英语高手请进!!!!在线等!!! 英语高手请进!!(在线等)

作者&投稿:长兴刘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语启蒙讲座(十二) 形容词和副词
用来描写或修饰名词或代词的词。如:I have a big bag. (我有一个大书包。)
大多形容词放在修饰的名词之前。如:This is a beautiful flower. (这花很漂亮。)
有些形容词放在它所修饰的名词之后。形容词修饰由some (一些), any (任何), every(每), no(不) 等构成的复合不定代词时须放在后面,如:There is something wrong with my father. (我爸爸有些不舒服。)
有些形容词只能作表语。如:ill(有病的), late(迟到的) 及以a-开头的单词,包括:afraid(害怕, awake(醒的), aware (意识到的), asleep(睡熟的), alone(独自的), alive(活着的)等。这些形容词必须后置。 如: The boy is asleep. (这个孩子睡着了。)
3. 形容词的功能:形容词修饰名词或代词,在句中用作定语,表语等。
如:The old man walks slowly.(这位老人慢慢地走着。)
如: I was late yesterday. (昨天我迟到了。)
4. 形容词的排列顺序
同类形容词的排列顺序:与名词关系较密切的靠近名词最近。而且要短词在前,长词在后。如:She is a tall beautiful girl. (她是个又高又漂亮的女孩。)
This is an interesting Chinese story. (这是一个有趣的中国故事。)
有一个以上的词语修饰名词时,他们的次序往往比较固定。大致为:限定词(包括冠词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词)+数词+描述形容词(短词在前,长词在后)+表示特征的形容词(包括大小、形状、新旧、年龄等)+颜色形容词+类属形容词+名词。:如: This is a beautiful red cotton shirt. (这是一件漂亮的红色棉衬衫。)
1. 定义:
用以修饰动词、形容词、其它副词以及句子的词。表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。如: He speaks slowly. (他说话很慢。)

2. 副词的种类

1) 时间副词:yesterday(昨天), today(今天), tomorrow(明天), last week(上周), this month(这个月), a month ago(一个月前), recently(最近), still(仍旧,还), already(已经), immediately(立刻), just(正好), now(现在), first(首先), before(在前), later(稍后), next(其次), these days(这些天), suddenly(突然地), then(那么), yet(仍旧).

2) 地点、方向副词: away(在远处), here (在这里), there(在那里), anywhere(无论何处), somewhere(在某处), outside (在外面), left(在左边), west(向西方), behind(在后地)

3) 方式副词:方式副词大多是由形容词加上-ly构成。如:quickly(很快地),slowly(慢慢地), heavily(沉重地), easily(容易地), angrily(生气地), brotherly(兄弟般地), monthly(每月一次), warmly(热心地), coldly(冷淡地), cheaply(便宜地), loudly(大声地)

4) 频率副词: once (一次), twice(两次), three times(三次), weekly(每周一次), monthly(每月一次), every day(每天), always(总是), sometimes(有时), often(常常), never(从不), nearly(几乎), usually(通常), ever(曾经), again(再次)

5) 程度副词: little (很少), enough(足够地), too(也,太), very(很,非常) , much(多), nearly(几乎), quite(十分), rather(相当,宁愿), only(仅仅), badly (糟糕地)

6) 观点副词:表示说话人对自己所说内容的态度,它并不影响句子的语法结构。Surely(的确地), definitely(明确地), luckily(幸运地), really(真正地), clearly(明显地), obviously(明显地), happily(愉快地), honestly(真诚地), hopefully(有希望地), in fact(事实上), in my opinion(依我看来), as you know(你知道的), strangely(奇怪地), fortunately(幸运地), unfortunately(不幸地)

7) 肯定副词、否定副词:肯定副词为yes (是的), 否定副词为no(不)

8) 连接副词:at the same time (同时), meanwhile (期间), however(无论如何), on the contrary(正相反),as a result(结果)

9) 疑问副词、关系副词:when (什么时候), where(在哪里), why(为什么), how(怎样)

3. 副词的位置:副词的位置比较灵活。一般来说,观点副词、肯定副词、否定副词放在句首;方式副词可放在句首、句中、句尾;程度副词放在它所修饰的形容词、副词之前;频率副词多位于句子中间,即助动词与行为动词之间。


如:Do you usually get up at seven every day? (你通常每天七点钟起床吗?)


