连词组句,将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次。 英语连词,转折词都有哪些

作者&投稿:琴叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1. Let me try the new hat on my son.
2. All can Kane do is to go back home.
3. The young man in that suit looks strange.
4. Terry ran into the room and told us the news excitedly.
5. Excuse me, may I have a word with you?

1. My son let me try the new hat.
2.All Kane can do is to go back home
3. The young man in that suit looks strange.
4.Terry ran into the room and told us the news excitedly.
5.Excuse me, may I have a word with you ?

1. My son let me try the new hat on.
2. All Kane can do is to go back home.
3.The youung man looks strange in that suit.
4.Terry ran into the room and excitedly told us the news.
5. Excuse me. May I have a word with you?

1、 Let me try the hat on my son。

2、 All kane can do is to go home back.

4、Terry ran into the room and told us the news excitedly.

3、The man that in the suit looks strange.

5、Excuse me.May I have a word with you.

二年级语文下册 用上下列词语写一句话。 1.机枪、 战士 端着 射击~




*等立连词,如 and, not only ... but also
*转折连词,如 but, yet
*选择连词,如 or, nor, either ... or, neither ... nor
*引导名词从句,如 that, whether, if
*引导状语从句,如 before,after,since,if,because,though
*连词,如 but, while, although 等
*副词,如 yet, however; nevertheless, whereas, instead 等

though,although,nevertheless,even though,even if,while,in fact,far from it,ironically(讽刺的),traditionally,yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等
but是连词,表示(较强的)转折,连接两个句子时只用加逗号。例如:I love her, but she doesn't love me.
however是副词,也表示(较强的)转折,但连接两个句子时要用分号,而且在这个词后还要加逗号。例如:I love her; however, she doesn't love me.或者将两句子分开写。例如:I love her. However, she doesn't love me.
while作连词使用时,表示(较弱的)转折,连接两个句子时用逗号,但两个句子的主语不一样。例如:I like singing, while my sister likes dancing.
yet作连词使用时,也表示(较弱的)转折,连接两个句子时也用逗号,但两个句子的主语是一样的。例如:He has a good job, yet he never seems o have any money.

连词组句:将下面词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次_百度知 ...
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答:1. Let me try the new hat on my son.让我给我儿子试下新帽子。2. All can Kane do is to go back home.Kane所能做的事只有回家。3. The young man in that suit looks strange.穿着西装的年轻人看上去很奇怪。4. Terry ran into the room and told us the news excitedly.Terry跑...

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