
作者&投稿:晋虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Hello jack, how are you doing in the UK? I'm glad you can come to our this travel, but I in this period of time with homework, every day have a family to come to class the teacher, I'm afraid I can't reception you to travel together, in this, I said deeply sorry! But, I still have a few days will be ready to end the tutorial lessons, about five days, do you want to wait another 5 days? 5 days later I will have a lot of time to accompany you to play.

Hello, Jack, how are things going in Britain? I am very happy you can tour around at my place, but during the period i have to brush up my lessons. Everyday there will be a home teacher come to my place, so i am afraid i can not welcome your tour here. Here, i am expressing my deep regrets! But, there are only a few days i can end up my brushing up on my lessons, and almost five days away, so i wonder if you postpone it five days later? After waiting for my five more days, i can accompany you to your full content.

Dear Jack:
How are you? How is your life in England? I am really glad to know that you are coming for vacation. I am sorry to tell you that I have to stay home for study within this period, because I have a pirvate tutor teaches me daily at home. So I am afraid I cannot accompany you to travel around. However my pirvate turtorial will end around five days. Is it possible for you to postpone your schedule and come five days later? Till then I will have plenty of time to escort you around and have fun.





答:我的中文名字叫。 My Chinese name is ~我的英文名字叫。 My English name is~我来自福建。 I am from Fujian province 我15岁 I am fifteen years old 我在七年级三班。 I am at seventh grade third class in the school 我的电话号码。 My telephone number is……...

答:What do you come to China for?

答:Ask for help.

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答:感到困倦:to feel weary 感到可怕:to feel terrified 做早操:to do morning exercises 饭前洗手:to wash hands before you eat 刷牙:to brush teeth 在阳光下:in the sun 看报纸:to read newspapers 戒烟:to quit smoking 把...出示给...:to show...to...把垃圾放入垃圾箱:to put ...

答:在长句翻译方面,百度确实是比较取巧的一个,当我们拍下一篇文章之后,如果用户想要翻译其中的一段内容,只需要用手指将那一部分涂抹一下即可标记出来,之后再去翻译就只会翻译用户标记的那一段了。4、搜狗翻译 这是搜狗出品的一款翻译工具,支持中英、中韩、中日三种语言互译。无需登录,点击文档翻译,...

答:请打电话555432给mary please call Mary at 555432 这是你的卷笔刀吗?Is this your pencil sharpener?那是他的背包吗?Is that his backpack(shoulderbag)?

答:reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches with the human medicine, moreover, I thought: The specialized knowledge is no doubt important, but even more importantly a person's quality and ability.我有良好的沟通能力,具备很强的团队合作精神;我诚实正直、认真踏实;有较强...

答:百度翻译中文翻译成英文是Baidu Translate Chinese。百度翻译是一款功能强大的在线翻译工具,支持中文翻译成英文。可以在百度翻译的官方网站上选择英文翻译,然后将中文文本或图片输入到翻译框中,点击“翻译”按钮,即可获得英文翻译结果。百度翻译成英文是Baidu Translate Chinese。此外,百度翻译还支持多种语言...

答:been so happy.2:记忆像雾一样, 不清晰, 但一直萦绕在心里。 2: memory, like fog, like, not clear, but have been lingering in the mind.3:向往天空的,都是寂寞的。 3: Yearning for the sky, are lonely.4:我用微笑让结局变得更加忧伤. 4: I used to end more sad smile....