求英语大佬帮忙看一下 求英语大佬帮忙解释一下这段话?

作者&投稿:汤坚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1. Internet, which is a sign of the technology time. 这是想表达因特网是技术时代的标志?一般用信息时代information age. 非要说技术时代那也该是 technology age.

  2. driverless 首字母大写 Driverless, 或者用Driverless technology 我觉得更好

  3. Internet paly an vital role, 语法错误,play 改为 plays

  4. We can't help but believe the ... 这句的 We can't help but believe 感觉是为了用上短语应加的,整个句子的逻辑很怪,不如直接删了。

  5. not only the faster information这并册粗句,单词“information”拼错了

  6. 其实第三段我觉得整姿蠢句话逻辑都有绝镇问题,改为5G age is not only a time can provide faster information cummunication, but also can develop a growing number of new products which make us live better in the future.


The time of 5G technology is coming. Along with the development of the Internet (Internet前一般都顷握数祥需要加定冠词the), a growing number of things are depending on it.
The Internet is a sign of the technological age (技术时雀毕庆代). In recent decades, AI and driverless vehicles (无人驾驶汽车)have been hot topics, which obviously proves that the Internet plays a vital role in it. Thanks to 5G, which is the catalyst of AI and driverless vehicles, both of them are experiencing huge changes. We can't help but believe that the transmission speed of 5G is 17 times than that of 4G. What an amazing speed!
The 5G age not only gives us the faster information communication tool, but also makes a growing number of technology products that will appear in the future.



So,where is the MV?

答:首先,33题选B是对的,但不叫进行时,而是现在分词短语。前面hearing...表示原因,后面leaving...表示伴随。其次 34选A。要点如下:1. 多个动词的句子的关键是分清楚谓语动词和非谓语动词。2.所给句子(34)的谓语动词是looks,可见不能选D了(它明显是谓语动词啊)。3.如果是被动,必须选过去分词,...

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答:upon 承担 ,took是take的过去式,took it upon themselves 可理解为“担负起它”,其中it是形式宾语,指代的是其后的动词不定式短语to go look for the missing ,也就是说真正宾语是to go look for the missing 部分,这样全句可翻译为: 三名下水者共同担负起了搜寻在星期四那天被潮汐在一时间...

答:开头:写人工智能在社会的一个现象或情况 主体:可以先表达自己对于人工智能的观点,你支持还是反对(ps. 如果是议论文最好这样写啦),然后写优势和劣势。结尾:写完主题内容,就总结啦(可以先写自己的观点,但如果前面已经写了,就不用写啦),可以表达利大于弊或弊大于利。交代一下你对人工智能未来...

大家帮忙看一下,这些话对不对?(英语) 要是错了,哪错了?(好的再加分...
答:t [belong是动词,用don't]7.You have dusted the dressing table,haven't you? have 改 haven't [反义疑问句]8.When I was having supper,the postman arrived. √ 9.They went to cinema affter they washed the dishes. 去掉the (after 拼错了) [go to cinema固定搭配: 看电影]...

帮忙看一下初一英语文章,翻译加常用短语都需要标出来啊,谢谢啊! Dear...


答:选 D.中的What是代词“所...的事物”,它引导让步状语从句,“虽然最近已经为改善小学的条件作了很多,但是很多孩子却不能去上学。”A.That 是引导主语从句的,和后面的句子不存在让步关系 B.What 所引导的句子和后面的句子不存在让步关系 C.In spite of 是短语介词,后面不能接句子,如:in ...

答:本篇文章有些许错漏之处,我将改好的文章录于下方。其中粗体为欠考虑的地方,括号内为更改后的文章。A movie that impressed you mostAdmittedly,with the rapid development of contemporary technology,it is a large number of better films made in China.(a large number of better films were ...

答:主语 The thing 被后面的定语从句 that is so good about the box修饰,而这个定语从句中的 the box 又被后面的定语从句 you have given me所修饰。is that...是系表结构,其中that引导的是表语从句 that at night... his house.句子可以翻译成:过于你给我的那个箱子,它很棒的一面就是晚上...