《送别》的歌词英文翻译 长亭外,古道边那首送别怎么翻译怎么理解?

作者&投稿:羊使 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
送别(长亭外)A Valediction
李叔同 by Li Shutong
长亭外 Beyond the distant pavilion
古道边 Beside the ancient road
芳草碧连天 Jade green and fragrant, high grass joins the sky
晚风拂柳笛声残 Evening breeze sways dripping willows
Dying flute notes linger still
夕阳山外山 On the hill behind the hill, the sun sets

天之涯 地之角 To the ends of the earth and corners of the seas
知交半零落 Half our friends are scattered
一斛浊酒尽余欢 With a scoop of thick wine
Let's enjoy what joy remains
今宵别梦寒 Tonight's cold dreams shall be held at bay


长亭外 古道边 On the ancient road by the Farewell Pavilion,
芳草碧连天 green grass stretches far into the sky.
晚风拂柳笛声残 With willow trees in evening wind and sounds of a staccato flute,
夕阳山外山 the setting sun silhouettes layers of hills.

天之涯 地之角 In the far distant quarters of heaven and earth,
知交半零落 half of my friends are gone.
一瓢浊酒尽余欢 With a cup of turbid wine to swallow my merriment,
今宵别梦寒 I wait for a chilly farewell dream tonight.

Zhang Ting,
Road -
Fang Cao Pi sky
Wan Feng Fu Liu Disheng residual
Shan Shan, sunset
Ya days
The corner
Zhijiao semi-scattered
I make a pot Zhuojiu Huan
Jin Xiao other Menghan
Zhang Ting,
Road -
Fang Cao Pi sky
Wan Feng Fu Liu Disheng residual
Shan Shan, sunset
Ya days
The corner
Zhijiao semi-scattered
I make a pot Zhuojiu Huan
Jin Xiao other Menghan
Zhang Ting,
Road -
Fang Cao Pi sky
Wan Feng Fu Liu Disheng residual
Shan Shan, sunset

kittywuyan 的 version 2 很赞!有意境


Version 1:

长亭外 Beyond the distant pavilion
古道边 Beside the ancient road
芳草碧连天 Jade green and fragrant, high grass joins the sky
晚风拂柳笛声残 Evening breeze sways dripping willows
Dying flute notes linger still
夕阳山外山 On the hill behind the hill, the sun sets

天之涯 地之角 To the ends of the earth and corners of the seas
知交半零落 Half our friends are scattered
一斛浊酒尽余欢 With a scoop of thick wine
Let's enjoy what joy remains
今宵别梦寒 Tonight's cold dreams shall be held at bay

Version 2:

长亭外 古道边 On the ancient road by the Farewell Pavilion,
芳草碧连天 green grass stretches far into the sky.
晚风拂柳笛声残 With willow trees in evening wind and sounds of a staccato flute,
夕阳山外山 the setting sun silhouettes layers of hills.

天之涯 地之角 In the far distant quarters of heaven and earth,
知交半零落 half of my friends are gone.
一瓢浊酒尽余欢 With a cup of turbid wine to swallow my merriment,
今宵别梦寒 I wait for a chilly farewell dream tonight.

—— 李叔同《送别》

答:We Loathing to part with feelings that we bid farewell to a good friend of my colleagues Mr. So-and-so. Recalling the past, Mr. So in the course of its work in a professional and dedicated we are moved. We have an old saying in China, foreign monks will recite Buddhist...

答:翻译:不管我们是在天涯,还是海角。彼此相知而结交。你我知交非一日,还有什么话不能当面说的?这句歌词是出自于金海心演唱的歌曲《送别》。歌名:送别 演唱:金海心 词:李叔同 曲:约翰·庞德·奥特威 长亭外 古道边 芳草碧连天 晚风拂柳笛声残 夕阳山外山 天之涯 地之角 知交半零落 一壶浊酒尽余...


送别这首歌曲的意思是什么? 如果能写出听完之后的联想就更好了_百度...

李叔同《送别》 原文及赏析


答:6 56 7 - | +6 7 6 - | 6 45 +45 56 4 ---| 6 56 7 +6 | +6 7 6 - | 6 45 +45 45 34 | 5 6 6 - | +5 5 7 - | 5 ???| 6 56 7 +6 | +6 7 6 - | 6 45 +45 45 34 | 7是降7 4是生4 ...


