高考英语作文文体分类【应用文分的细点】 衡水中学高考英语作文满分背诵100篇翻译作文应用文征文、演讲...

作者&投稿:衷庙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  在写记叙文的活动时,不要套用和议论、说明文的格式, 如first, second, last but not least. 否则大有文体不对之嫌。 引出叙述,可启用for example, the first/next/last thing to consider is ……
  The …that was held/happened in ….was really impressive and unforgettable.
  There are many unforgettable things in my memory and I will never forget the …..that I experienced in the summer of ….
  When it comes to the most unforgettable …. In my life, I will naturally think of …..that happened in ….
  Time flees! My senior high school life has come to an end before I know it. There are so many unforgettable things in the past three years which
  are worth mentioning. The most wonderful one is …….
  As soon as I see the title”……”, it produces an extraordinary sequence of mental images. Vivid memories
  come flooding back of the spring festival ten years ago.
  发传单宣传,制定计划,咨询(send leaflets,publicize,make a considered plan,consult sb)活动进行时大家如何分工合作,相互支持,齐心协力完成任务。这样语言就可以比较丰富,内容可以充实出彩,不会造成无话可说。
  你可以用这样的短语或句子来写,比如:Through the activity, I realize that…,
  This experience makes me fully aware of the importance of …
  I firmly believe that …
  After the activity, I can’t help falling into deep thought.
  The activity is really a great success. I feel very proud of our performance and efforts. /I feel relieved to see that …
  Eg; in the activity, I am aware of the importance of being
  supportive, understanding, cooperative, with which what seems impossible will
  become possible.
  I find that love is actually rooted in
  people’s heart. It is love that makes the world go round and add color to people’s life.
  I truly understand the saying "Love is to us what water is to plants.”
  Not only does love bring others happiness, it also enrich your life and makes your feel accomplished.
  broaden one’s mind, enrich our life experience, enable us to be more independent, enhance our ability to …, uplift our mind and spirit,
  prepare us for the future adult society, strengthen the friendship between fellow students…,facilitate the harmony of the society.
  近些年,英语高考中的作文中看图说话的类型出现了多次。 看图说话的作文貌似简单,实则“小身材,大味道‘。 它既考察了学生运用描述性语言,描述图片的内容,又考察了学生的作文思维品质: 学生在看到图片之后,要在短时间之内,思考突出图片中的那些核心内容,并要把图片中的内容同现实生活联系在一起,陈述与图片主题一致的现实生活中的情况;最后还要对这种情况发表个人看法或提出解决问题的方案等等。 所以高中英语的看图说话绝非是我们儿时语文课的看图说话的要求。 同学们在提笔前,一定要了解到英语中看图说话作文的结构。 一般来说, 我们的作文构思如下;
  Para.I: 简要描述图中所显示的内容,注意描述与主题相关的核心内容。
  Para.II: 主体部分:根据图片中所反映的内容,联系实际生活,阐述生活中存在的此类情况,或由照片中的情形想到发生在自己身上的经历。 。记住: 这一段是层层递进式地把生活中的现象细致地描述出来, 而无需发表感慨。
  Para.III: 提出对生活中的这一现象的分析,个人看法或解决问题的方法建议或呼吁。
  1)As can be seen from the picture, 如图所示,
  2)After seeing the picture, I can’t help falling into deep thought. The first question that comes into mind is…看罢图片,我不仅陷入了深思。我想到的第一个问题是。。。
  3)The picture does reveal some problems worthy of our concern.这幅图片的确反映了值得我们关注的一些问题。
  4)The picture reveals a common scene frequently taking place around us.这幅图片反映了我们生活中常常发生的一个情景。
  5)I used to have the same experience as the person in the picture does.我过去已有过类似图片中的主人公的经历。
  6)The picture reminds me of the experience when I was…..这幅插图使我想起了我在。。。时候的一段经历。
  7)Now exists a prevailing trend in society that......
  1)I am writing to complain about……我写信投诉。。。
  2)I am disappointed to find thatthings were quite the opposite.我很失望的发现情况完全相反。
  3)Since I have suffered a lot both physically and spiritually, I demand that you refund the cost and solve the problem as soon as possible.因为我身心皆遭到伤害,我坚决要求退赔所有费用并能尽快解决问题。
  4).If you do not do this, I will complain to the consumer council and resort to law.如果你们不按我的要求去做,我将投诉到消费者协会并诉诸法律。
  C. 常用短语
  refund 退赔
  resort to law 诉诸法律
  defend consumers‘ rights捍卫消费者权益

