EARPH0NE翻译汉语是什么? 汉语翻译成英语

作者&投稿:言杭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





1. 我和玛丽经常有分歧,但我们仍是好朋友。(disagree)
May and I always disagree with eachother, but we are still good friends.

2. 语言学习是一种主动的学习。学习者应该利用一切机会运用语言。
Language study is an iterative learning process, learners should take all the oppotunities to use the language.

3. 学习语言应该主动地、独立地、有目的地学。
learning a language should be initiative, independent and purposeful.

4. 船长为船员和旅客的安全负责。(care for)
The captain cares for safety of crew and passengers.

5. 他虽受人尊敬,但并不被人喜爱。(while)
While he is respected, he is not liked.

6. 她把窗户打开为的是通通风。(in order to)
She opens the window in order to ventilate.

7. 我们一直认为它是世界上最繁忙的城市之一。(think of。。。as)
We always think of it as one of the busiest cities.

8. 据报道,在那个地区发现了一个金矿。(It is reported that。。。)
it is reported that a gold mine has been found in that area.

9. 每一位学生都渴望学好英语。(be eager to)
Every student is eager to learn English well.

10. 学生应该集中精力学习。(focus)
students should focus on studying.

11. 汽车司机应该对乘客的安全负责。(be responsible for)
Car drivers shouhld be responsible for safty of passengers.

12. 这些夜校课程读完可获得学位。(lead to)
These evening courses lead to achive a degree certificate.

13. 通过大学英语四级考试的关键是相信努力学习将起重要作用。(key,make a difference)
Believing studying hard makes diffence is the key to pass college English test band 4.

14. 晨练有益于身体健康。(do good)
Morning exercise does good to health.

15. 大明湖风景如画,美不胜言。(beyond)
The beauty of DaMing lake view is beyond a word.

16. 我觉得很难理解她。(find)
I find that it's hard to understand her.

17. 美国有份工作要聘请我去做。(offer)
There is a job offer for me in the USA.

18. 我们班同学的年龄从18岁到20岁不等。(vary from。。。to。。。)
the ages of my classmates are vary from 18 to 20.

19. 考试的成功主要取决于学习努力的程度。(depend on)
the success of exam depends on how hard studing.

20. 依我看来,我们最好课后处理这个问题。(in one’s opinion,deal with)
In my opinion, we should better deal with this after class.

21. 老师讲得很多阅读技巧也适用于英语学习。(apply to)
Many reading techeniques from the teacher can be applied to English studying.

22. 没有父母的帮助我可以照顾自己。(without,take care of)
Without my parents' help, iI can take care of myself.

23. 在美国,年轻人好像有很多自由,可以决定并去做他们想做的事。(whatclause)
In America, young people have lots of freedom, they can decide and do whatever they want.

24. 如果他们双方愿意,他们就愿意与对方结婚。(pleased,be willing to)
If they were pleased eachother, they would be willing to get married.