“我的家乡是潍坊”用英语怎么说? 再见我的家乡英语怎么说

作者&投稿:函和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
不用加,my hometown is Weifang就可以了,这里hometown是主语,Weifang是宾语,加in的话就成了介词短语做地点状语了,而这里需要的是宾语。

My hometown is Weifang . 我认为这样就可以了



To better describe my hometown Dalian, it is only one word - "the United States." I enjoy the mountains and rivers there, enjoy the water look blue and golden beaches accompanied by green hills, the hills were dotted with bright red flowers AFP, and that wonderful picture of nature is to hang around; enjoy my high-rise city modern architecture into the clouds, they bring people in the air and fashion power struggle; I like those quietly nestled in the trees at Castle Peak Block 1 compact architecture, which changes moment to remember history and the nation to sink and rise; Of course, I love that is located between mountains and rivers of glory to his alma mater.

Dalian is a new, Dalian is a modern, it is fully qualified to be called the "fashion capital", "romantic." It is the fashionable "new", it is the romantic "landscape." Although the city only a hundred years of history, but it has the reputation of the sun at high noon. Castle Peak with green dependency, linked with the blue sea. When you enter in Dalian, you will be surprised to find: The city is like an arch, highly attractive young girl beauty. One hundred years ago from an unknown start-small fishing village, now a famous and full of vitality and beauty of the modern garden-like seaside city.

Dalian, one of the characteristics is that its cultural plaza. Plaza Dalian very many, can be called a "dotted" - Ocean plaza rhyme, I hope Square, Victory Square, Wah Lok Square, Harbor Square, Zhongshan Square, music, friendly plaza, the People's Square, Olympic Square, Lotus Square, Xinghai Square , Academy Plaza, the Navy, according to information plaza ... ... Introduction: The Square in Dalian, about 70 or so, has a plaza in Asia are one of the largest city. Dalian has the character of the plaza are. Their attitude are different, unique. Some pretty, some powerful, some elegant, some meaningful. Plaza Dalian rich culture, culture to enhance the charm of the plaza. Whenever华灯初上when covered with grass and flowers at the plaza under the lights reflect in the dissemination of the permeability, the beauty of light.

Dalian fashion and romance, not only reflected in the landscape, architecture, cultural plaza, and its all-inclusive fashion elements. "Dalian Fashion Festival" Today the world has become a brand; Dalian "Sophorae Festival" offers to visitors continuously warm sweet ... ... the forefront of various international conferences and forums is a stream, where people give a modern civilization wonderful. Rare, old streetcars with modern high-speed light rail train in parallel with an inter-city, the people are left deeply shocked. And foreign visitors the most memorable, it must be in Dalian, "the women's Rangers" Yingzi the Sassou. But the city of Dalian City "signs" Oh.

Beauty of Dalian, my homeland, about my heart forever


大连的特色之一,就在于它的广场文化。大连的广场非常多,堪称是“星罗棋布”——海之韵广场、希望广场、胜利广场、 华乐广场、港湾广场、中山音乐广场、友好广场、人民广场、奥林匹克广场、莲花广场、星海广场、学苑广场、海军广场……据资料介绍:大连的广场约70个左右,在亚洲是拥有广场最多的城市之一。大连的广场是有性格的。它们姿态迥异,各具特色。有的清秀、有的雄浑、有的典雅、有的隽永。广场丰富了大连的文化、文化又增强的广场的魅力。每当华灯初上的时候,布满绿草和鲜花的广场在装饰灯的辉映下散发着的通透、轻盈的美感。



Goodbye ,my hometown!


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