
作者&投稿:余览 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  其实,弱点是我们的启航。没有弱点的生命好似一篇没有主题的文章,一席没有味道的盛宴。当我们认为弱点是成功路上的一块绊脚石时,我们的确应该在另一个方面去看待它。其实,弱点是你的“包袱”或是“恩典”,在于你的心态。所谓弱点,在一定条件下也可以成为优点。如果胆小是你的特点,那么在当一名战士是会成为你的弱点,而在你当一名司机时则会成为你的优点。选择并不难。当局者的身份会暂时扰乱你的思绪,我们何不听一听旁观者的建议或是在另一方面好好想一想呢?    去面对弱点吧!弱点不也给了我们许多启示吗?去面对弱点吧!弱点也会成为优点。去面对弱点吧!让我们的未来一帆风顺。去面对弱点吧!来场自我革命。     在人生的岔道口,在这人生的选择题上,消极的人将弱点视为包袱,终日为其所苦,处处设防只为了不让人知道;积极的人将弱点当作恩典,从中得到启示.找到新的方向。    


Internet,an invisible net, may make you, like a fisherman, catch a lot of fishes—something useful, and also may make you get increasingly involved in and unable to extricate yourself from it.

With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet-friendly network is turning the world into more and more like a global village. People feel free to travel in the wonderful and colorful world. It is a large resource bank. Most of what you need can be found in it. It is where you can gain the latest news all over the world very quickly instead of going somewhere to find a newspaper, and where there are large quantities of fascinating films, soap operas and moving songs you are not disgusted with forever. You can also go shopping online. Many online retailers provide us with a variety of goods, which can be chosen at will. You can learn a language online. There are plenty of websites towards language learning, and some of them have developed an effective approach to language instruction that takes full advantage of the multimedia capabilities of the Internet, and its culture-rich content makes the experience feel less like traditional homework. Best of all, it is free. In addition, by the Internet, you can keep in touch with your old friends and make new friends (e-pals) to talk about the common or hot topics. All this broadens your horizons widely. At the same time, it is changing the ways of working, too. For example, a parent company with many subsidiaries can hold a meeting by the grid, instead of gathering the employees everywhere. It is very convenient.

However, when the Internet comes into people’s daily lives and studies, some negative influences “dash” around madly.

We all know the Internet is full of violence and sex,and the trouble is that a sea of young students wallow in it. Similarly, many students indulge in cyber games; some even earn money from them. And some people often sit all day along in front of the computer, chatting with others. Apparently, they have lost themselves in the virtual cyber world and become slaves to the Internet. Thus, not to strive, not to seize the opportunities, and not to accomplish anything—these things naturally become the creed of many verdant youths. How so?

Internet, just like drug, cigarette, wine, etc, bewitches people and makes them abandon themselves to it soon. Its mystery depends on its virtual reality. For instance, when you are chatting with others in the net, identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace, but your thoughts are really matter. And truly, this “faceless” communication does not create problems. At this moment, rather than reveal your weaknesses,you usually show off your strengths as much as possible. Each netizen wants to do the same thing, then admires each other, and finally they even form the love relationship. However, it is hard to know who the other person really is. But usually he or she cannot make out this point and the couple still misses one another. Once they have met, this will inevitably lead to disappointment. The online boyfriend (girlfriend) you imagine is quite different from the real person. Even that person you are looking forward to seeing is an evildoer unexpectedly. To make things worse, the chances are that the result is too ghastly to contemplate. And, quite often, it has no real foundation. Furthermore, what we cannot ignore is that surfing the Internet for a long time every day will cost a lot of money, and it is the reason for many delinquencies.

If you have become an addict, what should you do? It is not a good idea to suddenly go cold turkey. So, you should wean yourself from it gradually. Firstly, you must understand an important point, that is, life in the real world is far richer than anything you will find on a computer screen. Then you should shorten the time spent on the net little by little. Of course, you need self-control and perseverance.

The Internet is a double-edged sword. If you make the best of it, you will benefit a lot. Otherwise, it could do great harm to you.

