求帮翻译成英文 等我变优秀了就去找你 句子要美一点不要翻译软件上的翻译谢谢 1)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下...

作者&投稿:倚贞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
i will arrive wherever you are when i succeed. please believe and wait for me.好吧,其实我英语很烂。不过我觉得为什么要等你变优秀呢,现在不行吗

I will find you when the time i become successful.

3-1)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !~

He and his family are Italian. There are 4 members in the family, including himself. He is the smallest kid and his sister is already in primary school. His parents take turns to bring him and pick him up. He has been in this kindergarten for 2 years. He is now the busiest and naughty boy in the class and a large porton of the children take him as an example and learn from him.

Brief assessment (summary):
I found that every time when the teacher tell a story in the circle time, this boy will climb on the floor and play and disturb other children in listening to the story. He will do a lot of things to get the teacher's attention. In free play time, he will grab other children's toys and will push or attack them. When the teacher askes him to apologize, he refuses. When the teacher punishs him, he will lose his temper and cry and scream. He is the naughtiest boy in the class and since he becomes the leader of a large portion of the children and they learn from him, I need to have some strategic plans to let him know that beating and pushing others are not correct and reduce this kind of problem and attitude.

Intervention plan/ Two strategies/:
1. In circle time, I will tell them stories about beating and pushing people is not good and will hurt. I will especially ask Marco if we should hit others with the toys, what will be the consequences and the feeling of the victim.
2. When I see Marco hitting or pushing others, I will bring him aside and seriously tell him the consequences of this kind of behavior. I will bring the victim and ask Marco to give him a hug or kiss and say sorry to him. In this case, he will know that it is wrong to hurt others. If he still continue with this behavior, I will repeat this strategy to change his behavior.

Summarize this observation/ assessment of benefit of the intervention:
After my intervention, and with the help of other teachers, he improves a lot in his attitude and behavior. When he does something wrong, he will apologize. When I show him the victim, he will hug and say sorry to him. There are still problems with his attitudes. I have some discussion with other teachers. Since he is the only boy in the family, they all love him too ardently that he has this kind of attitudes. I expect this can be further improved and stop hitting or pushing others with toys.


His family membersare all French speakers so he speaks French at home but English at kindergarten.
这是他在幼儿园里面的的第二年. 大部分时间都是他母亲带他去幼儿园也是他母亲接他回家的. 他在家依赖性是很强的他都会依赖他的父母帮他做事this is his second year at kindergarten, mostthe times his mother will send him to kindergarten and pick him up later. Hehas strong dependence with his parents when he at home.

Brief assessment( summery):
我发现他的语言能力比其他孩子的发展还稍微慢了一些些但他的语言能力还在发展中.I noticed that his language ability a littleweaker than other kids but it still improving 我发现他每次讲话都很模糊是不清楚的他没办法用语言去表达他所需要所想要的所以大部分时候他都是用比动作去表达他的需求.Also he speaks blurring and not clear so mostof times he need his body language to help him
另外在情感方面他是很敏感的他会容易焦躁和不安但他喜欢被鼓励和赞美Other than that , he is sensitive and easy togetting worried, he likes to be encourage and praise