
作者&投稿:连响 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mid-Autumn Festival handwritten newspaper content: Mid-Autumn Festival origin

Moon cakes are the first food of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are many theories about their origin. Said at the end of yuan dynasty, jiangsu taizhou against yuan insurgent leaders gathering (or zhu yuanzhang counsellor liu bowen) using the Mid-Autumn festival people give each other a round cake, entrainment in the cake "August 15 night to kill the dalai son" note, you see the note in the cake, news and keep in the night together hand blade marauding "dalai son" (soldiers), Later, every family ate cakes to celebrate the victory of the uprising, and officially called the round cakes of the Mid-Autumn Festival mooncakes. For a long time, even at the end of the last century, many mooncakes had a small piece of paper attached to them! Unfortunately, mooncakes produced in recent years have no trace of small pieces of paper, and the "cultural code" passed down from generation to generation has disappeared. Another said that in the early years of Ming Hongwu, General Xu Da conquered the Yuan Dynasty residual forces stationed in the Yuan capital of Beijing, and the good news was transmitted to the capital of Nanjing. Zhu Yuanzhang, who was playing chess, was overjoyed, that is, the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated all over the world, and the moon cake was given to the subjects when the anti-Yuan uprising was transmitted. Since then, moon cakes have become the "legal" food of the Mid-Autumn Festival and must be eaten.

Moon cakes, originally originated in the Tang Dynasty army Zhujie food. During the reign of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, General Li Jing won the battle against the Turks by means of hidden communication of moon cakes, and returned triumphantly on August 15. Since then, eating moon cakes has become an annual custom. At that time, some businessmen in Turpan offered cakes to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty. Emperor Gaozu Li Yuan took the gorgeous cake box, took out the round cakes, and smiled at the bright moon in the sky and said: "Toad should be invited to the Hu cake." Then he divided the cakes among the ministers.

In the book "Dream Sorghum Record" of Wu Zimu in the Southern Song Dynasty, the word "moon cake" has been used, but the description of the Mid-Autumn Festival and eating moon cakes is recorded in the "West Lake Tour History" of the Ming Dynasty: "August 15 is called the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the folk take the moon cake as the meaning of reunion." In the Qing Dynasty, there were more and more records about mooncakes, and the production became more and more elaborate.








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