六年级09届课改毕业试题 六年级语文小升初或期末总复习试卷 北京市义务教育...

作者&投稿:古畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
数学1 一个挂钟的时针长15厘米,一昼夜这根时针的尖端走了多少( )米? 2 在边长是8厘米的正方形纸上剪一个最大的圆,这个圆的半径是( ),面积是( ). 3 在长12厘米,宽8厘米的长方形内作一个最大的圆,它的周长是( )厘米. 4 把一个半径为4厘米的圆平均若干份,拼成一个近似的长方形,这个长方形的面积是( ). 5 大圆的半径正好是小圆的直径,大圆的周长是小圆周长的( )倍,大圆的面积是小圆面积的( )倍.
1 、 王大爷在黄山上植树 ,一共值了3600棵数,只有百分之五旳树没有成熟。
(1)成活了多少棵数? (2)成活率是多少 ?
1、Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining.
A、or else B、but still C、and then D、so that
2、We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won’t go ____ it’s raining.
A、if B、when C、though D、because
3、——The weather is too cold ____ March this year.
——It was still ____ when I came here years ago.
A、for; colder B、in; cold C、in; hot D、for; hotter
4、——How much vinegar did you put in the soup?
——I’m sorry to say, ____. I forget.
A、no B、no one C、nothing D、none
5、He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him.
A、if never B、if ever C、if not D、if any
6、——What should I wear to attend his wedding party?
——Dress ____ you like.
A、what B、however C、whatever D、how
7、——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?
——____ my students have a try?
A、Shall B、Must C、Will D、May
8、I’d like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long.
A、which B、that C、where D、in which
9、I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.
A、was planning B、planned C、had planned D、would plan
10、——Your book, Tommy?
——No, Mom, it’s my friend’s.
——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it.
A、what B、which C、whose D、whosever
11、Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ a great service.
A、不填;a B、the;a C、不填;不填 D、the;不填
12、Now that we ____ all the money, it’s no use turning on me and saying it’s all my fault.
A、had lost B、lost C、have lost D、lose
13、We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are ____.
A、looking up B、coming up C、making up D、turning up
14、——When did it begin to snow?
——It started ____ the night.
A、during B、by C、from D、at
15、Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.
A、the; the B、a; 不填 C、不填;不填 D、不填;the
16、____ from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunwise.
A、Freed B、Freeing C、To free D、having freed
17、——So you missed the meeting.
——____. I got there five minutes before it finished.
A、Not at all B、Not exactly C、Not especially D、Not really
18、——Do you mind if I smoke?
A、Why not? B、Yes, help yourself C、Go ahead D、Yes, but you’d better not
19、——We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.
A、With pleasure B、It doesn’t matter C、It was no trouble at all D、By all means
20、____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.
A、To consider B、Considered C、Considering D、To be considered
21、——Tom, you are caught late again.
——Oh, ____.
A、not at all B、just my luck C、never mind D、that’s all right
22、——What do you think of the concert?
——I really enjoy it. I didn’t expect it was ____ wonderful.
A、as B、more C、most D、very
23、The engineers made two big plans for the dam, ____ was never put in force.
A、one of them B、which C、one of which D、every one of which
24、I have no one ____ me, for I am a new comer here.
A、help B、helping C、to help D、to have helped
25、The little girl couldn’t work the problem out. She wasn’t ____ clever.
A、that B、much C、enough D、too
26、Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ____?
A、mustn’t it B、isn’t it C、aren’t they D、needn’t they
27、The police have ____ power to deal with such matters by ____ law.
A、the; the B、不填;不填 C、不填;the D、the;不填
28、Jack felt unhappy as they all went outing ____ him.
A、except B、but C、without D、besides
29、That she hadn’t kept her ____ on her work resulted in the failure.
A、head B、heart C、brain D、mind
30、——Did your sister pass the exam?
——She failed and is in low spirits.
——I’m sorry for her.
A、Thank you B、You’re welcome C、I would think so D、Never mind
31、The students spent as much time getting trained as they ____ studying.
A、disliked B、were C、had D、did
32、It was believed that things would get worse, but ____ it is they are getting better.
A、before B、after C、because D、as
33、As time went by, the plan stuck ____ fairly practical.
A、to proved B、to proving C、proved D、to be proved
34、More than one ____ the people heart and soul.
A、official has served B、officials have served
C、official has served for D、officials have served for
