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作者&投稿:家黛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




"Scraping" is a theme to the domestic Chinese and Western films, the film is a traditional Chinese medicine Scraping the legality of therapy initiated.许大同heroine's father, with grandson Scraping for medical treatment, but medical staff suspected child abuse.许大同Children's Welfare Institute to court, resulting in their son parting, spouses, friends, break, throw away the work. Fortunately, a friend许大同Quinlan to China in person to confirm the authenticity of Scraping the ultimate family reunion许大同the outcome of successful achievements.

1. "Scrape" the difference between Chinese and Western cultures

The classification of cultural we can cross-cultural communication in the cultural differences arising from the surface into the differences, deep differences and differences in the middle.

1) the surface differences and differences in the middle

Refers to visible differences in the surface of many people at a glance the structure of the surface of the material and spiritual differences. Middle-level differences, including linguistic and cultural differences. "Scraping", the许大同in the surface of which has been integrated into the culture. Can be an unexpected occurrence of the culture in his possession led to a tragedy of conflict. In this we need to explore the deep cultural differences.

2) the deep cultural differences, also known as deep-seated differences in the concept of cultural differences, such as human values, ways of thinking, social psychology, aesthetic concepts. Cultural values are part of the most deep-seated that it is in the process of social life gradually acquired. A person can live in another culture for a long time to master their language and understand their customs, but may not understand the values of certain parts.许大同is a vivid example. Because in the deep-seated cultural,许大同is still the representative of China's traditional culture, a concrete manifestation of awareness, friendship and education.

The film has a lot of differences between Chinese and Western cultures emerged from the sharp contrast.

On the cognitive, the scrape of the traditional Chinese method of treatment, but in the eyes of Westerners is abuse. Chinese classic "Journey to the West" Monkey King is the hero of justice, but as a barbaric American Bar, a symbol of violence.

With regard to friendship, the许大同the father of a friend in a foreign land some occasional old Hall, the two can not conceal his feelings of profound; At the hearing, Quinlan许大同friends thought would help him out of the case, he just did not expect an honest effort to to testify, leading to the two enemies.

On the young and old, when children make a mistake in front of friends Quinlan许大同beat him before, that is face to a friend, but the West does not respect a friend misinterpreted as child abuse.

2. China's feelings and with the West-rationalism

From the "Scraping" is not difficult to find the Chinese people and Westerners between emotional and rational.许大同a family of fully exposed, and Americans have been around the law. At the hearing许大同moving statement read out, but the evidence by the prosecution lawyers to defeat.许大同is to allow the father to meet with the grandchildren, take risks that children in child welfare, and later staged the scene护驾police. Therefore, the Chinese people and Westerners represent their different values - with affection and emotion-focused and to law-centered rationalism.

3. Cross-cultural conflict and integration

"Scraping" the main contradiction is the West's ignorance of Chinese culture triggered by the final reconciliation of the approach is to allow Westerners to understand Chinese culture. This cross-cultural conflict also highlights the local culture foreign to the culture of exclusion. In order to ensure the centrality of their own will not be shaken, their native culture and foreign cultures as the heterogeneity of the xenophobic reaction of the human body, like exclusion, to avoid damage to the purity and consistency. Only the threat of the elimination of dissidents, to the integration between cultures.

In cross-cultural communication, the communication of the right to request a party to the other direction to move closer to their own values, but it may encourage them to move closer to their own values, multi-selection (multiple choice) is in the western cross-cultural barriers to effective method. Video final昆拉to a Chinese medicine clinic, tried to scrape the taste and experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture. At this point, is to昆拉cultural origin from the perspective of Sino-US differences in national character

A successful cross-cultural communication: the basis of personal experience to prove that Scraping is a Chinese medical therapy, and to persuade the child welfare officials and judges to withdraw the ban. By a conflict caused by cultural barriers vanish, and this end is that both sides understand each other, the result of communication.

the paragraph which you add~:

"There is no good or bad between different countries or different cultures. Do not even have the level of difference. However, a nation's cultural awareness, cultural tolerance, is a very important thing." In today's globalized world, different cultures in this a big melting pot where more and more frequent exchanges. "Scraping" inspiration to us, not only remain in the shallow comparison of Chinese and Western cultures, but also lies in the vision of a multicultural society. To avoid the key to the conflict of different cultures, that is, mutual understanding and inclusion.



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