求一篇英语作文(议论文) 求一篇大学英语作文,议论文~

作者&投稿:强仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
It is a trend in China to by things look nice, especially when people decide to buy something as a gift for their friends. Doing so has automatically triggered a rapid development in packaging industry, but also caused a huge waste in our national resourses. A good example is buy a bag of Chinese tea, the tea itself may cost more than 500CNY but it includes nearly 200CNY for the package. Does it mean high quality when you buy a goods in a posh case, the answer is 'perhaps'. 'Perhaps' here means 50% of a chance to buy something realy good and another 50% of the chance is to buy something crap or faked.One of my friends bought a bottle of Maotai for 1800CNY, he was absolutely embarassed to find it to be water in it in front of his invited guests. It is crazy. Things have become so expensive and so well packed that many companies produce crap products play the same trick. We should criticize the manufacture that produce crap and fake goods, but those companies that charge their customers a large amount of money just for the package should be praised? No. As customers, we need to think about the question: why do we have to chase the superfacial things when we buy things? Why do we have to buy friends expensive gifts? Are a notebook computer, an I-phone and electronics really something we have to buy as gifts to someone? Can we not change our ways to show our love to your beloved ones just with an item suitable instead of telling them how much money it is worth? If we make a statistics in our population, it is easy to find out that 99% of the people would express their hatred for bribery and corrupted officials. However, how many of us have ever asked ourselves a question like 'What I have done in the past year that has promoted corruptions in our country?' (by ztlthb)


Why Do We Study English?
Now the country with the world, how can not learn English in other countries to exchange it? Now the world's powerful countries, such as the United States. It is English, but English is now the world's main languages, of course, to learn.
Chinese people always love to learn to erudition, manners stand in the world. Although the study does not necessarily mean bad English did not use, but to learn a foreign language is indeed very cattle drop in after work, or other aspects of great help to drop. If there is a foreigner, you can speak English, for your own work or life than helping those who do not speak a foreign language, to a large point bar. Foreign language because you would say, contact with foreigners can be brought about by things.
It was also noted that foreigners do not learn why we Chinese people and let us learn it in English? Foreigners have of you to learn Chinese, they also learn an alien language of other countries, because to understand the language of the country will be able to contact and learn things in that country.
English is the language used to do one of a wide range of English-speaking nearly 300 million people. English is the international conference on the use of the working languages of the largest in the world of radio and 60 percent of the e-mail by 70% English, based on millions of books and magazines written in English.
Therefore, we have to learn English




What animals mean to human being, close friends or lists of recipe? Some people consider that animals should be regarded as friends instead of food or sources of clothing, while the opponents think animals are born to service for human being.

As far as I am concerned, I advocate the former’s opinoin. There are two main reasons for that. First of all, it is known that more and more rare animals are endangered, because of the human being’s capture. People peel off the animals’ skin to make coats and use their further to make clothes, even eating the meat of extinct animals and don’t care whether the food is delious or not, only because it is rare and not easily available. Which definitely leads to the extinction of certain animals. On the other hand, with the development of civilization, people should acknowledge that every creature has its right to live. Which guaranteea the harmony of the earth. Thus people need to show their respect to the animals and let them live better instead of hurting them or killing them. This behavior should be forbidden in today’s civilized circumstance.

In conclusion, presently animals are no longer regarded as sources of food and clothing. In stead, animals are people’s close friends who can company people especially to the olders who always like rearing the pets with whose company the olders don’t feel lonely any more. For those animals who are disapearing, people need to pay more attention to them to aviod their extinction. Otherwise people could only see them in museum, not in the nature. What a pity.

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