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作者&投稿:沙卞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
在月亮下面Under the moon地球司令
The next day in Kisangani,Kiah and Rilla waited quietly in an office in Gog’s house.Suddenly,Commander Zadak came into the office and gave some letters to the man behind he table.He saw the two young people and stopped in front of them.


‘You again!’he said.‘What are you doing here?’


Kiah stood up.‘Good morning,Commander.We’re here because we want to see Earth Commander.’


‘I saw Earth Commander some minutes ago and talked to him about rain,’Zadak said quietly.‘But he didn’t listen.Your captain,Seru,was here earlier this morning and began to tell him about the holes in the AOL.But Gog doesn’t want to hear about our planet.He’s always talking about Mars.In the end,he’s going to destroy Earth.’


‘Please help us!’Rilla cried.‘Come and see Gog with us!’


‘No.’Zadak looked at Kiah and then at Rilla with his blue eyes.‘I’m not talking to Gog again.And youGog isn’t going to listen to you.Be carefuland good luck!’


Commander Zadak opened the door and left the office.


Rilla looked at Kiah.‘Earth Commander is a difficult man.I don’t understand him.’


‘Everyone is afraid of him,’Kiah said.‘And Commander Zadak isn’t going to help us.’


Kiah and Rilla waited.They waited and waited.At nearly twelve o’clock,a guard came into the office.


‘Come!’he said.


Kiah and Rilla went with the guard.The house was big and old,with big windows and many doors.The guard went downstairs and opened one of the doors.There was nobody in the room.


‘Wait here,’the guard said,and left.


Kiah and Rilla sat down on the expensive green and black chairs and looked at the expensive flowers on the tables.There were no windows in this room.Suddenly,the door opened and a tall,fat woman came in.Her name was Bel,and she was Gog’s wife.She had a lot of long red hair and she wore an expensive blue dress.Bel liked expensive things.She carried a cat.The cat was black and white:half its face was black and half was white;half its body was black and half was white.


‘Why are you here?Why do you want to see Earth Commander?’she asked.


Rilla stood up.‘How do you do?’she said.‘We want to talk to Earth Commander about the AOL.We have new numbers from the satellite.’


Bel’s face was red.‘The AOL! Earth Commander knows about the AOL,and he is the best man’


‘Excuse me,’Kiah said quietly.‘We want to help Earth Commander.’


Bel began to laugh.‘Help?You?’The cat jumped down and walked across the room.‘How can you help?Why can’t you understand?Listen.Earth Commander is working on the spaceship for Mars.It’s difficult and expensive work.’The cat jumped on to Rilla’s chair and looked at her with her with its yellow eyes.‘Two years ago,Adai wanted more money for the AOLand Earth Commander sent him to the colony under the Moon.Now you’re talking about the AOL.Do you want to go to the Moon,too?’


The door opened again and a different guard came in.‘Excuse me.Earth Commander is ready now.’


Bel stood up.‘You can see Earth Commander now,’she said coldly.‘But you’re going to be sorry!’


The guard opened a different door,and Bel and the cat went into a beautiful room with in behind them.There were no windows in the room,but a lot of pictures.There was Gog!The richest man on Earth;and the worst man on Earth.He was tall and fat,and without much hair.He sat behind a big table with a television,three computers and five telephones.He watched the television and didn’t look at Kiah or Rilla.Two guards with guns stood behind him and two more guards stood near the door.


‘Here they are!’Bel said.‘They aren’t friends,oh no!They want to talk about the AOL,of course.No one understands about Mars’


‘That’s all right,that’s all right,’Gog said quickly.And then he looked up,first at Rilla and then at Kiah.His eyes were cold and green.‘I know about you two,’he said.‘Your cptain told me about you.You’re famous!Two children!You want to help planet Earth,is that right?’He waited.The cat jumped on to his table and sat down in front of the television.


‘Yes,Commander,’Kiah began.‘The AOL is breaking up’


‘When?Tonight?Tomorrow?’Gog said angrily.‘I heard this old story two years ago,from Adai.Everyone comes here and wants money-money for the AOL,money for rain,money for the Moon colony.But I am Earth Commander,and you are nobody!I know about the AOL and the AOL is good for a hundred years!’


‘But quiet!’Gog cried.‘I am Earth Commander!I’m not going to give money for the AOL!Or for the Moon!’Gog looked at the guards near the door.‘Take themtake them away.I don’t want to hear them.’


The guards moved behind Kiah and Rilla,and Bel began to laugh.‘Goodbye!’she said.‘You’re not going to the Moon,you’re going to prison!You can talk about the holes in the AOL there!’


Let’s Leave Our Children a Living Planet

E Huiyuan: Most Chinese people are not quite familiar with WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), could you give our readers a brief introduction about your organization?

Jim Harkness: WWF is one of the world's largest environmental non-? governmental, non-profit organizations. It was founded in 1961 in Switzerland and currently works in over 100 countries. Our mission is to stop, and eventually reverse1, destruction of the world's biological diversity and natural systems, in order to build a planet where people and nature live in harmony. In addition to helping protect wild species and habitats, WWF is also tackling major threats -- overfishing,deforestation,global warming, and toxic2 pollution -- that take such a devastating3 toll on our planet. In short, we do much more than just save pandas! We are really concerned as much with promoting sustainable4 development as with protecting wildlife.

