英语作文我为自己骄傲带翻译 “我为自己感到骄傲”用英语怎么说

作者&投稿:一菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I am proud of myself because I am who I am. I may not have the sentimental temperament, strange imagination, affectionate writing, but I firmly believe that I have a possibility, the possibility of overcoming everyone, including beyond their own.

When I was in grade one, two and three, I did not attract attention in my class and my academic performance lingered in the middle and lower reaches. Slowly, I am unwilling to continue to lag behind, in unremitting efforts, the results by leaps and bounds.

The students' exclamation is incessant, the teacher also impressed me with new eyes. But the difficulties did not go away because of my efforts, but came back. 

I often work late into the night writing compositions. Although paid a lot for this, but the composition level is still not much improvement.

One afternoon in the fifth grade, Miss Yang suddenly called me into the office, lightly said the words, I was suddenly shocked, the teacher even let the general level of my composition on behalf of the class to participate in the school's composition contest!

Although it is a great honor, BUT I feel that I do not have the ability, want to excuse, can look at the teacher that look forward to the eyes, I hesitated. Finally, after a strong ideological struggle, reluctantly accepted the "heavy" burden.

The match was set at five o 'clock, with only 30 minutes to go. As the minutes went by, I became more and more nervous, with a bean-sized leak on my forehead. Sweat, I constantly wipe, sweat soaked through my clothes.

His legs were shaking slightly and his feet were too heavy to move. Sitting in the chair, my heart is like fifteen buckets of water -- butterflies in my stomach. I took deep breaths, trying to free myself from the tension.

After taking a few deep breaths, my heart gradually calmed down, a thought flashed in my mind: what is difficult to be afraid of? 

Most of the time, the so-called difficulties are just magnified a hundred times in the imagination. In fact, difficulties and troubles are to scare themselves. Suddenly, I woke up and walked briskly to the conference room.

After getting the topic, I carefully examine the topic, carefully conceived, and arranged an outline, picked up the pen, usually accumulated good words and good sentences have jumped into my mind.

xiaoxiao sprinkling, unexpectedly wrote a full three pages. The composition I thought unbeatable won the second prize.

I also learned: there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, just because of a lack of confidence, the fruits of success are irrigated with hard work and confidence, do not magnify the difficulties in the imagination!

I am proud of myself, I overcame the difficulties; I am proud of myself, confident smile on my face permanent. No matter what time, no matter how difficult I meet, I will not be affected by it, I can only keep the confidence that belongs to me, I am proud!

I will always say to you: I adore myself, I am proud of myself to overcome difficulties!













I am a manipulative ability strong people, fight train, flight is I most loves, but let me the most proud thing is they make a simple table lamp.
It is a day in the evening, I went home to write the work, but, I turn on the lamp, or the dark one, I started thinkblackout, but I went out to look, outside actually lights, I know, is my desk lamp is broken. My first thought was, let mom buy a desk lamp, however, buy a desk lamp is too expensive, I this lamp is such, I don't want to let mothermore money. So I just want to make yourself a desk lamp.
I without demur, immediately to the room started to make the lamp, I put the lamp materials, all to the sitting room, Itook up his coat sleeve started a big fight. I look for the material, and then connecting wires, finally connect the battery.
( 万景文学 www.wan-jing.com )
(ten thousand scene literature www.wan-jing.com)
I'm everything smooth, but, when connected with the battery, the work I do not go, do not know where the head is connected with the. But, I want to my own promise effort. I think seriously. Indistinct remembered dad said: "the poles of different abilities......" I can't remember, only try. I have a flat head and another battery flat headconnected, no light bulb. I have no retreat, and the rugged two heads a grounding, lighting is not bright. I wonder,in the straight head. Suddenly, a flash, a. I have a flat head and uneven head of a joint. Ha! Light bulb! I am happy to dance with joy. I this one let go, the light went out. I hastened to put them together, and bright lights. Looking at the bright lights, my heart the pride ah, don't mention it. Later, mom and dad came back it seems my masterpiece,have praised me.
When I made the moment the lamp, I felt proud of myself, I am a thumbs up for myself. This test is to rely on my own wisdom to do it, no other people helped me once. From such a small, I got a bit of harvest: nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it, from now on, I have not encountered any difficulties in fear, more brain,have patience, you will succeed. 采纳哦,我打字可是打了超久也

I'm proud of his English composition

我为自己骄傲 英语作文80词~

I am proud of myself
Last Sunday I go to the supermarket with my mother.We bought a lot of things and had lunch in it.The meal was very delicious.I liked it very much.When we decided to go home,we heard a sudden noise.A woman screamed‘ the man in blue stole my purse.’That man ran very quickly and many people chased after him.l dialled 110 at once.Moments later,police came and caught him.l did a good thing.I am very proud of myself.

I'm proud of myself.我为自己感到骄傲。

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英语作文80词 我为自己感到骄傲
答:I am proud of myself\x09 Last Sunday I go to the supermarket with my mother.We bought a lot of things and had lunch in it.The meal was very delicious.I liked it very much.When we decided to go home,we heard a sudden noise.A woman screamed‘ the man in blue stole my...

答:第1篇:我为自己骄傲 我是一个动手能力很强的人,拼动车、飞机都是我的最爱,但是最让我值得骄傲的事是自己做出了一台简易台灯。那是一天晚上,我回到家里写作业,但是,我一打开台灯,还是黑压压的一片,我刚开始是以为停电了,但是我出去一看,外面竟然灯火通明,我这才知道,是我的台灯坏了。


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答:关 键 词: 自己 骄傲 初中初三 600字 字 数: 600字作文 本文适合: 初中初三 作文来源: https://zw.liuxue86.com 本作文是关于初中初三600字的作文,题目为:《那一刻,我为自己骄傲》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 那一刻,我为自己骄傲舞阳县保和乡二中九(2)班王小乐 辅导教师:...