
作者&投稿:冀饰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
the advantages of the new textbook is easy to find.first of all ,there are a lot of pictures to illustrate the text,that chould makes the students interested in it.however,the contens whitch are choosen from the latest reading meterials,the words are nature. And the varies of the parts are concerning about the society promblems.
On the other side,there are some disadvantages,the most daming thing is there are too much words.secondly,the learned parts doesn`t repeat a lot,so it`s hard to memories.The parts of the Task and Project are difficult to practise,espacially to the senior schools from countryside.

First Aid

First aid is emergency care for a victim of sudden illness or injury until more skillful medical treatment is available.It may save a life or improve certain vital signs including pulse,temperature,a clear airway(气道),and breathing.In minor emergencies,first aid may prevent a victim's condition from turning worse and provide relief from pain.First aid must be administered as quickly as possible.In the case of the critically injured,a few minutes can make the difference between complete recovery and loss of life.First-aid measures depend upon a victim's needs and the provider's level of knowledge and skill.Knowing what not to do in an emergency is as important as knowing what to do.Improperly moving a person with a neck injury,for example,can lead to permanent spinal(脊柱的)injury and paralysis(瘫痪).Despite the variety of injuries possible, several principles of first aid apply to all emergencies.

The first step is to call for professional medical help.The victim,if conscious,should be reassured that medical aid has been requested,and asked for permission to provide any first aid.Next,assess the scene,asking other people or the injured person's family or friends about details of the injury or illness,any care that may have already been given,and preexisting conditions such as diabetes(糖尿病)or heart trouble.The victim should be checked for a medical bracelet(手镯)or card that describes special medical conditions.Unless the accident scene becomes unsafe or the victim may suffer further injury,do not move the victim.

First aid requires rapid assessment of victims to determine whether life-threatening conditions exist.One method for evaluating a victim's condition is known by the acronym(首字母缩写词)ABC,which stands for:A-Airway:is it open and clear? B-Breathing:is the person breathing? Look,listen,and feel for breathing.C-Circulation:is there a pulse? Is the person bleeding externally? Check skin color and temperature for additional indications of circulation problems.





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答:Dear Mrs.Hao,As the summer holiday is coming, I'd like to take apart in an activity named"Kids summer camp".During the activity,I'll teach the children to read.The books are such real eye-opener that they can know more about the world.Maybe,I can find some fantastic ...

求英语作文 假设你是李华。最近发现学校门口有塞车现象。经过观察,发 ...
答:life and protect our environment .As little a thing as walking to school can even help,which will accordingly contribute to reliefing the traffic jam outside our school gate. Is it beyond our reach?英语作文要多用长句和高级结构,副词和短语也很重要。希望你以后能自己多多练习。加油 ...

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