怎么写关于地球丶星星丶月亮丶陆地、河流的英语作文 关于太阳,地球,月亮的英语作文 急!急!赶快!

作者&投稿:子丰包 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Save the earth、拯救地球
This is the earth.The green part is land.The blue part is sea.The white part is clouds.Our earth is very beautiful and interesting.这是地球.绿色的部分是陆地.蓝色的部分是海洋.白色的部分是云.我们的地球很美,而且充满乐趣.
There are rivers, streams, seas and lakes.There are hills and mountains.There arejungles and forests.There are many countries and cities.There are many people live in them.Do you think the earth is very wonderful?地球上有河流,小溪,大海,湖泊.有丘陵和高山.有灌木丛和树林.有很多国家和城市.很多人居住在里面.你觉得地球很神奇吗?
Many years ago, the earth is very clean.But nowadays there is much pollution on the earth.There is air pollution, land pollution and water pollution.很多年以前,地球很干净.但是现在却受到了严重的污染.有大气污染,土地污染和水污染.
People are cutting down the forests.Many wild animals, birds and insects lose their homes.It's very cruel.People are polluting the land, the water and the air.人们正在砍伐森林.很多野生动物,鸟类和昆虫失去了家园.非常残忍.人们正在污染大地,水和空气.
People must stop doing this.We must save the earth.We must save our home.人们必须停止这么做.我们必须拯救地球.我们必须拯救我们的家



The moon origin mystery: for lunar origins, scientists put forward three kinds of theories: capture said, homology and earth divided them all defective, said, but the Apollo would help proof, which seem least likely theory is the best theory. Some scientists think, the moon is with earth in 46 billion years ago, from a group of cosmic dust generator. Another theory is that the moon is the earth's "children", is perhaps the Pacific "dig" out. However Apollo moon exploration results show that the earth and the moon the composition of the difference is very big, some scientists have proposed another hypothesis, namely "captured". They think that the moon is accidentally broke into gravitational field, and be locked in the present orbit. However, it is theoretically explain the process mechanism, is extremely difficult. Therefore, the above three theory all difficult to hold water. As robin hallam especially by dr said: "to explain the moon does not exist, than to explain the moon exist easier."

The moon age riddle: what is amazing is that the rock samples from the moon back, via analysis found that about 99 percent age than earth 90% oldest rocks more older. Armstrong in "quiet sea" after landing picked up the first piece of rock's age is 36 billion years old. Some other rock age 4.3 billion years old, 4.6 billion years old and 45 billion years old — — it almost and earth and solar system itself, the earth is as old as the oldest rocks is 37 billion years old. In 1973, the world symposium on the moon was a age determination for 53 billion years old of moon rocks. Is more surprising is that these ancient rocks are collected from scientists believe to be the youngest area on the moon. In light of the evidence, some scientists propose that the moon on earth formed before long was established in interstellar space formed.

The lunar soil years older than rock greater mystery: the moon ancient rock has made scientists helpless, however, and these rocks, compared to the

答:Save the earth、拯救地球 This is the earth.The green part is land.The blue part is sea.The white part is clouds.Our earth is very beautiful and interesting.这是地球.绿色的部分是陆地.蓝色的部分是海洋.白色的部分是云.我们的地球很美,而且充满乐趣.There are rivers, streams, seas a...

答:1.在繁星璀璨的茫茫宇宙之中,有一个孕育了生命的蓝色星体,她就是地球。2.50多亿年来,地球在日复一日、沧海桑田地变化着。3.大约在200多万年以前,当人类在地球上诞生时,这个可爱的行星就为人类准备好了美丽、舒适的生存环境——广袤的陆地、浩瀚的海洋、茂密的森林、苍翠的群山 、绿色的草原、...

答:描写地球美丽的段落1 我们生活在美丽的地球,地球是人类的大家园。太阳和月亮是地球的好朋友。美丽的地球给人类提供了优美的环境:青山绿水,花草树木,肥沃的大地,明媚的阳光、轻柔的微风,绵绵的细雨,蓝色的海洋,皎洁的月光,闪烁的星星,清闲的空气,清沏的河流,神秘的森林,珍贵的植物,可爱的动物...

答:都是地球的孩子;不管你是总统还是百姓,不管你是贫穷还是富有。太阳是大家的,月亮是大家的,地球每时每刻都自转着——哪里的白天都不是永驻,哪里的黑夜都不能持久;地球上的每一个人,都有权力分享 阳光的明媚,月光的温柔。海洋是大家的,陆地是大家的,地球把海洋和陆地,送给白皮肤的欧洲、美洲,...

答:在古希腊神话中,月亮女神的名字叫阿尔忒弥斯,她是太阳神阿波罗的孪生妹妹,同时她也是狩猎女神。月球的天文符号好像弯弯的月牙儿,象征着阿尔忒弥斯的神弓。月球运动 月球是地球唯一的天然卫星,是距离我们最近的天体,它与地球的平均距离约为384401千米。它的平均直径约为3476千米,比地球直径的1/4稍大些。月球的表...

答:星星: 1、天空是一块幕布,星星和月亮就是装饰这块幕布的花纹。瞧,这边的北斗七星组成了一个勺子,多奇特啊;看,那北极星在群星中是最耀眼的最亮的一颗星,多么像灯塔上的灯啊;望,那迢迢的牵牛星和皎皎的织女星正隔河相望呢;赏,那明亮的月亮,不就是个美丽的神话故事吗?2、抬起了头看那星星,每几颗星星用线一...

答:关于地球的手抄报内容如下:1.地球是太阳系中唯一的一颗行星,是一颗非常特别的星球。它的表面有许多大洋、大陆和大山。2.地球的直径大约是 12756 公里,是太阳系内半径最大的行星。它的外部结构由地慢、上部地壳、海洋及陆地等构成,是一个丰富多彩的星球。3.地球由密密麻麻的岩石层组成,它的内部...