E: What major activities have you carried out in China and what achievements have you made?

Jim Harkness: WWF has worked for almost 25 years in China. Three major actions -- establishing new panda reserves5, setting up 2 million hectares6 of wetland reserves and promulgating7 National Environmental Guidelines -- carried out by China's government with support from WWF, were recognized by WWF International as Gifts to the Earth.

We began by working to help China protect the Giant Panda. After years of research on wild pandas, we worked with State Forest Administration to develop a National Action Plan for Conservation of the Giant Panda. We have helped set up new nature reserves for pandas. Today, over half of the panda's habitat is under formal protection, and we feel confident that this species has a brighter future. But as I said, we work on much more than just pandas! In 2000, we were asked to help develop National Guidelines for Environmental Education, as part of China's curriculum reform process, and those Guidelines have now become official policy. Another area that is a priority for WWF in China is conservation of freshwater resources and biodiversity.

Our other programmes focus on conservation and sustainable management of forests, protection of unique species on the Tibetan Plateau8, conservation in the Yellow Sea, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

E: In your opinion, what is the most serious environmental problem existing in China? What measures should we adopt to improve the ever-deteriorating situation?

Jim Harkness: There are many serious problems: air pollution, water pollution, desertification, overfishing, destruction of natural habitats, acid rain, over-consumption of wild animals and plants, etc, etc. Behind them all, though, is the contradiction between economic growth and the environment.

Since United Nations Earth Summit in 1992, more and more people and governments have adopted the idea of “sustainable development.” This is the idea that today's economic growth should not wipe out9 the resources and options for future generations. Planning and development need to not insure only economic growth, but also social advancement and environmental health, and this means that some economic behavior must be restricted or controlled. Instilling10 principles of sustainable development into government planning, resource management and economic policy is the most important step China could take to solve its environmental problems.

China has already taken some remarkable steps to reduce damage to the environment. For instance, following the huge floods of 1998, the government banned logging in the upper reaches of the Yangtze river in order to protect forests and reduce flood dangers. Still, the basic contradiction between environment and development persists. Much work is to be done before we can say that China's development is truly sustainable development.

E: I notice that the logo of WWF is China's endemic11 Giant Panda, why did you choose it instead of any other country's endangered animals?

Jim Harkness: There were several reasons. First, the panda is beloved all over the world. Second, it is endangered. Third, it depends very closely on its habitat. As you know, wild pandas eat only bamboo, so to save them, we have to save the forests they live in. I think WWF's founders wanted to make that connection, to show that we need to save whole ecosystems, and not just put animals in zoos. Finally, there was a practical reason. In 1961, color printing was very expensive, and by choosing a black-and-white animal for our logo, we could save money! Non? profit organizations like WWF always have to think about how to reduce expenses, so we can spend more money on saving nature.

E: June 5 is the World Environment Day, could you say something on it to our readers?

Jim Harkness: I would just share one of WWF's main slogans: “Let's Leave Our Children a Living planet!”

More wood was removed from forests in 2005 than ever before, one of many troubling environmental signs highlighted on Thursday in the Worldwatch Institute's annual check of the planet's health.

The Washington-based think tank's "Vital Signs 2007-2008" report points to global patterns ranging from rising meat consumption to Asian economic growth it says are linked to the broader problem of climate change.

"I think climate change is the most urgent challenge we have ever faced," said Erik Assadourian, director of the Vital Signs project.

"You see many trends in climate change, whether we are talking about grain production which is affected by droughts and flooding. Or meat production as livestock production makes up about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions," he told reporters in a telephone interview before the report's release.

Assadourian said the key message of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emissions and other ecological woes.

He said of the 44 trends tracked by the report, 28 were "pronouncedly bad" and only six were positive.

The trends range from the spread of avian flu to the rise of carbon emissions to the number of violent conflicts. The growing use of wind power is among the few trends seen as positive.

Some of the points highlighted in the report include:

- Meat production hit a record 276 million metric tons (43 kilograms or 95 pounds per person) in 2006.

- Meat consumption is one of several factors driving rising soybean demand. Rapid expansion of soybean plantations in South America could displace 22 million hectares (54 million acres) of tropical forest and savanna in the next 20 years.

- The rise in global seafood consumption comes as many fish species become scarcer. In 2004, people ate 156 million metric tons of seafood, the equivalent of three times as much seafood per person than in 1950.

Other analysts and think tanks have focused on different trends they say mean less cause for alarm. For example, they point out that while more wood is being removed from forests on a global scale, many parts of Europe and North America have experienced reforestation in recent decades.




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In my opinion,I think that it's bad for students to take the mobile phone to school.If students do this,they won't get good grades on their schoolwork.Anyway,it is also a waste of time.


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It's not good for people to spend too much time on APPs like DouYin. People should learn more and improve ourselves so that they can make their life more colorful and wonderful.

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