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作者&投稿:殷言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Nice to know you!
I knew your e-mail address from Mr.Lin.
I would like to introduce myself,and I am Lily from Mr.Wei office.
My colleague Mr.Lin had been dismission,and there are still the below two things which I need to confirm with you:
-Airline company has not received remittance of 5000$,in order that Airline company can check the remittance with the bank,would you pls be so kind and help to provide the copy of cash remittance on 2011-11-7?
-About fans postcards of Mr.Lin,my colleague has contacted you before.There are 500 postcards sent to our company,right?Could you pls help check if they have been sent or not?
Thank you very much for your help!

Let me introduction myself to you all. I am Lily, an office worker for Mr. Wei. Since my colleage Mr. Lin has left his office, I asked him for your e-mail address, and then I have to confirm two things with you as follow:
1.The remittance of 5,000 dollar hasn't reached the airline, would you please scan the remittance bill paid on 7th November? So that we can check what happen.
2. The postcard of Mr. Lin's Music Fans' Club. Since Mr' Lin had contacted you before, and I was informed that there will be 500 pieces of postcard reached our firm, right? I would like to know if any of them be sent off?

I'm Mr. LIN is through from you and your E-mail address, please let me introduce myself, I'm Mr Wei office staff LILY
Because of my colleagues have left the LIN, the existing two things need to come with you by my side confirmed:
$1.5000 the remittance airlines haven't received, please ask you this way can provide on November 7, the sweep a money order for us? So airlines to check the bank.
2. LIN fans will be on postcards, my colleague LIN with you, there will be 500 postcards to send to our company? Excuse me was sent?

I was by Mr. LIN and you get your e-mail address, please let me introduce myself, my office staff is Mr. Wei LILY
LIN because my colleagues had left, the existing two things for me to confirm with you here:
$ 1.5000 airline has not received the money, would you be here on November 7 money order to provide the sweep side pieces to us? So airlines go to the bank reconciliations.
2 fans will be on postcards LIN, LIN my colleagues to contact you before, there will be 500 postcards sent to our company, right? What has been sent yet?


客观地说,电脑对人体生理和心理方面的负面影响已日益受到人们的重视。在电脑普及程度比较高的国家里,“电脑综合征”已成为很普遍的现代病。为此科学使用电脑,减少电脑和网络的危害是十分必要的。  一是要增强自我保健意识。如工作间隙注意适当休息,一般来说,电脑操作人员在连续工作1小时后应该休息10分钟左右。并且最好到操作室之外活动活动身体。平时要加强体育锻炼,增强体能,要定期进行身体检查和自我心理测定,一旦发现生理、心理上的有关症状,可在一段时间内适当调整上机时间,缓解症状。  二是注意工作环境。电脑室内光线要适宜,不可过亮或过暗,避免光线直接照射在荧光屏上而产生干扰光线,工作室要保持通风干爽,使那些有害气体尽快排出,尽量用非击打式打印机减少噪音等等。

Objectively speaking, the negative influence of computer to people's phsycial and mental aspect has been more and more comprehended nowadays. In those countries with a widespread computer system, "Computer Syndrome" has become a high-occurrence modern disease. In this case, it's quite essential to apply a scientific computer using and reduce the harm from computers and networks. First of all, we need improve the sense of self health-care. For instance, it's important to have an appropriate break at work interval. Normally, a 10-minute break after every one hour continuous work should be guaranteed for computer operators, and it's best to go out of the room and stretch the body. In the spare time, we need work out more to keep a good body condition and make periodical body examination and self mentality evaluation, once any symptom on physical or mental detected, we could make corrsponding judgment for the computer using time frame to relieve the symptom. The second one is we need watch our working environment as well. We should keep the luminance condition of computer room proper, no over birght or dark, and avoid the light casting onto screens to produce disturbing light. On the other hand, we ought to keep the room dry and drafty, to form a good circulation to get rid of the harmful air, and try to reduce noise by using non-beating printers, and etc.

One.The appearance of a dinosaur
Dinosaurs were a class of reptiles that appeared in the Mesozoic Era (Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous).
Two. The origin of the name
In 1841, Richard [2], a British scientist, looked at some of the fossilized bones of a lizard, which he thought was a prehistoric animal, named after the dinosaur, which means "the horror of a lizard."".
Three. The extinction of Dinosaurs
The dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago at the end of Cretaceous, and became a mystery in the history of the evolution of the earth.
Extinction hypothesis 1: the asteroid impact hypothesis two: the hypothesis of the extinction of temperature, the extinction hypothesis, three: the theory of the extinction hypothesis of angiosperm poisoning: Four
Four. Body chart
NO.10 Menxi - long 22 meters, 3.5 meters in height of -4 meters, the weight can reach 26 tons
NO.9 Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus)
Body length of 22-23 meters in weight can reach 26 tons
NO.8 - long wrist in 23 meters, 12 meters high, weight can reach 40 tons
NO.7 very general body length can reach 25 meters and weighs only 12-15 tons
The body length of 29-33 in the NO.6 earthquake in metres and weighing 22-27 tons
NO.5 Poseidon - long can reach 30-34 meters in height is 17 meters, the weight can reach 50-60 tons
NO.4 super - long 33-34 meters, the weight can reach 60 tons
NO.3 Argentina - long 30-40 meters that weighing up to 90 tons
NO.2 Puerta Wright - long 35-40 meters and weighing up to 80-110 tons in his chest with an elephant.
NO.1 fragile double cavity in 40 to 62 meters long body weight up to 130 tons.
Five. Knowledge quiz
1 the name of the dinosaur
What is the top 2 in the list?

答:head, red but faked 鸡 它顶着一个皇冠,红彤彤却是假的 Dog It is human's most loyal friend, barking away strangers.狗 它是人类最忠诚的朋友,吠叫吓跑陌生人。Pig It has two big holes on its nose, loves eating but lazy 猪 它的鼻子有两个大洞,好吃懒惰 参考资料:人工翻译 ...

答:希望以下翻译对您有帮助 Nice to know you!I knew your e-mail address from Mr.Lin.I would like to introduce myself,and I am Lily from Mr.Wei office.My colleague Mr.Lin had been dismission,and there are still the below two things which I need to confirm with you:-Airline ...

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答:They all are what I fascinated in,Yes,fascinated perhaps cross over hills and mountains perhaps are the vase which striked the soul or conquer me with my heart yes the heart occupied by the spirit of music 天,相比其他人,我的翻译好嫩,不要笑话我。。。

谁能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文 谢谢!!
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