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金立智能系类手机广告歌曲为:Open Your Mind 歌词为:How can I make you believe There is something in the air See all the birds in the tree You have to spread your wings and fly, fly away You can Open your mind it’s a brand new day Livin’ is easy and the sun will shine so bright Can you feel it coming? Open you heart throw your doubts away Livin’ the moment will make you feel so free Can you feel it too? Now I can tell by your smile You feel much better than before That’s all you need for your life You have to take your chance and try one more time You can Open your mind it’s a brand new day Livin’ is easy and the sun will shine so bright Can you feel it coming? Open you heart throw your doubts away Livin’ the moment will make you feel so free Can you feel it too? It’s a brand new day Throw your doubts away You’ll feel much better than before You can 再给你提供个下载地址(115网盘的): http://u.115.com/file/e6kz1sos


hohnholz wegener的《open your mind》 时长02:51
广告里截取的歌词为:How can I make you believe……You can Open your mind it’s a brand new day Livin’ is easy and the sun will shine so bright


答:金立elife手机广告铃声是《Open Your Mind》。该歌曲是一首充满活力和正能量的英文歌曲,以金立elife手机为广告背景,表达了开启新生活的积极态度。歌词中提到“Open your mind, it’s a brand new day”,鼓励人们放下过去的束缚,迎接全新的生活。同时,歌曲中的旋律和节奏也非常抓耳...

金立elife s5.1广告背景歌曲

答:金立智能系类手机广告歌曲为:Open Your Mind 歌词为:How can I make you believe There is something in the air See all the birds in the tree You have to spread your wings and fly, fly away You can Open your mind it’s a brand new day Livin’ is easy and the sun will sh...

金立elife手机S5.1广告背景音乐 获吉尼斯世界纪录的4.75mm

答:世界之薄手机金立手机广告背景音乐是e-life歌曲系列中的Open Your Mind 歌曲:Open Your Mind 歌手:Melissa Etheridge 所属专辑:《The Awakening》发行时间:2008-05-14 流派:摇滚 发行公司:环球唱片 歌词:How come there's so many people willing to suffer So they get up and suffer every ...

金立elife s5.5广告背景音乐
答:《Open Your Mind》.

答:2011年5月,金立智能手机研发院成立,并推出年轻化子品牌Elife,同时邀请了韩国影星尹恩惠和凭借《艋舺》获得金马影帝的阮经天,成为金立智能手机Elife系列的代言人。 2011年9月,金立手机官方旗舰店落户淘宝商城,金立和淘宝合作发布了一款内置TaoBao Smart移动网络购物应用解决方案的月光手机,金立GN858,不过销量一般。 2011年...

答:歌名:open your mind 歌词:How can I make you believe There is something in the air See all the birds in the tree You have to spread your wings and fly,fly away You can Open your mind it’s a brand new day Livin’ is easy and the sun will shine so bright Can you ...

谁知道,金立e-life 手机广告。就是阮经天和一个韩国女的拍得那个广告...
答:那个和阮经天拍广告的是韩国女演员尹恩惠,代表作品有:《像你》、《宫》。背景音乐的名字叫做《open your mind》,酷狗音乐上面都可以搜得到的,你可以去试试,希望可以帮到你。

...那个啥最薄手机预约尝鲜,手机图片是金立ELIFE S5.5吗?如下图_百 ...