35、The president stood by a window inside the room, ____, looking over the square.
A、where I entered B、into which I entered C、which I entered D、that I entered
36、Though I ____ to go abroad, I changed my mind and decided to stay with my family.
A、had wanted B、wanted C、would want D、did want
37、My brother is very tall. The little bed won’t ____ for him.
A、prepare B、match C、fit D、do
38、——Thank you so much for the lovely evening, Dennis.
——You’re quite welcome, Julie. ____. We’d been looking forward to seeing you.
A、Were glad to meet you B、I’m afraid you didn’t have a good time
C、Thank you for your coming D、Just stay a little longer, please
39、Scientists say they have found a way to produce the human body’s own cancer-killing cells through gene treatment, ____ new hope to cancer sufferers.
A、offering B、showing C、taking D、making
40、We are going to discuss the way of reading works ____ it is used for real life purposes, and this should give you a better understanding of it.
A、that B、which C、where D、when
41、——The dinner was delicious!
——I agree. I am so full.
——That’s too bad. But some dessert ____.
A、has ordered B、will be ordered C、has been ordered D、was going to be ordered
42、——This wall of air is an effective answer to the problem and it ____ work.
——But it is a question to put such a wall of air around the statue.
A、may B、must C、should D、could
43、We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ____ and learn from failure.
A、deal with B、depend on C、carry on D、go with
44、——Good evening. I ____ to see Miss Jessic.
——Oh! Good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.
A、came B、come C、have come D、had come
45、——Please call me at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I’m kind of forgetful.
——Don’t worry about that, you’ll be surely ____.
A、reminded B、told C、warned D、informed
46、——What’s the matter with Tim?
——Oh, Tim’s cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally, never ____ again.
A、to find B、to be found C、finding D、being found
47、A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004, ____ many countries in the world paid close attention to this.
A、where B、when C、which D、what
48、——How come a simple meal like this costs so much?
——We have ____ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.
A、added B、included C、contained D、charged
49、——You didn’t wait for Mr. Black last night, did you?
——No, but we ____. He didn’t return home at all.
A、couldn’t have B、needn’t have C、didn’t need to D、should wait have
50、——How do you think I should receive the reporter?
——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.
A、How B、What C、Whatever D、However
51、____ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.
A、That B、What C、In spite of what D、Though what
52、As we have much time left, let’s discuss the matter ____ tea and cake.
A、over B、with C、by D、at
53、Mr Black must be worried about something. You can ____ it from the look on his face.
A、reason B、recognize C、read D、realize
54、——Can I pay the bill by check?
——Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment ____ be made in cash.
A、shall B、need C、will D、can
55、If you win the competition, you will be given ____ to Europe for two.
A、a free 7-day trip B、a free trip for 7-day C、a 7-day free trip D、a trip for 7-day free
56、——Hey, Kelin. Happy new year! ____?
——Ok, I guess. My grandma kept cooking and cooking, so I just kept eating.
A、How was your break B、How is your grandma
C、Where did you go for holiday D、What did you do in your holiday
57、——Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?
——if you make ____ most of the equipment, there will be ____ rise in production.
A、不填;不填 B、the;a C、不填;a D、the;不填
58、——Will $200 ____ the cost of the damage?
——I’m afraid not. I need at least $100 more.
A、do B、include C、cover D、afford
59、If you live in the country or have ever visited there, ____ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.
A、situations B、facts C、dances D、possibilities
60、I ____ you, but I didn’t think you would listen to me.
A、could have told B、must have told C、should tell D、might rell
61、This problem may lead to more serious ones if ____ unsolved.
A、making B、remained C、keeping D、left
62、I have no dreams ____ to have a happy life.
A、rather than B、more than C、other than D、less than
63、——You know Mr. Green has been ill for days?
——Yes, I wonder if he is ____ better now.

