
作者&投稿:戊茗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
You can see the letters I am very happy because all along I miss you very much. Like all of it, I think you are the best in the history of our school's instructors.
Now, I am in Guangzhou, China, Huizhou, the internship, interns life very interesting, but I like the school day, carefree. I talk about you and other students, they still remember you and miss you very much, said, hope to see you again.
You said you heard in the California study, I am very interesting, your students are now basically walked into the job, you are their teachers return to school.
Talking about Barack Obama (Obama), as we all hope that he can save the United States, to help the world through this difficult period.
Recently, we go to Guangzhou Changlong of the World (amusement park), it's fun, a lot of exciting projects, there are many foreign friends to play, I hope the next time you can go.
Wrote on here, students like you, I am also.
Good luck!


你不必为我担心,因为我是一个很坚强的女孩啊.我只能这样离开学校去寻找自己,寻找你. 祝你幸福快乐
发送于 2009年8月11日.


I am your fans from China,I met you the first time in Vancuver Olympic Winter Games,your performance touched me profoundly,all were so perfect,I had never seen that beautiful action before.
I got to know you from that time,I heard many things about you from various forums and websites,your persistent will motivate me deeply.Many times the burdensome study presses me too heavy to take a breath,but every time I want to give up,I will think of your spirit:Never Say Die!Then all the difficulties will be beaten by me.
You also own a gold-like heart,it is so respectable for you to help that in need and treat everyone sincerely!
Now Let's talk about me,a very common boy,I am in grade one in Senior Middle School.I am a little introversive,I like making friends,surfing on the Internet,listening to the music and doing all kinds of sports.
I was told that you can not come to Beijing for the contest and I did feel disappointed,but,frankly speaking,I can understand you very much,I will support you unfailingly!I hope I could be a real friend of you and likewise,I hope I can get your early reply.Thank you so much!

答:I am思考了很久很久,想告诉你一件事情:其实我真的真的很喜欢你。也许你要问我为什么,那是因为当第一次我站在你旁边的时候,那感觉真的很特别狠强烈。一开始我以为你有了女朋友,于是打算把这感觉永远埋藏在自己的心底。那天你说你没有女朋友的时候,晚上我失眠了。后来每天都在想这个问题,很...

答:Thank you for your care. I left the hospital today and will be able to go back to school next Monday.Thank you for the bag your mom gave to me,but I do not like its deep color. Now I tend to be womanish and in favor of bright colors. Anyway, I like the style.I ...

帮忙翻译一封信, 英语议汉语
答:我和她在一起并不快乐...我无论如何都会在某一天用某种方式离开她的 but... Isn't it too bad for us... that if we not be together ??? that I have to find someone else instead of you and you have to find someone else ???但是...这对我们来说不是件糟糕的事吗?..如果...

答:真诚的感谢你们让我住在你们家,我很开心也很荣幸.I’m very grateful that you guys would let me stay at your house and I’m very happy and honored.等待你的回信.Waiting for your reply.还有算我多嘴一句,别嫌我烦,如果你这封信让人翻译的话到时候他们看见你如果你的英文水平不一样。。


答:嗨!我是Leah Dizon.我浏览了你的网站,你制作出了如此合我口味的网站我感到很受用.非常感谢!我想说的是你撤掉了我穿红衣服(in red)的那张照片.就象刚才说的那样,你作的网站我很满意,美中不足的就是那张照片不能更好地展现我自己.如果你能换一张我会感激不尽!很快乐(这是拼音)再次感谢 谢谢...

答:I'm fine, thank you for your concern! I miss you oh, I hold the dolphins sleep every day! Libby and I separated for three years, perhaps she was too busy, so we don't have much contact, thank you can contact me You send an email to me I just have a holiday on ...

答:Dear Ms Smith 我是CSU的秘书。我们将于7月9日在Exhibition Hall of Beihai举行一场本市中学生art exhibition。届时我们将陈列1000多幅paintings,并所有eight districts 的高中生也会前来参观.您在我们Chinese high school 学生中声名显赫,为此我们诚意邀请,并期待着您的到来。望尽快回信!Yours,Li Ming...

帮我英语翻译一封信,是我美国笔友发来的,我看个大概,细节求高手帮忙_百 ...
答:亲爱滴Tracy(你本人笔名?),你好我叫Gerry McManus. 我性别男,12岁,在麻州Hudson一所名叫JFK(肯尼迪)的中学上学。我有父母一对以及一个胞妹(或是姐)。我成绩不错而且喜欢打篮球。我在我们镇队以及全明星队打球(注:Town travel team类似于一般城里出外打联赛的实力队伍)。我最喜欢的篮球明星...

答:How are you? I want to write a letter to you is just that sorry I want to say bye to you. Because I belive that our friendship is not real friendship, we only can be friends that can not cross the Winter together.最近怎么样?很抱歉,我写给你这封信是为了提出再见的,因为...