为什么我室友在寝室都用中式英语和我们交流,并说自己以说中文为耻辱? 以“为了引起学生对学习英语的兴趣并且丰富我们的校园生活”为开...

作者&投稿:凌乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






这种人就是智障 你问一下他的家人和他交流的时候是用什么语言说话呢 身为一个国人居然以中文为耻。。建议远离他。。。


My campus, there are many beautiful corners! What I like most is the humble flower beside the rostrum and the peach tree growing obliquely!

Whenever I enter the school gate, I will be "attracted" by a beautiful corner! That's my favorite place to go! Let's have a look at the peach tree first! The first thing you see is the leaves like flawless jadeite. They seem to be "new lives quivering"!
This is my campus, my campus is very beautiful! We still have many plants here! There are tall yellow Jue trees; Red camellia; Beige, emitting a fragrance of osmanthus.
In the process of learning, there are both joys and hardships, successes and failures, but the learning career is like a vast ocean, never ending.
As the saying goes, "if you don't know the bitterness in the bitterness, you can be a superior person." Yes, if you are not willing to bear hardships, then your life will be doomed to failure. After the rain, we can see the rainbow. The beauty of the rainbow is also revealed in front of us after the rain. Behind one's success, there will be tears and failure, because failure is the mother of success.
Although the learning career is cruel, because we are faced with the survival of the fittest, so we must work hard, work hard, and work hard again, to write a more magnificent score of success.

In order to attract students' interest in learning English and
enrich our campus lifedents after school life rich, and parker school English group all the teacher
organizes the student to develop the English handwriting contest activities.

First, each teacher to decorate task, each students complete an
English work, require written specification, generous, decent, layout clean and
beautiful. A special interest in children, are very carefully finished his
homework. The teacher is out in his class five more beautiful works, the school
competition. Based on the principle of fairness and justice, to name just a
third prize.

This activity, not only all the teachers feel special, more let
children experience pleasure in activities, experience success!

All the students actively participate in technical, serious
writing. After the class to write good, by various branches teacher selected
five finalists. On December 26, the entire school teachers of English as the
judges, selected the first prize in 1, 2 second prize, third prize three,
honorable mention nine.

Professional department to award-winning students awards and
prizes, and the award-winning students work to display. This is training the
students' calligraphy calligraphy competition levels, and to other students a
learning example, has obtained the expected effect.

Taste the calligraphy charm Rich campus culture

For carrying forward the culture of the Chinese nation traditional
calligraphy, Chinese characters, English writing ability of students, rich
campus culture life, improve the aesthetic temperament and interest, on March
12, 19 of the mianyang city middle school students held a calligraphy

Activity points hard pen, writing brush, English calligraphy
contest, hand out the newspaper competition, charade activities of three parts.
Activity in the atmosphere warm, teachers and students carefully taste the
calligraphy art charm, part of the teacher, also at the scene of a paint show
the writing brush calligraphy, the participation of the teacher is an
inspiration to the students. Charade event, the classmates stared written on the
subject of banners, sometimes eyebrows tight cu, racking their brains for the
problem, Sometimes a smile, for the right topic for joy; Carefully read the
puzzle and whispered discussion, enjoy han glyph picturesque beauty, the
cheerful atmosphere permeated event.

Through this activity, further stimulate the students' interest in
calligraphy, improve the students' understanding of Chinese culture, edify
sentiment, raised a hot wave of the new round of good writing.


答:不管是什么类型的,模联也好,表演也好,演讲比赛也好,总是需要使用到大量的英语,是扩充词汇量、提高英语能力的一个很好的途径。特别是像二十一世纪杯全国中小学生英语演讲比赛和希望之星这样的大型比赛,锻炼的不仅是语言本身,还包括了很多其他的东西。 我在准备演讲比赛的时候,查阅很多有关的书籍和资料,并且和周围的人...


2人英语对话 没人至少5句
答:LZ请你相信专业,以上3个回答,1楼2楼是中学生作文,3楼的语法和搭配以及习惯用语错的一塌糊涂,很多中式英语。如果你只是要一个中学生水平的对话,那下面这个就不用看了。如果你要的是一篇feature我这个还是不错的。A Hey, are you trying to burn our room with your cigarette? But I don't ...