
作者&投稿:逮璧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
【 #三年级# 导语】做英语习题可能在多数人眼中认为是一种附加的负担,语言的学习嘛,做题感觉很奇怪,可是中国的大环境仍然是考试,这种政策是一时半会儿都将存在的,所以有必要做题来面对这些考试。以下是 无 整理的《小学三年级下册英语题(三篇)》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  ( ) 1. A. brown   B. brother   C. black
  ( ) 2. A. father   B. grandma   C. friend
  ( ) 3. A. yes   B. not   C. no
  ( ) 4. A. O   B. R   C. I
  ( ) 5. A. me   B. my   C. your
  ( ) 6.A .blue   B. brother   C. jacket
  1. G .   2. Nn
  3. Vv   4. q
  5. T   6. j
  1. 一个鸡蛋__________________2.我的光盘______________
  3. this green skirt_________________ 4.what about_____________
  5. on a picnic ___________________ 6. at home ______________
  7. What colour is that new robot?______________________________
  8. Nice to meet you, Miss Wang.______________________________
  9. Happy Birthday, my brother!_______________________________
  10.Look, this is my family.___________________________________
  ( )1.Are you Mike?   A. Good morning.
  ( )2. Hello. I’m Su Hai.   B. Hello, Yang Ling.
  ( )3.What’s this?   C. No, I’m not.
  ( )4.Good afternoon, Miss Li.   D. It’s great.
  ( )5.This is my brother, Tim.   E. It’s a car.
  ( )6.She is my sister, Yang Ling.   F. No, thank you.
  ( )7.Would you like an egg?   G. Hello, Su Hai.
  ( )8.Look at my new skirt.   H. Good afternoon, class.
  五 选择题。
  ( )1. It is an _________ car.
  A. orange   B. blue   C. ice cream
  ( )2. ______ you Mr Green ? No, I’m Uncle John.
  A. Am   B. Are   C. Is
  ( )3.That nice jacket is for ______ mother.
  A. I   B. you   C. my
  ( )4. He’s ________ Mike.
  A. no   B. yes  C. not
  ( )5. ---What is this? --- ______.
  A. This is a ball.   B. It’s ball.   C. A ball.
  ( )6. ______ is your grandpa.
  A. He   B. She  C.He’s
  ( )7. 你想邀请Su Hai吃一块蛋糕, 可以问:
  A. Would you like an ice cream, Su Hai?
  B. Would you like a cake, Su Hai?
  ( )8.初次见面时你可以说:
  A. Nice to meet you.  B. Hello.
  ( )9.想知道新裙子是什么颜色,你会说:
  A. What colour is this new skirt?   B.What is this?
  ( )10.朋友过生日时,你会说:
  A. Happy Birthday to you!   B. Happy New Year!


  U  B  P   D  V  Q  Y   I   L
  d  v  u  b  p   I  y  j  q
  1、A、mothe  B、brother  C、teacher
  2、 A、duck   B、desk   C、chair
  3、A.、plane  B、pear   C、peach
  4、 A、small   B、giraffe   C、short
  5、A、fifteen  B、twelve  C、friend  
  6、A、bike  B、grape   C、bus
  ()1、—cats can you see? —I can see twenty.
  A、How  B、What  C、How many
  ( )2、—I haveapple.—Me too.  
  A、an  B、a  C、some
  ( )3—Who’s that man?—He’s my  .
  A、mothe  B、 father  C、sister
  ( )4 Do you like oranges?—  .
  A、Yes,I do.   B、No,I do.  C、Yes,I don’t.
  ( )1、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:
  A、Who’s this boy?   B、 Who’s that boy?  C、Who’s that girl?
  ( )2、想询问别人小汽车在哪里,应怎样问:
  A、Where’s my car?  B、Where’s my cat?  C、This is my car.
  ( )3、如果有人对你说:“I’m sorry.”你应该怎么回答:
  A、Thank you.  B、You’re welcome.   C、it’s OK.
  (  )4、你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:
  A、Where are you from?   B、How are you?   C、how old are you?
  ()1、Who’s that girl?   a、OK!
  ()2、Have some fruits.     b、Sure.Here you are.
  ( )3、Do you like peaches?   c、It’s on the desk.
  ( )4、Let’s watch TV.   d、She’s my sister.
  ( )5、Can I have a pear,please?  e、Thank you.
  ( )6、Where’s my ruler?    f、I have twelve.
  ( )7、How many crayons do you have?   g、I’m from China.
  ( )8、Where are you from?      h、Yes,I do.
  ( )1、Can I use your pencil?
  A、我能借用你的钢笔吗?   B、我能借用你的铅笔吗?
  ( )2、It has a long nose and a short tail.
  ( )3、Welcome back to school!
  A、欢迎回到学校!   B、让我们一起去学校!
  ( )4、Do you like pears?
  A、你喜欢梨吗?    B、你喜欢桃吗?