2、一件衣服,第一次降价百分之十,第二次降价百分之五,现在旳价钱是原来旳百分之几? 答案。
3、甲班比乙班旳人数多百分之十,甲班人数是乙班旳百分之几? 答案。
4、贝贝统计了自己旳硬币,一元硬币占百分之四十四,五毛旳占百分之二十,一毛旳占百分制三十六,贝贝一共多少钱? 答案 。

——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.
A、How B、What C、Whatever D、However


1、Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining.
A、or else B、but still C、and then D、so that
2、We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won’t go ____ it’s raining.
A、if B、when C、though D、because
3、——The weather is too cold ____ March this year.
——It was still ____ when I came here years ago.
A、for; colder B、in; cold C、in; hot D、for; hotter
4、——How much vinegar did you put in the soup?
——I’m sorry to say, ____. I forget.
A、no B、no one C、nothing D、none
5、He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him.
A、if never B、if ever C、if not D、if any
6、——What should I wear to attend his wedding party?
——Dress ____ you like.
A、what B、however C、whatever D、how
7、——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?
——____ my students have a try?
A、Shall B、Must C、Will D、May
8、I’d like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long.
A、which B、that C、where D、in which
9、I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.
A、was planning B、planned C、had planned D、would plan
10、——Your book, Tommy?
——No, Mom, it’s my friend’s.
——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it.
A、what B、which C、whose D、whosever
11、Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ a great service.
A、不填;a B、the;a C、不填;不填 D、the;不填
12、Now that we ____ all the money, it’s no use turning on me and saying it’s all my fault.
A、had lost B、lost C、have lost D、lose
13、We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are ____.
A、looking up B、coming up C、making up D、turning up
14、——When did it begin to snow?
——It started ____ the night.
A、during B、by C、from D、at
15、Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.
A、the; the B、a; 不填 C、不填;不填 D、不填;the
16、____ from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunwise.
A、Freed B、Freeing C、To free D、having freed
17、——So you missed the meeting.
——____. I got there five minutes before it finished.
A、Not at all B、Not exactly C、Not especially D、Not really
18、——Do you mind if I smoke?
A、Why not? B、Yes, help yourself C、Go ahead D、Yes, but you’d better not
19、——We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.
A、With pleasure B、It doesn’t matter C、It was no trouble at all D、By all means
20、____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.
A、To consider B、Considered C、Considering D、To be considered
21、——Tom, you are caught late again.
——Oh, ____.
A、not at all B、just my luck C、never mind D、that’s all right
22、——What do you think of the concert?
——I really enjoy it. I didn’t expect it was ____ wonderful.
A、as B、more C、most D、very
23、The engineers made two big plans for the dam, ____ was never put in force.
A、one of them B、which C、one of which D、every one of which
24、I have no one ____ me, for I am a new comer here.
A、help B、helping C、to help D、to have helped
25、The little girl couldn’t work the problem out. She wasn’t ____ clever.
A、that B、much C、enough D、too
26、Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ____?
A、mustn’t it B、isn’t it C、aren’t they D、needn’t they
27、The police have ____ power to deal with such matters by ____ law.
A、the; the B、不填;不填 C、不填;the D、the;不填
28、Jack felt unhappy as they all went outing ____ him.
A、except B、but C、without D、besides
29、That she hadn’t kept her ____ on her work resulted in the failure.
A、head B、heart C、brain D、mind
30、——Did your sister pass the exam?
——She failed and is in low spirits.
——I’m sorry for her.
A、Thank you B、You’re welcome C、I would think so D、Never mind
31、The students spent as much time getting trained as they ____ studying.
A、disliked B、were C、had D、did
32、It was believed that things would get worse, but ____ it is they are getting better.
A、before B、after C、because D、as
33、As time went by, the plan stuck ____ fairly practical.
A、to proved B、to proving C、proved D、to be proved
34、More than one ____ the people heart and soul.
A、official has served B、officials have served
C、official has served for D、officials have served for
35、The president stood by a window inside the room, ____, looking over the square.