英语作文的文体 额 怎么说呢 做了那么多卷子 最常见的是议论文 一般是三段式的 第一段都是简述作文题的观点 两三行就行了 不要啰嗦 第二段是正文 陈述两种观点以及理由 五六行的样子 第三段 说你自己的观点 两三行 记住 每一段的开头最好用一些副词短语过度 比如as far as I am concered, 除了议论文就是看图写文比较常见 这类文 第一段要介绍图的内容 第二段写由图得到的启发 第三段就写呼吁人们如何如何 记住 这种文 第一段开头 可以这样 just as the picture described, 然后就是科技文 这个要临场发挥了 说到底 你要刻意去记一些短语和句子 还有 词汇是王道



to: mike bush, the department manager

from: bill brown, the technical section date: april 3,2009

subject: examining a malfunction of the machine in italy

period: from march 1 to april 1,2009


last month,as you demanded, i was on a business trip to one of our company’s factories in italy to inspect some machines in trouble. they were reported to refuse to work properly and some of them even totally broke down in february. technicians in the factory didn’t know what to do with them, let alone the workers operating them. activities done in this period:

•during the last month, fve been checking the machines which are reported in troubles since the day i arrived here, and find that something goes wrong with the machine engines.

•after observing other machines for several days, i find that some of them are also on the edge of breaking down.

•i have also been to other factories in the region which are using the same machines, and find that some of them even have similar problems with us.

plans for the next period:

•i’ll contact the technicians of the machine manufacturers and try to find the way out.

•if the problems remain the same or can’t be solved, i have to ask for a refund for all the machines in the factory, since they were purchased only three months ago and due to the fact that similar problems occurred in other factories. i wonder there may be something wrong with the design of the machines in the first place.

•if that’s the case, i have to look for other manufacturers for new machines to be used in our factory.


答:1、narration 记叙文 :记叙文是以记人、叙事、写景、状物为主,以写人物的经历和事物发展变化为主要内容的一种文体形式。2、argumentation 议论文 :议论文,又叫说理文,是一种剖析事物论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作者通过摆事实、讲道理、辨是非等方法,来确定其观点正确或错误,树立或否定...

答:英语作文体裁有4种。从写作文体来看,The four main writing styles which are commonly recognized are expository, descriptive, narrative, and persuasive.翻译:四种文体分别是:记叙文(narration)、议论文(argumentation)、应用文(exposition)、说明文(description)等,以下是各类文体的定义供参考。1...

答:记叙文的分类:从写作内容与方式看,可分为两类:简单的记叙文和复杂的记叙文。从写作对象的不同,可分为四类: 1、写人的记叙文; 2、叙事的记叙文; 3、写景的记叙文(即散文); 4、状物的记叙文。 二、说明文是一种以说明为主要表达方式的文章体裁。它通过对实体事物科学地解说,对客观事物做出说明或对抽象事理...

答:1. 英文写作的四种文体及注意事项 四种文体:1、记叙文,2、议论文,3、说明文4、应用文:包括书信、通知、便条等。注意事项:1、确保提纲中段落结构的思路与各段主题句的一致性。只有这样,才能保证所写段落不偏题,不跑题。2、要综合考虑各个段落的内容安排,避免段落内容的交叉。3、用好连接词,...



答:高考英语的10种类型 高考作文分为实用文和应用文。实用文包括:1.提纲作文;2.图表作文;3.图画作文;4.开放作文;应用文包括:5.书信;6.通知;7简历;8.日记;9.便条;10.电子邮件。

答:英语中“please. ” “thank you” “sorry”等礼貌用语具有增进友谊,改善关系、化解矛盾等神奇的力量,因而被称为“magic words”。请以“Magic Power of Polite Words”为题写一篇120词左右的英语作文。体裁不限(叙述文、 评论文、 说论文……)【参考范文】Having good manners is seen by many ...
