急急急!!!求人帮忙写下英语辩论的双人对话,口语考试用, 急急急!!!求高手帮帮忙,本人英语差到底啦!求一篇以对话形式...

作者&投稿:从牵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The world everything has two sides, human wisdom is that draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages, as far as possible the use of and expand its positive aspects, avoid and reduce its disadvantages. At present people treat vehicleattitude also so.

The advent and development of automotive, greatly facilitates human activities,some people say it is down to earth, extend the life of the people. But the car for the benefit of mankind at the same time, also brought harm, and the harm is becoming more and more serious, so it is also called "city killer".

The car caused by traffic accidents every year hundreds of thousands of livesphagocytosis. According to the record, the car in 1896 killed a pedestrian. Two years later, in 1898, the first driver died in the traffic accident. Since then, the carhas "killed" about 30000000. Especially in the beginning of the 90's, people died intraffic accidents has increased dramatically, the average of about 500000 a year.This figure more than AIDS, tuberculosis patient years war and death, only less than depression and heart disease death number.

Due to the developing automobile old, poor road conditions, lax management,driver and pedestrian traffic accident, lack of knowledge, plus the rescue is not timely, so the traffic accident death toll is much higher than that of developedcountries, the total number of death in the world of traffic accident
More than 70%.

Vehicle exhaust serious threat to human health. Now many big city in the world hasthe serious pollution of air, vehicle exhaust is the biggest source of pollution. Air pollution exacerbated asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and onset of cardiovascular disease, even the man. According to statistics, there are 12500 people die fromrespiratory diseases caused by air pollution in Mexico city each year to traffic congestion; world-famous Bangkok city, dirty air contains 38 kinds of bacteria andfungi, which leads to diarrhea, blood poisoning and meningitis. The Thailand researchers report points out, it is the air pollution so that the average life expectancy than Japan, countries such as USA sixteen less seven years, Russianvehicle emissions of harmful substances is 39 times higher than the US and European countries. From 1993 to 1997, because of the air pollution that Moscowneonatal deformity children increased 30%, 50% increase in children with hematological diseases.

The automobile caused noise is harmful to human. Experts say, the appropriatevolume of human auditory acceptable was 30 db. But now many city vehicles causenoise at 70 dB above, some city such as Cairo city noise even up to 90 db. This will not only cause deafness, still can cause disorders of the nervous system and heart disease.

所以 我认为汽车的存在弊大于利
So I think the existence of the automobile does more harm than good



假设 A B 名字叫lily 谈话 A 介绍 C 给B 名字你可以自己随便改

A: hi ,lily ,where are you going .
B: oh ,hi ,i am going to the library ,how about you these days ?
A:I am fine ,thanks , lily , i am going to introduce some one to you next time ,she is the new here,very good girl.
B :Oh that sounds good ,we can make friends.
A: Yes of course ,but i need to go now ,my friend is waiting for me ,so see you next time
B: see you ,bye


A;good morning, sir
B;morning, Joe,
A;what's the topic, please? 今天的口试主题是什么
B;um, let me ask you some questions about your likes and dislikes, any problem?恩…我提问一些关于你 的喜好的问题吧,怎么样?
A;ok, let's begin.没问题,我们开始吧,
B;what's your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么
A;um, i like to eat fruit and vegetables such as apple, banana,mushroom, tomato and so on, um,how about you?恩…我喜欢吃水果和蔬菜像苹果香蕉蘑菇和西红柿等,你呢?
B;me too, um, do you have a idol?我也是,恩…你有偶像吗?
A;you mean my favourite actor or scientists ect? um, i am a crazy fan of li yuchun, the female singer who looks like a handsome boy你是指我喜欢的演员或科学家吗,恩…我非常崇拜李宇春,就是那个很像帅小伙的女歌手
B;oh, i see, why do you like her?哦,你为什么崇拜她呢
A:unlike many other fans, i like her not only beacuase the style of her songs ,but because what she did,我跟其他的粉丝不一样,我喜欢她不仅仅是因为她歌曲风格,更是因为她的所作所为
B;so ,what did she do?那,她都有哪些所作所为呢
A;she did a lot to realize her dream of becoming a singer, and that's the point where she should be respected!她为了实现她成为一名歌手的梦想付出了很多,那正是大家只得尊敬的地方
B;yes , you're right.i'm glad to have a talk with you, see you恩,是啊。很高兴今天能跟你谈话,再见
A;me too, thanks, bye我也是,谢谢再见
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