Jane is scolded by her boss because she left offi 单词拼写。根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在横线上写...

作者&投稿:柳可 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我觉得答案解释的有点牵强,这里left 确实是离开的意思,这里选择on 和with有关,with表示伴随着一种什么状态,这里就是离开办公室没关电脑。

jane was scolded by her mother because she left home with the door[ ].A.unlocked B.unlocking C.~

你好。答案是unlocked == without locking the door

1. worthwhile 2. envelopes 3. struggling 4. regrets 5. physically 6. permitted 7. curiosity 8. slightly 9. healthiest 10. hundred