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The history of ancient Rome
At 19:45 on May 9, 2005

10th century BC to the 7th century BC, the Italian peninsula in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural era of intertwined. "Ancient Italy" is one of the most important group. About 1000 BC in the Bronze Age, they cross the northern and eastern parts of the Alps and the Adriatic Sea to reach Italy, and brutally forced many local indigenous tribes of movement abroad. At first they lived a nomadic life, but has been making bronze, the use of horses and carts with wheels of skills. Arrived in Italy, they formed a farming-based way of life. This way of life into the next century, a few of their main way of life of future generations, until the decline of Roman civilization. "Ancient Italy" by a few ethnic composition, including Sabine, Umbria and Latin.

9th century BC and the 8th century BC, the Italian peninsula, there have been two of the new nation: Greek and Etruscan. That the ancient Etruscan people from the East Anatolia, a number of archaeological discoveries, confirmed this. From the origin, it seems that they are not ancient Italy, just as they are not Indo-European language, their civilization, a mixture of East and West from a variety of factors. Weilangnuowa well-known representative of the Etruscan civilization were the first stage of development, from which we can see them in the new territories achieved remarkable progress in culture. This new territory is located in the north-east Italy and the Apennine mountains between the Sea and the coastal plain region. Etruscan people live in an independent, powerful city-state, usually between the city-state alliance. These initial city-state ruled by a monarchy, and later became adopted by the Parliament and the elected officials of the implementation of the rule of oligarchy. Etruscan people have been farming tribes, have well-organized army, they use the army to rule the nation around the same time, they like to operate the business and engaged in handicrafts. Tuscany and northern parts of the Latium region of the Etruscan people should be the first to settle. A small part of the Latin in this territory at the southern end of the proliferation of interest-bearing, where the ultimate establishment of the city of Rome. Therefore, the Etruscan civilization in the heyday of the village is only the Romans, with the Etruscan language, thought and religion are closely linked: people are Roman Etruscan civilization to culture have transformed A unique most important.

On the other hand, in the 16th century BC to 11th century BC Mycenaean civilization between the period of Greeks in southern Italy and central China navigating coastal areas, followed by a period of stagnation makes their voyage come to an end. In the West because of trade routes and competition Phoenicians, who established a new base for trade, then in the 8th century BC, so that the full development of the colony. They are the first horse in Italy is Coosa (in the Bay of Naples Yisijier Island) to establish a colony again after a slight forces to advance north to Sicily and the mainland of kumi coastal areas in southern Italy. With the contacts with the Greeks, the Etruscan people will soon become more mature, they create a text according to the Greek alphabet to form its own style of painting and sculpture, to the development of the Greek gods were to be based on religious beliefs And a set of well-gaze of the ceremony. Later, all of which were inherited from the Romans

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Introduction to Australia

In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It has, however, a relatively small population. 澳大利亚地域宽广却人口稀少。

Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies between 10° and 39° South latitude. 澳大利亚的地理位置(经度、纬度)以及土地概况。

The highest point on the mainland, Mount Kosciuszko, is only 2228 metres. Apart from Antarctica, Australia is the driest continent. 澳大利亚的最高峰。

Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid. Its fertile areas are well-watered, however, and these are used very effectively to help feed the world. Sheep and cattle graze in dry country, but care must be taken with the soil. Some grazing land became desert when the long cycles that influence rainfall in Australia turned to drought. 澳大利亚的干旱情况,越来越干。

The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. Most inland borders follow lines of longitude and latitude. The largest State, Western Australia, is about the same size as Western Europe. 澳大利亚的组成,最大的州是西澳大利亚州。

Immigration is an important feature of Australian society. Since 1945, over six million people from 200 countries have come to Australia as new settlers. Migrants have made a major contribution to shaping modern Australia. People born overseas make up almost one quarter of the total population.澳大利亚的移民方面。


My first experience of surfing the internet
I still remember clearly about the first time I surfed the intenet. I was asked to search some information through the internet by my teacher. So I had to go to the Internet Cafe. I just spent a couple of minutes to get those stuff and it was a little bit too early to go home. Then I tried to play the game that my classmates always mentioned. It was also my first try. The game was amazing and intersting for me.I was addicted completed to the game so that I forgot the time. When I got home,I was scolded by my mother and I've never gone to the Internet Cafe since then.

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