怎样和父母友好相处的英语演讲稿 我想学习一门外语,难不难啊?

作者&投稿:蒲初 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
As we gradually grow up, the distance between us and the parents are often farther and farther. Always feel that they are rigid, to new things simply do not understand, and can not understand us, to understand our lives, always hope that our approach in accordance with their requirements to learn to live, no matter whether it is how we ourselves would like to , so that conflicts arise. This time, we always feel we have two generations of people really like living in a different era, that is virtually impossible to reconcile this contradiction.
That is not true it can not be reconciled, is not entirely the parents fault?
Here, PHS brother thought of a junior high school, when Zheng Yuanjie seen the fairy tale, "Rabbit in mind training," said the school teacher's training goal is to make every child into a rabbit, but there are always children unwilling to behave a result, there is no school on this class into a full-rabbit class, his class teacher lot of pressure on him to spend a lot of strength, but has not been results. So one day this child to the teacher at home, the results of the teacher is not, but added the teacher see the child, a disabled child, he told him that his mother busy all day for school students,
Often no one to take care of himself, he is very envious of other kids can go to school, and he said his mother has been very recently for a classmate headache, really want to help her we go. After hearing this, this child was very miserable, after thinking it over, only to buy a set of bunny rabbit suit posing in school, and then have no choice but himself endured uncomfortable.
I remember high school look at this story, I feel a heavy heart, our parents, our teachers, they are often好心办坏事, and this time we always can not refuse. But if we try to communicate with them, maybe they will respect our ideas, perhaps no longer好心办坏事, because their ultimate goal is for our good. The transformation of the way, I believe that they are acceptable. Then we should share how their parents do?
First of all we have to eliminate their own right as a sense of distance parents. This sense of distance may be unwittingly set ourselves up for the protection of their own, but our parents, even if this fence can not be completely removed, we can also open a door in the fence, and then Try to slowly open, so that parents can come in, we can in your mind a small room with the tea slowly, talk, so can develop mutual trust, but also enhance mutual understanding of each other. This daily practice there are many, such as a child to listen to their parents to tell their stories,
Then also take the initiative to tell them some of your own interesting things at school. Encounter some thing, listen to their opinions, so that the effect would be good. I remember my brother before PHS always impatient, unwilling to listen to their parents to tell some very old things, wait until later to understand these principles.
Then, we have to try and understand our parents doing. Now the students are the only child, parents are often placed to you a great deal of hope, hope that we can realize their unrealized dreams. This psychology, we should be placed fully understood, but they should not follow blindly, we need to let them understand that each person has their own different conditions, not someone else can do, surely we will do, of course, someone else can not be done We may be able to do so because the existence of these differences only become the world's rich and colorful, or else everyone in this world exactly the same as would have been very being insipid is to!
PHS brother was studying at university, vacation home, when one accidentally, and some junior high school students chatted days, they told me that when a student, their parents are always with them kept repeating, "You see people PHS, Do you think you ...", it gives them a lot of pressure, but also affect their self-play, with their parents have been very stiff. Hear, the PHS is also not mind the taste. Later, one of my high school classmates have also told me that up, all her efforts her parents who appear pale, because she has always been to live in their own time under the shadow of older sister Tsinghua University. These things
Love, have a firm idea of the PHS, which is: the parents not to make excessive demands on their children, as long as they worked hard, even if it does not reach what? Is it so that you do not like your child begin? Talent can not be changed, as long as their efforts would be sufficient.
Finally, and most important, is to parents and to maintain an equal relationship. In China, the parents are often used to maintain a front of the children and then a serious gesture, to keep their children a right, where PHS brother to persuade parents to change a line of thought. And the children if they can maintain an attitude of equality, you not only have your children, you will get young friend, those of us burst with youthful vigor friends. And the kids walk out together, share some of the children to tell you a secret, and for their secrecy, but also for the children to maintain some of their own space.
Here PHS brother and parents suggest that you look at the "Growing Pains" and I think this will give you a lot of inspiration.
I hope people will get along with their parents, there is a good mood, to work together to forward to the future.




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