假定你是李华,因陪母亲看病,不能参加明天下午关于美国文化的讲座。请你写一封电子邮件向老师Miss Clint

作者&投稿:辕阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Miss Clinton,
I am very sorry that I will not be able to attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon, which is on American culture.
My mother is ill, and I will take her to hospital tomorrow since my father is on a business trip. I will take care of my mother until she is better, so I have to ask for several days’ leave. I am very interested in the topic of American culture. It is nearly a pity that I miss it. I wonder if there will be any recording of the lecture. If so, I can listen to it when it is convenient.
Thank you very much. 
Li Hua


I am honored that you invited me to the English Literature course, but unfortunately I am going to miss it, and I offer you my apology. An old friend of mine is going to arrive here on Sunday morning, and it is very important for me to fetch him at the train station since he has own no knowledge of this city and he has to do an important reporting job in the city. I am truly sorry of losimg this valuable chance because English Literature fascinates me indeed and that I would be thankful if I could get a lecture DVD or study materials that you may record for the class which would enable me to study the course on my own, in which way I believe would save you the trouble of explaining details of the lecture to me afterwards. Again I feel unfortunate not to attend the course. Sincerely, xxx. 纯原创,望采纳。


Thank you for inviting me to attend a Sunday afternoon lectures on English literature, I am very willing to go. But that day I have things to do. Very sorry about your invitation.

It's a long time since we met last time. I miss you very much. How’s everything going? I’m writing to say sorry to you because I can't obey our promise. Don’t be angry. Please give me one minute to explain it.
In fact, my mother asked me to visit my grandma that day. You know grandma is to me what water is to fish. I had a good memory with her. And we should spare no effort to take care of the old, shouldn't we?
teacher, you're still young but my grandma is old! Taking these factors into consideration, I decided to write the letter finally.
Let's make it next Saturday. I think you can understand me. Now, say sorry again, looking forward to your reply.

答:which is on American culture.My mother is ill, and I will take her to hospital tomorrow since my father is on a business trip. I will take care of my mother until she is better,



答:我认为这不是不孝的表现。就好比你在外地上大学,生病了,你父母自然无法在你的身边陪伴,这时候你会觉得你父母是不爱你吗? 当然不会,我们常说爱是双向的,既然你不觉得父母不爱你了,那么在我看来你的母亲也不会因为你工作而无法陪伴生病的自己,而认为你不孝的。况且,人是社会性动物,马克思说...

答:Dear Mr Xu,I am the mother of Lee Hua. My son was taken ill yesterday and had a high fever. I took him to see the doctor this morning. After checking him, the doctor said that he had influenza. He gave my son some medicine and advised that he should rest in bed for ...


答:母亲陪我看病 来源:本网原创 发布时间:2010年03月25日 背景:   放大 字体 缩小 2007年冬季,我即将要过34岁生日,却因突如其来连续的思想打击和精神挫折,进入了前所未有的病态,持续20多天夜不能寐,精神严重衰竭,致使无法正常的工作和生活,住进医院。妻极为担忧,无奈下,通知千里之外的...


答:这是一篇给材料作文。要求介绍如何与母亲一起度过母亲节。叙述过去的事情所以用过去时态。主要以第一人称为主。【亮点说明】这篇短文能条理的叙述所有的要点。语言流畅,句式丰富,如she always gives us but never wants to get anything in return ,A fter washing ,Then,等,这使文章更有条理。

答:母亲节快到了,我想在这封信里对您说“母亲节快乐”。我爱你,感谢你为我做的一切。这一天,我离开了,不能在家给您表达我的谢意。我知道我会看着自己,所以不要担心我。我在学习上做得很好。我的同学和老师都很好。尽管我不在家里,我仍希望您有一个美好的母亲节。Your son,你的儿子 Li ming ...