As the development of the society, Internet is widely used that it seems people cant’t live without it . However,the Internet has caused much controversy.
As a coin has two sides, Internet has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, we can share our information with others and gain the knowledge what we need. And what’s more, Internet, which allows people from different countries to make friends, makes the world much smaller. On the other hand, the Internet also brings out a series of problem. For example, the user may share something unhealthy without being punished. Then for the sake of its convenience, everyone can share their own opinions on the Internet,it sometimes just make us confused.And what’s worse, our right can be damaged througth an un known way.
On the whole,with the convenience of the Internet, we should carry on using the Internet. But then ,at the same time, we should distinguish whether the infermation is worth to believe. Only in this way can the Internet performs its best!

With the development of the Internet, more and more Chinese have accesses to it. According to statistics, students compose a large part of the online population. But the influence of the Internet stretches farther than figures suggest. Internet has great impact on college students’ life. As far as I am concerned, the Internet is good for college students.

Firstly, the Internet provides students with many chances to broaden communication with others and improve their relationship with friends. Emails and QQ on the Internet allow them to communicate conveniently with friends at home and abroad.

Secondly, the Internet brings a particular opportunity for students to obtain a large amount of information that help with their study. Nowadays, college students in China can even learn lots of courses in foreign universities on line at home. If they pass all their examinations, they will get the certifications.

Thirdly, through the Internet, college students can download data, which are necessary for their studies, such as textbooks, reference materials and surveys on current events. In the meantime, MP3, movies, pictures, games and some other things for daily entertainment can be easily obtained from the Internet.

Besides, shopping on line is in college students’ good graces. The most important reason lies in the low prices. And the students can do all the process at home without selecting something they want from one shop to another, which saves them much time.

Though the Internet has its obvious advantages, as everything has two sides, the Internet also has its negative influence, which asks college students to utilize it in a wise way. As long as college students keep this in mind, the Internet’s advantages will always outweigh its disadvantages.

Useful expressions:

1、Every coin has two sides.

2、On the one hand,the Internet has provided a more convenient way for students to studay and communicate.On the other hand,it has made some students neglect their studies.

3、The Inernet does offer students a good way to study and exchange views.

4、The Internet may provide timely informaation which otherwise cannot be obtained.

5、Don't be addicted to the Inernet,otherwise it may destroy your life.








答:1. 求一篇以弱点为话题的作文,要求八百字左右 弱点的价值 “疑是银河落九天”的美景令人神往;“化作春泥更护花”的奉献让人感动;孰不知,弱点也值得喜爱,值得珍惜,因为弱点也是一种优点。 自然界的许多生命都会利用弱点。有一种蓝甲蟹集群在海滩生活,经科学考证,胆小懦弱的占大多数,因为强悍的蓝甲蟹好斗,经常自...



关于弱点的作文素材 议论文素材积累
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答:缺点一:懒惰 有一次,我正看电视.突然,妈妈大叫一声:“丹敏,快去倒垃圾,垃圾都满了.”我听了,不耐烦地说:“不,你去倒嘛!” “叫你去,你就去,别在推脱!”妈妈斩钉截铁地说.我心想:啊,又得从这三楼跑到底楼,多麻烦呀!这时,妈妈的狮吼声又来了:“怎么?还不去?”“哦”我懒洋洋地说....

答:1. 弱点,这个看似负面的词汇,实则蕴含着巨大的价值。正如自然界中的蓝甲蟹,正是因为弱点的存在,才使得它们能够在天敌来临时存活下来。在历史的长河中,许多文人志士也正是因为自身的弱点,才取得了非凡的成就。李白嗜酒,却能斗诗百篇;巴尔扎克啰嗦,却能写出细致的文章;张飞鲁莽,却能大闹长坂坡...



答:正视自己的缺点 人无完人,金无足赤。世界上没有一个人是完美无缺的,缺点,关键在于要正视自己的缺点,通过不断努力逐步改正。我在学习上有缺点,最主要的就是钻不进去。学习要有钻研精神,只有这样才能像孔子说的那样:温故而知新。要多思考,多发现问题,还要好问。妈妈常说我有时边学边玩儿,...