描写人外貌的英语作文 描写人物外貌的英语作文50字左右。

作者&投稿:藤钓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
外貌 Physical Appearance
Robert is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesn't look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isn't fat and he isn't thin. His build is average.

注释1 当我们描写一个人的体型的时候,我们也可以分为以下两个部分:
(1) 体格(build):
fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧。
A. She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built.
B. She is a little overweight, so she decided to lose weight.
(2) 身高(height)
medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米.
A. He used to be middle-sized, but when he is getting old , he is becomeing short.

注释2 在描写面部容貌的时候,可以从脸型、头发、五官入手。
1. 脸型(face):
round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。
A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round .
2. 头发(hair):
(1) 发型(hair style):
straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的。
A. Her hair is brown and curly.
(2) 发色(hair color):
jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.
A. She is a beautiful girl with fair hair.
3. 五官:
(1) 眼睛(eye):
deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛.
A. His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time.
B. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.
(2) 鼻子(nose):
long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的.
A. He was born a hooked nose.
B. His nose is very big, so he doesn't like it.
(3) 嘴部(mouth):
tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴。
A. When he laughs, we see his even teeth.
B. She has a double chin.

注释3 一个人的服饰也是外貌的重要组成部分,所以对服饰的描写也很重要。
smart 潇洒的; scruffy 邋遢的; well-dressed 衣着华丽的; casual 随便的; conservative 不显眼的; elegant 优雅的; fashionable 时髦的; suave 文雅的; untidy 不整洁的.
A. He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit.

注释4. 另外,人的神情也能体现一个人的形象。
bright 欢快的; broad 无所顾忌的; charming 可爱的; cunning 狡猾的; faint 不明显的; happy 高兴的; pleasant令人愉快的; sad 伤心的; sweet 甜蜜的; pleased 满意的; grinning 露齿而笑的; smirking 傻笑的; friendly 友好的; warm 温暖的,热情的; cold 不热情的.
A. Because of his high scores, he smiles brightly.
B. A friendly smile will help you to win others heart.
C. She is charming when she smiles.

注释5. 常见的系动词有:
appear, be, become, feel, get, go, grow, look, prove, remain, seem, sound, taste, turn, etc.
A. The advertisement sounds interesting.
B. Human rights are a major concern in today's world.
C. The result of the experiment is very encouraging.
D. My idea is that we should follow our original plan.


Wilber Pan is a young star comes from China.

He was born in 1980.8.6. He is a lovely boy who has 174cm tall and 69kg weight . As you can see ,he has short balck hair,erogenous mouth ,handsome face and small eyes.Alough his eyes aren't bigly ,he also has many fans because of his sunshine smell.He is a boy just like a neighborly to you.

He is more a mastermind than a singer.He has a height degree that graduated from California Polytechnic State University ,he is good at singing ,dancing ,presiding and so on.

In private ,Willber is friendly to everyone who aroungs him.Now more and more people from everywhere develop theirs' love for him.

潘玮柏 是一个来自中国的年轻明星.
他出生于1980年8月6日.他是一个拥有174cm身高69kg重的可爱男孩.正如你所看到的 ,他有一头黑黑的短头发, 性感的嘴唇,英俊的脸庞,和小小的眼睛.尽管他的眼睛不大,他依然拥有众多的"粉丝",因为他有着阳光的笑容.对你来说, 他就橡个邻家男孩.
与其说他是个歌手不如说他是的才子.他有份高学历,毕业于加州州立理大学 ,他擅长于唱歌,跳舞,主持等等.
在私下,玮柏对他上身边的每个人都很友好.现在 ,越来越多的人们渐渐喜欢上他了.

Wilber Pan is a young star comes from China.

He was born in 1980.8.6. He is a lovely boy who has 174cm tall and 69kg weight . As you can see ,he has short balck hair,erogenous mouth ,handsome face and small eyes.Alough his eyes aren't bigly ,he also has many fans because of his sunshine smell.He is a boy just like a neighborly to you.

He is more a mastermind than a singer.He has a height degree that graduated from California Polytechnic State University ,he is good at singing ,dancing ,presiding and so on.

In private ,Willber is friendly to everyone who aroungs him.Now more and more people from everywhere develop theirs' love for him.

潘玮柏 是一个来自中国的年轻明星.
他出生于1980年8月6日.他是一个拥有174cm身高69kg重的可爱男孩.正如你所看到的 ,他有一头黑黑的短头发, 性感的嘴唇,英俊的脸庞,和小小的眼睛.尽管他的眼睛不大,他依然拥有众多的"粉丝",因为他有着阳光的笑容.对你来说, 他就橡个邻家男孩.
与其说他是个歌手不如说他是的才子.他有份高学历,毕业于加州州立理大学 ,他擅长于唱歌,跳舞,主持等等.
在私下,玮柏对他上身边的每个人都很友好.现在 ,越来越多的人们渐渐喜欢上他了.

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