propose用法都有哪些 propose用法都有哪些

作者&投稿:孛黎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
v. [prə'pəʊz] ( proposes; proposed; proposing )

vt. & vi. 提议; 建议 offer or put forward for consideration, as a suggestion, plan or purpose
propose a person's health 提议为某人的健康而干杯
propose a resolution 提出一个决议
propose a riddle 提出一个谜语
propose a toast 提议干杯

propose early 尽早地提议
propose conditionally 有条件地推荐
propose originally 原先提议

propose as a candidate 推荐候选人
propose sb as chairman 提议某人为主席
propose for 提名某人
propose sb for membership 提议接纳某人成为会员
propose to 向…求婚
propose to a girl 向一姑娘求婚
propose for(v.+prep.)
提名为 nominate; put forward
▲propose sb/sth for sth
We proposed John for our monitor.我们提名约翰担任我们班的班长。
I propose Mr. Smith for chairman.我提议史密斯先生当主席。
Will you please propose me for your club?请推荐我加入你们的俱乐部好吗?
They will propose a new plan for their factory.他们将为工厂提出一个新规划。
propose to(v.+prep.)
1.求婚 ask sb to marry sb
▲propose to sb
He proposed to her on bent knees.他跪着向她求婚。
▲propose sth to sb
Did he propose marriage to you?他向你求婚了吗?
2.对…提出建议 put forward suggestion for sth
▲propose sth to sb/sth
His brother-in-law proposed a toast to the happy couple.他的姐夫提议为这幸福的一对干杯。
I propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries.我提议为我们两国的友谊干杯。
Even before they moved in, he had started to propose alternations to their new house.还在他们搬进去之前,他已经开始对他们的新住房提出改建设想。

Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
Where are you going to go tomorrow?Have you proposed?明天你到什么地方去?你打算好了吗?
We propose an early holiday in the spring.我们建议在春天放春假。
I propose an early start.我建议早些动身。
He proposed another meeting.他建议再开一次会议。
They proposed a change of the plan.他们建议更改计划。
He proposed a motion.他提出了一项动议。
He proposed Brougher's health.他提议为布鲁尔的健康干杯。
He proposed the health of all the ladies present.他举杯祝所有在座的女士们健康。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
The plan must be proposed by the headmaster at once.校长必须马上提出这项计划。
The plan was proposed but never carried out.计划是提出了,可是没有实施。
The engineer proposed to build a dam on the upper reach of the river.那位工程师建议在河流的上游修建一座水坝。
They proposed to make arrangement beforehand.他们提议事先做好安排。
She proposed to set off immediately.她提出我们马上出发。
Tom proposed delaying our decision until the next meeting.汤姆提议把我们的决定推迟到下次会议。
I propose resting for half an hour.我建议休息半小时。
They propose taking a tour in the summer.他们建议夏天出去旅游。
They proposed forming a group to investigate the case.他们建议成立一个小组调查这一案件。
We propose leaving at noon.我们打算在中午离开。
The teachers proposed that they should all go to the Museum of Natural History.教师们建议都去参观自然博物馆。
I propose that he should leave now.我建议他现在就走。
I propose that we should get down to our work.我提议我们应该静下心来好好地工作。
He proposed that the young man be the chairman.他提名那个年轻人当主席。
He proposed that a doctor be sent for.他提议应该把医生请来。
I proposed that he be sent to hospital at once.我建议必须立即把他送进医院。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting.有人提议,下次会议再研究此事。
propose, pose, propound, suggest
这组词的共同意思是“提议,建议”。其区别是:propose指在争辩或讨论中提出意见或建议,请求给予考虑、解决、采纳或赞同,指较积极地提议; suggest指客气地、谦虚地建议; propound指向别人提出可供考虑的方案或建议,强调建议者不怀个人偏见或好恶; pose指提出不谋求立刻得到答复的问题。
误:I proposed her to come with me.
正:I proposed (to her) that she should
come with me.

1、propose somebody for something(提名某人做某事)的意思是指在会议上提议或提名某人担任某职位或参加某组织。其后接具体的职位时,for 也可换成 as;但若是指 position, post, job 之类的“职位”词,则只用 for 。


I propose Mr Smith for [as] chairman. 我提名史密斯先生当主席。

2、propose something to someone(向某人提议用某事物)与职位无关,主要表示提出建议,供对方参考。


He proposed a possible solution to me. 他向我提出了一个可能的解决方法。

Britain is about to propose changes to some institutions. 英国将提议对一些机构进行改革。

3、很显然,propose sb for sth(提名某人担任某职位)并不等价于 propose sth for sb(其实该结构中的 for 应是 to)。


  1. 作为及物动词使用,意思是建议,打算,求婚;

    例句:That is why in this blog post, I would like to propose something to every designer:Why not try to design something every day for one year?  这也是这篇博客发表的原因,我希望建议每一个设计师:为什么不试试一年之中每天都来做点儿设计?