A、where I entered B、into which I entered C、which I entered D、that I entered
36、Though I ____ to go abroad, I changed my mind and decided to stay with my family.
A、had wanted B、wanted C、would want D、did want
37、My brother is very tall. The little bed won’t ____ for him.
A、prepare B、match C、fit D、do
38、——Thank you so much for the lovely evening, Dennis.
——You’re quite welcome, Julie. ____. We’d been looking forward to seeing you.
A、Were glad to meet you B、I’m afraid you didn’t have a good time
C、Thank you for your coming D、Just stay a little longer, please
39、Scientists say they have found a way to produce the human body’s own cancer-killing cells through gene treatment, ____ new hope to cancer sufferers.
A、offering B、showing C、taking D、making
40、We are going to discuss the way of reading works ____ it is used for real life purposes, and this should give you a better understanding of it.
A、that B、which C、where D、when
41、——The dinner was delicious!
——I agree. I am so full.
——That’s too bad. But some dessert ____.
A、has ordered B、will be ordered C、has been ordered D、was going to be ordered
42、——This wall of air is an effective answer to the problem and it ____ work.
——But it is a question to put such a wall of air around the statue.
A、may B、must C、should D、could
43、We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ____ and learn from failure.
A、deal with B、depend on C、carry on D、go with
44、——Good evening. I ____ to see Miss Jessic.
——Oh! Good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.
A、came B、come C、have come D、had come
45、——Please call me at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I’m kind of forgetful.
——Don’t worry about that, you’ll be surely ____.
A、reminded B、told C、warned D、informed
46、——What’s the matter with Tim?
——Oh, Tim’s cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally, never ____ again.
A、to find B、to be found C、finding D、being found
47、A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004, ____ many countries in the world paid close attention to this.
A、where B、when C、which D、what
48、——How come a simple meal like this costs so much?
——We have ____ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.
A、added B、included C、contained D、charged
49、——You didn’t wait for Mr. Black last night, did you?
——No, but we ____. He didn’t return home at all.
A、couldn’t have B、needn’t have C、didn’t need to D、should wait have
50、——How do you think I should receive the reporter?
——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.
A、How B、What C、Whatever D、However
51、____ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.
A、That B、What C、In spite of what D、Though what
52、As we have much time left, let’s discuss the matter ____ tea and cake.
A、over B、with C、by D、at
53、Mr Black must be worried about something. You can ____ it from the look on his face.
A、reason B、recognize C、read D、realize
54、——Can I pay the bill by check?
——Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment ____ be made in cash.
A、shall B、need C、will D、can
55、If you win the competition, you will be given ____ to Europe for two.
A、a free 7-day trip B、a free trip for 7-day C、a 7-day free trip D、a trip for 7-day free
56、——Hey, Kelin. Happy new year! ____?
——Ok, I guess. My grandma kept cooking and cooking, so I just kept eating.
A、How was your break B、How is your grandma
C、Where did you go for holiday D、What did you do in your holiday
57、——Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?
——if you make ____ most of the equipment, there will be ____ rise in production.
A、不填;不填 B、the;a C、不填;a D、the;不填
58、——Will $200 ____ the cost of the damage?
——I’m afraid not. I need at least $100 more.
A、do B、include C、cover D、afford
59、If you live in the country or have ever visited there, ____ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.
A、situations B、facts C、dances D、possibilities
60、I ____ you, but I didn’t think you would listen to me.
A、could have told B、must have told C、should tell D、might rell
61、This problem may lead to more serious ones if ____ unsolved.
A、making B、remained C、keeping D、left
62、I have no dreams ____ to have a happy life.
A、rather than B、more than C、other than D、less than
63、——You know Mr. Green has been ill for days?
——Yes, I wonder if he is ____ better now.




