suction of about negative 20 kPa. This means that it can lower the pressure inside the hose from normal atmospheric pressure (about 100 kPa) by 20 kPa. The higher the suction rating, the more powerful the cleaner. One inch of water is equivalent to about 249 Pa; hence, the typical suction is 80 inches (2,000 mm) of water.

The power consumption of a cleaner, in Watts, is often the only figure stated. Many North American vacuum manufacturers only give the current in amperes (e.g. "12 amps") and the consumer is left to multiply that by the line voltage of 120 volts to get the power ratings in Watts. The power does not indicate the effectiveness of the cleaner, only how much electricity it consumes. The amount of this power that is converted into airflow at the end of the cleaning hose is sometimes stated, and is measured in air watts: the units are simply watts; "air" is used to clarify that this is output power, not input electrical power. This is calculated using the formula:
cleaning power (air watts) = airflow (CFM) × suction (inches of water) / 8.5
= airflow (m³/s) × suction (Pa)

Air watts measured at the vacuum's motor can differ by as much as 50% (depending on the type of vacuum) from the air watts measured at the end of the hose. This is most noted in Central Vacuums.

Some smaller vacuum cleaners are light-weight, portable, and rechargeable, instead of using AC power.


首先,我要坦诚地向大家承认,人们讨厌我是有理由的,因为我是人类健康的大敌。我是细菌和病毒滋生的温床,带着它们到处飞扬,给人类带来各种疾病的困扰。现代化工业中产生的无数个我,不但会造成环境污染,诱发呼吸系统疾病,同时还能让工人们患上种种难以治愈的职业病,危害他们的生命健康。另外,我还被一些高科技产业和产品视为大敌。因为它们大多要求在无尘环境里进行生产和运行。比如说电脑,过多的我会阻塞CPU 风扇, 使风扇停转, 造成CPU 过热烧毁的后果,还会造成电路板的腐蚀,影响各卡板之间的连接,使之无法正常运转。
但是,我也有我的优点和长处,对人类的生存我也功不可没。假如大气中没有我,太阳光就得不到吸收、反射、散射和折射,天空会不是太亮就是太暗。假如没有我,宇宙中的有害射线就得不到阻挡和吸收,它们长驱直入会直接危胁到人类的生存。由于我具有吸湿性,没有我,空中的水汽就无法凝结, 云雨就无法形成。失去了云层的覆盖,大地就会受到烈日无情的暴晒; 失去了雨水的滋润,土地就会变得干旱贫瘠。我还能使地球温和地获取太阳能量,调节大气温度,使天气不至骤冷骤热,适合于生命的生存和繁衍。另外,适量的我的存在,还有利于增强人类自身的免疫力和抵抗力,使人类不至于成为温室里的花草,生活得更加健康。


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