
作者&投稿:潭朱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

谁都笑不出来 “再给我倒一杯斯利沃维什。”克拉拉冲我说,我也不反对。我们为开酒瓶找了一个再普通不过的借口,不过,理由十足:我有一篇很长的论文发在一本艺术史杂志上,那天,我刚刚收到了相当丰厚的一笔稿费。 要说呢,我的论文实在是费了一番周折才得以发表的。我早先写的东西招来了不少争议和批评。所以,老派而又审慎的《造型艺术思维》杂志回绝了这篇文章,我只得把它转投给另一家对手杂志。尽管它的名气实在不太大,但它的编辑比较年轻,顾忌也比较少。 邮递员把汇款单送到学校,还捎带来一封信。一封无关紧要的信,上午,我由于陶醉于新赢得的声誉,只是匆匆地浏览了一遍。但是,等到回家后,夜深人静之际,酒也喝得差不多了,为了逗乐子,我从写字台上拿起那封信,冲克拉拉念道: “亲爱的同志――假如您允许的话,我愿使用这样的称呼――亲爱的同行――敬请您原谅一个您素昧平生的人冒昧地给您写信。我找您不为别的,只求您能读一读随信奉上的拙文。我并不认识您,但我很尊敬您,因为您在我眼中并非平凡之人,您的观点,您的推理,您的结论,始终以令人惊奇的方式,证实我本人研究的结果……”接着,就是对我名誉的一番盛情赞美,临了还有一个要求:请我无论如何也要为他的文章写一份阅读报告,推荐给《造型艺术思维》杂志,半年来那家杂志始终拒绝他的文章,并把它贬了一通。他们对他说,我的意见将是决定性的,于是,我从此就成了他唯一的希望,成了他在漆黑的深夜中唯一的一道微光。 我和克拉拉,我们就这一位扎图莱茨基先生开着各种各样的玩笑,这个崇高的姓氏刺激了我们;当然,我们的玩笑都是真诚的,因为他写给我的赞美辞令我慷慨大方,尤其当我手中还握着一瓶美味的斯利沃维什酒时。


What would you look at if you had just three days of sight? Helen Keller, blind and deaf from infancy, gives her answer in this remarkable essay.

I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight, silence would teach him the joys of sound.

Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see. Recently I asked a friend, who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied.

How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough, shaggy bark of a pine. In spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening Nature after the winter’s sleep. Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song.

At time my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say for just three days.

On the first day, I should want to see the people whose kindness and companionship have made my life worth living. I do not know what it is to see into the heart of a friend through that “window of the soul,” the eye. I can only “see” through my fingertips the outline of a face. I can detect laughter, sorrow, and many other obvious emotions. I know my friends from the feel of their faces.

For instance, can you describe accurately the faces of five different friends? As an experiment, I have questioned husbands about the colour of their wives’ eyes, and often they express embarrassed confusion and admit that they do not know. I should like to see the books which have been read to me, and which have revealed to me the deepest channels of human life. In the afternoon I should take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate my eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature. And I should pray for the glory of a colourful sunset. That night, I should not be able to sleep.

On my second day, I should like to see the pageant of man’s progress, and I should go to the museums. I should try to probe into the soul of man through his art. The things I knew through touch I should now see. The evening of my second day I should spend at a theatre or at the movies.

The following morning, I should again greet the dawn, anxious to discover new delights, new revelations of beauty. Today this third day, I shall spend in the workaday world, amid the haunts of men going about the business of life.

At midnight permanent night would close on me again. Only when darkness had again descended upon me should I realize how much I had left unseen.

I am sure that if you faced the fate of blindness you would use your eyes as never before. Everything you saw will become dear to you. Your eyes will touch and embrace every object that came within your range of vision. Then, at least, you would really see, and a new world of beauty would open itself before you.

I who am blind can give one hint to those who see: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. And the same method can be applied to the other senses. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfume of flowers, taste with relish each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again. Make the most of every sense; glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty, which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which nature provides. But of all the senses, I am sure that sight must be the most delightful.


这是一本很多人一提起就称赞不已的名著了。 一个爸爸看见的女儿的故事。 一个女儿讲个爸爸听的故事。 一个有很多快乐也有许多忧伤的故事。一个十分日常却讲述得无比风趣的故事。 一个爸爸想起的自己的故事。 一个应该将给很多爸爸妈妈听的故事。因为,孩子的童年和长大,也参与、见证了父母的生命。因为,爱需要教育,也需要智慧和策略。 故事里的女儿现在巴黎,他的大学离巴黎圣母院很近。 离法兰西学院也很近。 离爸爸心里的期望也很近。


答:爱的教育梗概如下:《爱的教育》是意大利作家亚米契斯的作品,是一部著名的儿童文学作品,被认为是意大利人必读的十本小说之一,是世界文学史上经久不衰的名著,被各国公认为最富有爱心和教育性的读物。 《爱的教育》主要内容《爱的教育》一书以一个小男孩安利柯的眼光,从10月份4年级开学第一天开始写起;一直写到第二...


答:内容简介 简·爱是个孤女,她出生于一个穷牧师家庭。不久父母相继去世。 幼小的简·爱寄养在舅父母家里。舅父里德先生去世后,简·爱过了10年倍受尽歧视和虐待的生活。舅母把她视作眼中钉,并把她和自己的孩子隔离开来,从此,她与舅母的对抗更加公开和坚决了,简被送进了罗沃德孤儿院。 孤儿院教规严厉,生活艰苦,院...

答:《简爱》的故事梗概 简·爱是个孤女,她出生于一个穷牧师家庭。不久父母相继去世。少年简·爱窗前读书的冥想幼小的简·爱寄养在舅父母家里。舅父里德先生去世后,简·爱过了10年倍受尽歧视和虐待的生活。舅母把她视作眼中钉,并把她和自己的孩子隔离开来,从此,她与舅母的对抗更加公开和坚决了,简被...

答:故事梗概 简·爱 的父亲是个穷牧师,当她还在,幼年时,父母就染病双双去世。简·爱 被送到盖茨海德庄园的舅母里德太太家抚养,里德先生临死前曾嘱咐妻子好好照顾简·爱 。简·爱 在里德太太家的地位,连使女都不如,受尽了表兄表姊妹的欺侮。一天表兄又打她了,她回手反抗,却被舅母关进红房子里...


答:她为了挽救父亲的姓氏生命,不得不成为贤王的细作,从和深受城主信赖的大太监结婚后两人吃饭的梗概来看,看电视剧和一般甜蜜爱情剧的设定相似。 是鬼马精灵的女主角,遇到冰山主人公,只需开启让人发笑的爱情故事。并且,蔡君爱导演指导了《传闻中的陈芊芊》《小女花不弃》等爆炸性的口碑作品。 再加上...

答:内容梗概:一位国王美丽的小女儿一天玩最喜爱的金球时,不小心把球掉入了井中。在井中看到青蛙。要青蛙帮助她捡起球。但要青蛙和公主做好朋友,青蛙捡起球后。小公主没有 搭理青蛙,回到了王国。当公主和国王还有大臣们吃饭时。有人敲门,公主去开门,看见青蛙,只是告诉国王没什么,青蛙又敲了一下门...