一 、基础知识(40分)
1、 正确、匀称地书写下面的语句。(5分)

bì 风帆( )空 ( )幕
完( )归赵 ( )竟 铜墙铁( )
lián 清正( )洁 浮想( )翩 垂( )听政
舌绽( )花 ( )悯
jù ( )理力争 ( )精会神 ( )之千里
声色( )厉 星星火( )
(hé hè huo qiáng qiǎng jiàng)
牵强( )附会 和(  )稀泥 倔强(   )
随声附和( ) 勉强( ) 和(  )气生财
A、不安全 B、损害 C、端正 D、高
①危峰兀立( ) ②危及生命( )
③居安思危( ) ④正襟危坐( )
5、下面三组词语中,是同一类的一组是( )(2分)
A、夸奖 谦虚 机灵 欣欣向荣 B、虚伪 夸耀 勾结 当机立断
C、简朴 刚强 嘴脸 斗志昂扬
(1)弈秋,( )之善弈者也。使弈秋诲二人弈,其一人( ),惟弈秋之为听。
(2)但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么( )呢?
(3)正月十五,处处( ),整条大街像是办喜事,( )而美丽。
(4)中国古时候有个文学家叫做司马迁的说过:人( ),或( ),或( )。
(7)一个人并不是生来要给打败的。你尽可以( )他,可就是( )他。——(美国)海明威(《 》)
如果我是清风,我将 。
如果我是春雨,我将 。
。友谊最深、不猜不疑的朋友,我们称为 。
彼此心意相通、无所违逆的朋友,我们称之为 。 (2分)
(3)“答应了别人的事就要守信用”与这句话意思不一样的是(  )(2分)
A.答应别人的事能不守信用吗?     B.答应别人的事非守信用不可!
C.答应别人的事非守信用不可吗?    D.答应别人的事不能不守信用。
小学六年的生活一晃而过,真是 , 。(写两个表示时间易逝的成语)我即将升入中学了,我想“ ”来告诫自己,(填上恰当的名言警句或谚语等)使自己在今后的生活中,珍惜时间,勤奋学习。在即将离别之际,我还想祝愿我的同学 !祝愿我的老师 !祝愿我的母校 !(每条横线上填写一个表示祝福的四字词语)
1、文中“熬”字,用音序查字法应查音序( );用部首查字法,应先查( )部,再查( )画。(3分)
2、以上短文选自俄国作家( )的(《 》)。(1分)


一个年仅六岁的小男孩(拿着 捏着 握着)1美元硬币,沿街一家一家商店地(盘问 询问):“请问您这儿有上帝卖吗?”店主要么说没有,要么嫌他在捣乱,(不由自主 不由分说)就把他撵出了店门。
  邦迪喜出望外 将饮料(捧 抱 包 报)在怀里 兴冲冲地回到了医院 一进病房 他就开心地叫嚷道 叔叔 我把上帝买回来了 您很快就会好起来的
  帕特鲁普出院时,看到医疗费账单那个天文数字,差点吓昏过去。可院方告诉他,有个老头帮他把钱全付了。那老头是个亿万富翁,从一家跨国公司董事长的位置退下来后,(寄居 隐居)在本市,开了家杂货店打发时光。那个医疗小组就是老头花重金聘来的。
后来,帕特鲁普接到一封信,是那老头写来的,信中说:“年轻人,您能有邦迪这个侄儿,实在是太 ______了,为了救您,他拿一美元到处购买上帝……,感谢上帝,是他_____了您的生命,但您一定要永远记住,真正的上帝,是人们的爱心!”
1、 结合上下文解释下面词语的意思。喜出望外:____________________(2分)
(3) 你认为“真正的上帝”指的是______________________。
(4)你认为最后一段横线中应该填的两个词语是______ 和______。
1、 语文实践(5分)