如: She reads the book carefully. (她读书很仔细。)

有些副词如:sometimes, often, perhaps等可放在句中、句首、句末。 如:Sometimes she comes very early. (有时候她来得很早。)

She sometimes comes very early. (有时候她来得很早。)

She comes very early sometimes. (有时候她来得很早。)

4. 副词的功能

修饰动词。如:He does his homework carefully. (他做作业很认真)。

修饰形容词。 如:I am very hungry. (我非常饿。)

修饰句子。如: As a result, he tells the truth. (结果他说了真话。)



1. 单音节和部分双音节形容词

一般情况下,在词尾直接加-er, -est. 如:long-longer-longest (长的-更长-最长)

以不发音的字母-e结尾的,在词尾加-r, -st. 如:brave-braver-bravest (勇敢-更勇敢-最勇敢)

以辅音字母加y结尾的,先把y变为i , 再加–er,-est。 如:heavy-heavier-heaviest (重的-更重的-最重的)

重读闭音节单词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,要双写这一字母,再加-er, -est. 如:hot-hotter-hottest (热的-更热的-最热的)

big-bigger-biggest (大的-更大的-最大的)

fat-fatter-fattest (胖的-更胖的-最胖的)

thin-thinner-thinnest (瘦的-更瘦的-最瘦的)

2. 多数多音节词和部分双音节形容词和副词,在词前加more, most.

如:important—more important—most important (重要的—更重要的—最重要的)

careful—more careful—most careful (仔细的—更仔细的—最仔细的)

quickly—more quickly—most quickly (快地—更快地—最快地)

3. 少数形容词和副词不规则的构成

good (well)—better—best (好的--更好的—最好的)

bad (ill) – worse –worst (坏的—更坏的—最坏的)

many (much) –more—most (多的—更多的—最多的)

little—less—least (少的—更少的—最少的)

far—farther—farthest far—further—furthest (远的—更远的—最远的)

old—older—oldest old—elder—eldest (老的—更老的—最老的)

4. 形容词和副词比较等级的用法

原级as…as, not as…as

如: I am as tall as you. (我和你一样高。)

This summer is not as hot as last summer. (今年夏天没有去年夏天那么热。)

比较级 …..than… 如:English is more difficult than Chinese.(英语比汉语更难。)

She is taller than me. (她比我高。)

最高级:形容词最高级前面使用定冠词the, 副词最高级前面可以省略the.

如:He is the tallest in our class.(他在我们班里是最高的。)

He works(the)hardest in his class.(他在班里学习是最刻苦的。)

四.练习 把下列句子翻译成中文,理解句中形容词和副词的用法

1. Please speak louder.

2. Mary can’t speak as well as Jim.

3. Listen to me more carefully than before, please.

4. He runs the fastest in the sports meeting.

5. I like spring best.


例1:What will you be doing this time tomorrow?

例2:My brother’ll have to take care of you.I’ll call him today and he’ll be expecting you.



1) 现在完成时用来表示对目前状况仍有影响的刚刚完成的动作(常与yet,already,just连用),或者过去某一时该发生的,持续到现在的情况,甚至还可能继续下去(常与for,since连用)。

例1:He has just come back from town.

例2.We’ve known each other since childhood.我们从童年时代起就彼此认识了。

1.There seemed little hope that the explorer,____in the tropical forest,would find his way though it.

a.to be deserted
b.to have been deswrted
c.having deserted
d.having been deserted

2.I appreciated____the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.
a.having been given
b.to have been givern
c.having given
d.to have given

3.Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free,owing to its always____with other elements,most commonly with oxygen.

b.having combined
d.being combined



He lives in Nanjing.

You look very hungry now.


He is writing a letter at present.

It is raining now.

John is doing his assignment right now.

3.现在完成时, 表示过去的动作对现在有影响或过去的动作持续到现在。如:

He has just come back.

I have already seen it.

I have lived here for ten years.


He”s very tired, he has been working hard all day.



Bill was very thin when he was a child.