  一、 小小翻译官,选出正确的'译文
  (   )1.Hollo,Are you Liu Tao?    A. 不,我不是。
  (   )2.Morning,my dear.     B.你好,你是刘涛吗?
  (   )3.I’m Sam.         C.再见,博比。
  (   )4.Hi,YangLing.        D.宝贝,早上好。
  (   )5.No,I’m not.        E.我是山姆。
  (   )6.Goodbye,Bobby.       F.你好,杨玲。
  二、 想一想,选一选。
  (   )1.当王兵向新认识的朋友做自我介绍时,他说
  A.Hello!     B. Hello, I’m Wang Bing.
  C. Good morning, Miss Li.
  (   ) 2. 想问对方是不是迈克时,可以这样问
  A. Hello, Mike.     B. Good afternoon.
  C. Yes, I am.
  (   ) 3.早上遇到你的同学,你可以说
  A. Good morning.     B. Good afternoon.
  C. Yes, I am.
  (   ) 4.与“Hi, I’m Bobby”意思一样的句子是
  A.Hello, I’m Bobby.     B. Hi, Bobby.
  C. I’m Mike.
  (  )1.A:Good morning, Yang Ling.
  a.Good morning, Mike.    b.Godming,Yng Ling
  (  )2.A: Are you Liu Tao?
  a.Yes, I’m Yang Ling.     b.No, I’m not.
  (   ) 3.A. Goodbye, Wang Bing.
  a.Goodbye, Miss Li.    b.Good afternoon, Su Hai.
  (   ) 4.A:______________________________
  B: Hello, I’m Mike.
  a.Yes, I am.    b.Hi, I’m Liu Tao.
  (   ) 5. A: Are you John?
  a.Yes, I am.    b.Hello, John.
  (   ) 6.A:___________________________
  B: Good afternoon, Helen.
  a.Good afternoon.     b. Good morning.
  (   ) 7.A:__________________________
  B: Yes, I am.
  a.I’m Bobby  .  b.Are you Bobby?
  (   ) 8. _________is Tina. She’s my_________
  a.This; Sam    b.This; friend.
  (   ) 9. _________John. _________My friend.
  a.She’s; She’s    b.He’s; He’s
  (   ) 10. _________Yang Ling. _________Liu Tao.
  a.She’s; He’s    b.He’s; She’s
  1. KFC ______2.bed________ 3. hj _________ 4.BIG________
  5. ABC_______ 6. age________ 7. bcdf ______ 8. CAF_______ 9. BEE_______


答:一、请找出下面句子的中文意思,写上编号。( )1.Follow me! A.不用谢。( )2.You're welcome! B.你几岁了?( )3.How old are you? C.这个是送给你的。( )4.Let's eat the birthday cake. D. 跟着我。( )5.This is for you. E.让我们一起来吃生日蛋糕吧。二、请找出下面句子的...

答:【篇一】小学三年级下册英语题 一、从下列每组词中选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. brown B. brother C. black ( ) 2. A. father B. grandma C. friend ( ) 3. A. yes B. not C. no ( ) 4. A. O B. R C. I ( ) 5. A. me B. my C. your ( ) 6.A ...

答:一、找出每组词中不同类的一项。( )1.A.milk B.juice C.riceD.tea ( )2.A.chicken B.vegetables C.fish D.meat ( )3.A.fifteen B.fourteen C.meat D.eleven ( )4.A.morning B.fruit C.afternoon D.evening ( )5.A.eat B.supper C.lunch D.breakfast 二、用所给单词补全句子。...

答:小学三年级下册英语家庭作业篇一 一、 根据意思写单词。 一辆自行车 一位男士 一个钟 一个修正带 一位女孩 一块手表 一位男孩 一辆小汽车 二、找出不同类的一项,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1.A. copybook B. train C. storybook ( )2.A. peach B. grandmoth...

答:【篇一】小学三年级英语阅读理解题 Mike and John are good friends. Mike is twelve. John is thirteen. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their (他们的)English teacher. She likes them very much. ( ) 1. Mike and John are good friends. ( ) 2. Mike...

答:小学三年级下册英语作文篇一 A dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth. Near the water he looks down and sees himself in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself, "I want to get his meat. ...


答:I caught a big fish and I showed it to my father. My father praised me, “what a good angler you are!”  2.小学三年级下册英语作文范文 My name is chen jinrong. I am 10 years old. I am a shy girl. I am short and of medium build. I have beautiful long straight...

答:【 #三年级# 导语】英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,所以掌握英语对以后的人生来说是必备的一项技能,不仅仅是应付眼前的考试,更是为了将来的人生多了一份选择,可以过自己想要的生活。以下是 整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。 【篇一】 一、 试卷分析 本次期中考试,试题的覆盖面大,难度比较适中。既考查了最基本的...

答:【篇三】小学三年级英语教案范文 教学内容: Rhyme 教学目标: 1、通过本单元的学习熟悉询问某物是什么及回答的句型。 2、通过本单元的学习了解一些动物名词。 3、 通过本单元的学习复习询问数量及回答的句型。 教学重点: 询问某物是什么及回答的句型;一些动物名词。 教学难点: 1、 询问某物是什么及回答这一句型...