2、 生活中,我们一天天在长大,懂得了孝敬父母,懂得了珍惜幸福……请你用两件事写一写成长过程中懂得的某一种生活道理。题目自拟,字数400以上。(25分)

2、碧 闭 璧 毕 壁 廉 联 帘 莲 怜 据 聚 拒 俱 炬
3、qiáng huo jiàng hè qiǎng hé
4、D B A C
7、(1)通国 专心致志 (2)一去不复返 (3)张灯结彩
8、(1)略, (2)略, (3)C
(4)“韩国的”与“三个”调换, 去掉“讨论”或“听取”。
二、阅读:(设计意图:“阅读理解”是语文试卷上的压轴题。目前阅读理解有两大类,即“课内阅读理解”和“课外阅读理解”。 “阅读理解”考查的主要是学生对语言的理解和运用的能力、学生的提取信息能力、整理归纳的能力和拓展能力,让学生真正看到阅读题就静静地品味、思考,而不是脱离文本的假阅读。而是将课内学到的学法去解决问题,以提高自己的语文素养。)
(一)1、A 四点底 10 2、托尔斯泰 《穷人》
3、略, 4、略。
(二)有德行 有情义 有志向 善施教化 善施教化
(三)1、略,2、,,,:“,,。” 3、略,4、略 5、善良,6、略

  时间:90分钟 满分:100分

  m†i zh„n w“ r“
  zh” mˆi
  倒( ) 精( ) (
  ) ( )造 ( )力
  村寨( z„i zh„i ) 擂鼓( l†i lˆi ) 塞外( s‚i s„i )
  娱乐( y’ w’ ) 装载( zƒi z„i ) 戛然而止( g‚ ji‚ )
  抵( ) 墙( )
  y” 名( ) bŒ 和氏( )
  ( )言 ( )难






  郑人有且置履者,先自度(d” duŽ)其足,而置之其坐①。至之市而忘操之。已得履,乃曰:“吾忘持度②(d”
  duŽ)”。反归取之。及反,市罢,遂(suŒ suŠ)不得履。
  人曰:“何不试之以足? ”
  ①坐:_____________________ ②持度:_______________________
  你 先 来

  △男人又问 有急事吗 赶不上就明天走好了
  △明天 女人有些急躁 明天不行
  △为什么 发生什么事了 男人很耐心地问

  缓慢—( ) 零乱—( ) 拘束—( ) 憔悴—( )

答:You have done us ___ a great service.A、不填;a B、the;a C、不填;不填 D、the;不填12、Now that we ___ all the money, it’s no use turning on me and saying it’s all my fault.A、had lost B、lost C、have lost D、lose13、We had a really bad time about six months ago ...

六年级毕业考知道分数 吗





答:2009年科学考试试题难度控制在0.7左右。基础题、中档题、较难题的比例约为5:4:1。 名师解读 2009年中考,根据课程标准的要求,《科学》课的考试内容分为“科学探究”、“生命科学”、“物质科学”、“地球、宇宙与空间科学”、“科学、技术写社会”五个部分,其中“科学探究”和“科学、技术与社会”的考查融入“生命...

辽宁09届高中毕业的理科教材与黑龙江10届毕业的教材是否一样?_百度知 ...

答:我是今年陕西高二学生,我们是课改第一届。老师说,高考大纲还没出来,现在每个学校都是摸着石头过河。我们新增了 学业水平考试 ,无论文理生,都要考11门课。包括 语数外 理科 文科 通用技术(全是常识) 信息技术。而且学业水平考试和高考挂钩,据说是跟报志愿有关。我不知道你是哪的,今年陕西各地...
