什么是朋友,朋友的含义`用英语回答!!! 朋友的英文定义是什么

作者&投稿:父会 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
A ccepts you as who you are 接受那个真实的你

B elieves in 'you' 相信你的能力、为人等等

C alls you just to say 'Hi' 只是为了打个招呼,就会打电话给你

Doesn`t give up on you 对你不离不弃

E nvisions the whole of you 从全面的角度来看待你

F orgives your mistakes 原谅你犯的错

G ives unconditionally 无条件地向你提供援手

H elps you 遇到难处时帮助你

I nvites you over 邀请你去他家

J ust 'be' with you 愿意和你呆在一起

K eeps you close at heart 与你心心相映

L oves you for who you are 喜欢你的种种个性

M akes a difference in your life 给你的生活带来很大的不同

N ever judges 从不对你品头论足

O ffers support 困境时向你提供支持

P icks you up 帮你恢复士气

Q uiets your fears 减轻你的恐惧

R aises your spirits 鼓舞你的斗志

S ays nice things about you 向别人介绍你好的那一面

T ells you the truth when you need to hear it 当你需要听到事实时,讲给你听

U nderstands理解万岁

V alues you 重视你

W alks beside you 走路时,陪在你身边

X plain things you don't understand 为你解疑释惑

Y ells when you won't listen 在你听不进好的建议时,会对你大吼

Z aps you back to reality 唤醒你,把你拉回现实

A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

A friend is a person who you can trust and share happiness each other.

A true friend is a friend in need


Friend is a relationship of mutual affection between people.Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as communication, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.

A friend is not just someone to whom you say "hello". A friend is a tender shoulder on which you can softly cry. A friend is a well into which you can pour all your troubles down. A friend is a hand which pulls you up from darkness and despair when all your other "so-called friends" have helped to put you there. A true friend is an ally who can't be moved or bought, a voice which keeps your name alive when others have forgot. But most of all, a friend is a heart, a strong and sturdy wall, for from the hearts of friends there comes the greatest love of all

答:what's the meanings of 'friend '?

答:好朋友的英文是:Good friend good的音标:英 [gʊd]、美 [ɡʊd]good释义:1、adj.好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的 We lack a good goalkeeper.我们少一个好的守门员。2、n.好处,利益;善良;善行;好人 What good can they get from this?他们能从这里捞到什么好处呢?good...

答:what count a real friend,just like you?参考资料:如果您的回答是从其他地方引用,请表明出处

答:We are good friends,we是代表我们,are的意思是“是”(复数)good是好的意思,friends是朋友的意思,所以,We are good friends就是我们是朋友。选我!!!

答:好朋友的英文是:good friend。“好朋友”这个概念在跨文化交流中有着普遍的意义,不过,不同文化和社会背景可能会对“好朋友”的定义和期望有所不同。在英语中,“good friend”指的是一个值得信赖、能够分享快乐和悲伤、互相支持和理解的人。这样的朋友通常会在生活中...

答:手工翻译如下 He is my friend.

我你他是朋友用英语怎么说? 急啊,要求1分钟内回复
答:You,he and me are friends.顺序是第二人称-第三人称-第一人称。

答:A friend knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.朋友是知道你心灵深处的歌曲并且在你忘记歌词的时候唱给你听的人。True friendship is see through the heart but not through the eyes.真正的友谊是通过心灵而不是通过眼睛看到的。Friend...


答:你想知道那是不是对方的朋友,可以问的是:Excuse me? Are you Mike’s friend?回答:肯定回答:Yes, I am.否定回答:No, I’m not.