John went to Shanghai yesterday.


I was watching TV at eight o”clock last night.

He was sleeping when I arrived.


The train had gone before we reached the station.

After you had gone, I went to sleep.


We had been waiting for him an hour when he arrived.


一般将来时, 表示将来的动作或状态。如:

I will go to the movies tonight.

It will be fine tomorrow.


When we get there, they will be eating.


By next May he will have lived here for six years.

I shall have finished the book when you come next time.

将来完成进行时, 表示将来某点时间或将来某动作之前业已完成的动作的继续。如:

By June, we shall have been learning English for three years.

1现在完成时: have done/has done(第三人称单数)
2过去完成时: had done
3一般现在时: do/does(第三人称单数)
4一般将来时: will do
5一般过去时: did
6现在进行时: be doing
7过去将来时: would do

1现在完成时: have done/has done
2过去完成时: had done
3一般现在时: do/does
4一般将来时: will do
5一般过去时: did
6现在进行时: be doing
7过去将来时: would do

NO.1现在完成时: have done/has done(第三人称单数)
NO.2过去完成时: had done
NO.3一般现在时: do/does(第三人称单数)
NO.4一般将来时: will do
NO.5一般过去时: did
NO.7过去将来时: would do

英语高手请进 在线等!!。。~

congratulation on 对…表示衷心祝贺 固定搭配 表后面的事情已经实现
We offered our congratulations on his passing the college entrance exams.

for有时候 是表示一种愿望,但是事情并没有发生,尚未实现
Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.

Congratulations on your wedding best wish for your future happiness.

As we know, the rate of committing crimes are becoming increasly high,especially in The United States.Now there's not yet been figured out why people commit crimes,even some scientists have been puzzled.
Therefore, I'd like to share with you some of my opinions that how I regard crime committing.There are generally three reasons for that.
Firstly,crime committing can bring them some benefits,regardless of how many they can get.This kind of behaviour may be done actively or passively.People who commit crimes are classified into two groups:optimistic and pessimistic.Optimistic people are unwilling to do crimes,but there are some reasons that force them to .Pessimistic people are those who take it as their life,they just want to get happiness from others' sadness.
Secondly,People commit crimes accidentally,like killing someone without consciousness,or that happens by chance.Those people will feel regretful for their behaviour.
Thirdly,people who are mentally disabled who commit crimes for nothing.They don't know what they are doing,and what they did is far beyond human realization.Generally speaking, those people should be kept in asylum and released only when they have been completely cured.
To sum up,people commit crimes positively or negatively,purposeful or unconsciously.More evidence should be raised if you want to go into detail.


答:三月不知肉味 三怨成府 三余读书 三言讹虎 三阳交泰 三阳开泰 三言两句 三言两语 三浴三衅 三盈三虚 三谏之义 三六九等 三老四少 三邻四舍 三老五更 三令五申 三命而俯 三媒六证 三毛七孔 三沐三熏 三沐三薰 三马同槽 三臡八菹 三年化碧 三年五载 三年之艾 三平二满 三婆两嫂 三朋四友 ...

答:11、这是一个倒装句,地点状语提前加以强调,be动词提前构成倒装。nowhere else 地点状语;is there There be 主系语结构such perfect silence 表语 12、这是倒装用法,only置于句首 谓动词要提到主语之前,可以记下only then did i。。13、hardly是否定词,这里是否定词倒装,had 要提前。1、might...

答:两句都是敬语,所以翻译要注意。另外,“教える”在日语中不光有“教授,教(知识,技术) ”的意思,还有“指点,告诉”的意思。例如上面第一句在问路的时候也很常用。

C语言高手 请进!!在线等答案!!
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C语言高手请进……在线等 int a[ ] [3] = {{1,0,2},{ },{2,3}}...
答:说明:1.C语言中二维数组初始化时第二维不可以省略,而第一维是可以省略的;2.外部数组只能在原文件中加外部全局变量extern初始化后在外部引用,因此不能在此程序中对外部数组变量进行初始化;以下为测试源代码以及 Linux GCC下编译运行结果:include<stdio.h> int main(){ int i,j;int a[][3] ...

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英语高手请进!!急急急 谢谢
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