把下列句子汉语翻译成英语 将下列句子的中文意思翻译成英文。

作者&投稿:王褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1。这个猪八戒可能是怎么死的?2。冲过终点的人吗?3。许多学生可能会认为这是英语演讲。但我认为在课堂上给学生一个愉快的心情比你听不懂或不想听演讲更有意义 1. The pig eight quit may is how dead? 2. The one who crossed the finish? 3. Many students may think this is English speech. But I think that in class to give students a pleasant mood than you couldn't understand or don't want to hear speech more meaningful

1.How probably Zhuabajie die? 2. Who rush to the destination first? 3. Most students may not regard this as an English speech. However, I belive that students having a relaxed and happy mood in class is more meaningful than a boring speech, nither you could understand nor willing to listen.

1.How could Pig apprentice die?
2.Who first pass the end line?
3. Many students maybe consider this not a English speech. But I think to let students have a relaxed and happy mood on the course, will be more meaningful than to give a boring speech nither students could understand nor they are willing to hear.

1.How probably Zhuabajie die?
2.Who first crossed the finish line?
3. Many students maybe consider this not a English speech. But I think to let students have a relaxed and happy mood on the course, will be more meaningful than to give a boring speech nither students could understand nor they are willing to hear.

1:Why did BaJie Chu die?
2: Who is the first over the end top ?
3: meiby many fellow student associations think that this is not a English lecture .But I think on the classroom must the lecture which cannot understand compared to you or is not willing to listen have the better significance to everyone relaxed joyful mood.


On August 4th 1961,Obama was born in Honolulu,Hawaii.
As a child, he dreamed of being American president.
He is not only handsome,humorous but also good at speech.
He was so clevel and diligent in school that he was admitted into Harward Law School in 1988.
After graduation, he worked as layer,lectorate and statesman.
Finally, he won the general election on November 4th 2008 and became the first African American president
Obama is popular with American people. They speak highly of him.

1. You can borrow my car if you wish.
2. We can provide you a guide to British Museum fr free.
3. Yesterday they took part in of the buildings and gardens.


答:1 I wrote a letter yesterday.2 let's take actions at once.3 I do well in English.4 Slowly, a smile appeared on her face.5 Falling off the bike, he got hurt.6 His suggestion proved to be correct.7 The shop stays until 8 o'clock.8 That man can speak three languages ...

答:Taiwan 28 folk mass organization union sponsor, nearly 2000 both banks honored guests attended the congress.4.海峡论坛大会17日上午在厦门隆重开幕。图为大会现场。4. The channel forum congress on 17th begins grandly in the morning in Xiamen. Picture shows the congress scene....

答:1.He is famous for his excellent art works.2.That worker separated the broken wire from other wires.3.Because of the heavy traffic jam,he was late this morning.4.They put up a good fight against their enemies.5.You have made progress in English study.6.I'm afraid that I...

答:你这是作业吧?我觉得自己写对你比较有帮助。。。:)1.对我而言,这本字典太贵了,我买不起。For me, this dictionary is too expensive, I can not afford it.This dictionary is too expensive for me, I can not afford it 2.他们每人有一本新字典 Each of them has a new dictionary....

答:He will walk to the park as long as he has time.Her bag is different from mine.My skirt is the same as yours.In fact,our Chinese teacher is very strict.My cousin is similar to my uncle.

答:1. I'd love to talk to you.2. The rain prevents us going out.3. When I hear his voice, I can't help thinking of my father.4. The teacher came in, followed by some students.5. When he walked along the river, he saw an accident.6. He lay on the floor ...

将下列汉语句子翻译成 、英语、
答:1.All these books are thirty discount.2.Does this trousers fit you?3.Would you like to try on another one?

...汉语意思及括号所提示的词语将下列句子翻译成英语急! 急! 急! 在...
答:由于天气不好,我们没有去乡下。(because of )Because of the bad weather, we didn't go to the countryside 在博物馆里你看到什么特别的东西了吗?(anything)Did you see anything special in the museum?我的饮食习惯和我妈妈的一样。(the same as)My eating habit is the same as my ...

答:有些家庭里其成员聚在一起吃一顿特别的大餐.Some families get together for a special meal with family members.我们的成败取决于每个人是否努力工作.Our success depend on whether everyone works hard or not.他们每周总是休息两天.They always have two days off a week.辞旧迎新!End with the...

答:that she argued is right.(上面我的翻译可能还是不尽如人意,希望得到大家的指正。另外希望这不是你的作业,自己动手查词查用法才是学习最大的乐趣。如果你对英语实在不感兴趣,也尽可能认真对待。现今社会英语真的很重要。ps:以上只是我个人的建议,你可以保留自己的观点)怕你看不清,上一张图!