音乐的种类有哪些,以及其英文 音乐种类英文介绍及中文翻译

作者&投稿:才旦徐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The music works can be classified from different angles.
1 、一:音乐作品总体上可分为声乐、器乐、戏剧音乐(包括歌剧音乐、舞剧音乐、戏剧配乐等)三类。其中戏剧音乐的音乐部分也含在声乐和器乐中,通常也分别并入声乐和器乐中。
1, a: music as a whole can be divided into vocal music, instrumental music, drama and music (including opera music and dance music, drama, music and other) three categories. Which part of the music drama music in vocal music and instrumental music, usually also were incorporated into the vocal and instrumental music.
2, two: the creation of music and folk music.
3, three: classical music and modern music division.
4, four: from the vocal singing can be divided into: Bel canto, popular singing, folk singing, original singing.


1,world music,世界音乐
world music是西方角度观点的词汇,意思指非英、美及西方民歌/流行曲的音乐,通常指发展中地区或落後地区的传统音乐,例如非洲及南亚洲地区的音乐,有些地区如拉丁美洲的音乐,则能普及到自成一种类型。
acappella是指没有乐器伴奏的歌曲,但凡纯以人声唱的歌都是 acappella。
technology, 即表示"高科技舞曲"。利用电脑,合成器合成,做出一些特殊音效,这种音乐常常是许多音效组合起来的。
folk,原本是指每个民族的传统歌曲,每个民族的先民都有他们自原始 /古代已有的歌曲,这些歌绝大部分都不知道谁是作者,而以口头传播,一传十十传百,一代传一代的传下去至今。

r&b的全名是 rhythm & blues,一般译作"节奏布鲁斯"。广义上, r&b可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的blues音乐,是现今西行流行乐和摇滚乐的基础。

Rock and roll is a music genre that originated in the United States in the late 1940s.
It became popular in the early 1950s and quickly spread around the world.
Rock and roll with its flexible bold expression form and full of passion music rhythm to express emotion.
Popular with most people around the world, it became a craze in the 1960s and 1970s.

Popular Music is translated from English Popular Music.
(流行音乐是根据英语Popular Music翻译过来的。)
Popular music accurate concept should be commodity music, refers to the main purpose of profit for the creation of music.
It is a commercial music pastime and all the "industrial" phenomena associated with it.
Folk songs that are popular and give national color are called folk songs or ballads.
Folk music has a long history, so its author is unknown.
Music, a heavy metal, was originally considered by some to be a "hard rock" evolution.
In fact, hard rock and heavy metal are usually not easy to distinguish, and different people have different ways of distinguishing them.
Some people think hard rock is called before the 70s and heavy metal is called after the 70s.
And most people think they are not of the same species through the perspective of history.
Classical BBB 0 can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense.
Broadly, it refers to those from the middle ages to the present.
Western classical works created under the background of European mainstream culture.
It is different from popular music and folk music mainly because of its complex and varied creative techniques and the heavy connotation it can carry.

答:1、古典音乐,"Classic"一词来源于拉丁语,原指罗马社会上等阶层,后转义为人类具有普遍性和永恒性价值的业绩。在国外,这种音乐类型被称之为“classical music”,“classical”有“古典的、正统派的、古典文学的”之意。2、流行音乐(pop music)是根据英语popular music翻译过来的。流行音乐准确的概念...

答:3. Pop Music: A popular genre that originated in the 1950s, characterized by catchy melodies, relatable lyrics, and a wide appeal.4. Heavy Metal Music: A subgenre of rock music with a loud, distorted guitar sound, heavy drumming, and aggressive vocal styles.5. Rock Music: A ...

答:2,流行音乐 Popular Music is translated from English Popular Music.(流行音乐是根据英语Popular Music翻译过来的。)Popular music accurate concept should be commodity music, refers to the main purpose of profit for the creation of music.(流行音乐准确的概念应为商品音乐,是指以盈利为主要目...

有关音乐的英语简介 关于音乐种类的简介,英文,写的好的有加分
答:音乐类别 打击乐 percussion 吹打乐 ensemble of wind and percussion instruments 吹奏乐;管乐 wind music / band music 合奏乐 part music 管弦乐 orchestral music 弦乐 stringed music 丝竹乐 sizhuyue,stringed and woodwind instruments 琴乐 keyboard music 军乐 martial music 室内乐 chamber music ...

答:1,world music,世界音乐 world music是西方角度观点的词汇,意思指非英、美及西方民歌/流行曲的音乐,通常指发展中地区或落後地区的传统音乐,例如非洲及南亚洲地区的音乐,有些地区如拉丁美洲的音乐,则能普及到自成一种类型。2,acappella,无伴奏歌曲 acappella是指没有乐器伴奏的歌曲,但凡纯以人声...

答:关于音乐(music)的英语单词:一、音乐类型 1、traditional music(传统音乐)2、classical music(古典音乐)3、light music(轻音乐)dancing music(舞曲)4、pop music(流行)5、folk music(民间音乐)6、country music(乡村音乐)7、Jazz(爵士)8、rock-&-roll(摇滚)9、blues(布鲁斯,蓝调)10...

答:1 、一:音乐作品总体上可分为声乐、器乐、戏剧音乐(包括歌剧音乐、舞剧音乐、戏剧配乐等)三类。其中戏剧音乐的音乐部分也含在声乐和器乐中,通常也分别并入声乐和器乐中。1, a: music as a whole can be divided into vocal music, instrumental music, drama and music (including opera music and...

答:hip-hop 嘻哈 jazz 爵士 reggae 雷鬼 classical pop 古典流行 pop 流行 r&b 节奏布鲁斯 punk 朋克 rock 摇滚 blues 布鲁斯(蓝调)soul 灵乐 electrical 电子

答:、Disco jockey (DJ电子混音舞曲 归在hip hop里)、punk (朋克乐 归在rock里)、Funk Music(放荡杰克音乐)、CRunk & B(旷课乐)、Gothic(歌特音乐),home(舞曲),jazz(爵士),metal(金属乐),alternative(另类),raggae(雷鬼),classical(古典)差不多就这些吧。希望能帮到你!

答:Blues 蓝调、Jazz 爵士、Classical music 古典音乐、Rock and Roll 摇滚乐、Disco 迪斯科、Country Music 乡村音乐、Hip Hop 嘻哈音乐、Symphony 交响乐、Rhythm & Blues(R&B) 节奏布鲁斯、Punk 朋克;、Folkmusic 民间音乐、Light Music 轻音乐。