  2. 作为不及物动词使用,意思也是建议,打算,求婚;

    例句:When I know, I will fly directly to her, and propose. 如果我知道的话,就可以直接向她飞去,向她求婚。

Propose to do 和propose doing的区别?~

Propose to do和propose doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。
1、Propose to do:打算做。
2、propose doing:建议,建议做。
1、Propose to do:propose的基本意思是“提议,建议”,多指在讨论或争辩中提出明确的意见或建议,强调要求对方予以考虑或同意。引申可表示“打算,计划(做某事)”。

2、propose doing:propose表示“计划,打算”时,后加不定式或动名词。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式或从句作宾语。后接从句时,从句要用虚拟语气。
1、Propose to do:不定式作宾语一般表示将来的,具体的或一次动作。
2、propose doing:动名词作宾语时往往表示一般或抽象的多次动作。

在英语的道路上很多人都吃过苦,对于英语很多人都不知道如何是好。那么呢?很多学生还不是太清楚。对于英语的用法我们需要了解非常多,只有更好的了解这些词语的用法,才可以取得更好的成绩。为了自己取得更好的成绩,大家一定要更好的学习。 Propose是英语中常用的一个词汇,在英文词典中,主要的意思是:提议,建议;打算,计划;推荐,提名;求婚。总结了propose用法。 我们首先来看几个有关Propose的例句。 (1)We proposed to start early. 我们建议早一点出发 Propose的主要的近义词是:suggest。 (2)Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity. 牛顿提出天体和地球的运动可以用万有引力来解释。 使用suggest的用法及使用错点 错点一 误用不定式作宾语 要表示汉语的“建议做某事”,英语通常用 suggest doing sth,而不能用 suggest to do sth。如: 他建议坐飞机去,可我认为这样花费太大。 正:He suggested going by plane, but I thought it would cost too much. 误:He suggested to go by plane, but I thought it would cost too much. 汤姆建议把房子卖了,但是安表示反对。 正:Tom suggested selling the house but Ann was against it. 正:Tom suggested to sell the house but Ann was against it. 错点二 误接不定式的复合结构作宾语 汉语通常说“建议某人做某事”,但英语习惯上不能说 suggest sb to do sth,而说suggest sb’s [sb]doing sth。也就是说,suggest 后不仅不接不定式,而且也不接不定式的复合结构。如: 他建议我们早点动身。 正:He suggested that we leave earlier. 误:He suggested us to leave earlier. 当然,我们也可以用后接 that 从句的形式来表达此意思(注意谓语用 “should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式)。如: I suggest that we (should) have lunch right now. 我建议我们现在就吃午饭。 He suggests that we should all go to see the film. 他建议我们都去看电影。 比较以下同义表达: 他建议他们在没有听到事实真相之前什么都别说。 正:He suggested (should) not saying anything till they heard the facts. 正:He suggested saying nothing about it till they heard the facts. 正:He suggested that they shouldn’t say anything till they heard the facts. 错点三 混用其后宾语从句的语气 suggest 后接宾语从句时,从谓语既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,其区别与 suggest所表示的意思有关: 1. 若suggest 表示“建议”,则其后接的 that 从句谓语通常用“(should)+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式。如: I suggested that she should go home. 我建议她回家去。

答:and produced without delay.曾经有人建议立即设计和生产这种装置。Does that name suggest anything to you? 那个名字使你联想到什么没有?propose的意思是“提议”、“求婚”。例如:He porposed that we (should) go there. 他建议我们去那里。He proposed to the girl. 他向这女孩求婚了。

答:insist(坚持)、order/ command(命令)、suggest/ advise/ propose(建议)、demand/ require/ ask/ desire(要求)后面跟虚拟语气。例1:The examination instructor asked that the students(should)not use a calculator.考官要求学生不要使用计算器。例2:The workers demanded that their wages(...

insist, order/ command, suggest, advise, propose, demand什么时候用...
答:insist(坚持)、order/ command(命令)、suggest/ advise/ propose(建议)、demand/ require/ ask/ desire(要求)后面跟虚拟语气。例1:The examination instructor asked that the students(should)not use a calculator.考官要求学生不要使用计算器。例2:The workers demanded that their wages(...

purpose和propose 动词都有 打算 意思,有何区别?
答:首先,从一贯的用法来讲两者词性不同:purpose (n.) 是名词而 propose (v.)是动词。其次在意义上两者区别也较明显:purpose 意图,目的,用途,目标等。词组on purpose 有意地,故意;propose 表示“提议,建议;打算”

建议的英语单词有哪些 的用法
答:建议[jiàn yì]词典 suggest; proposal; propose; advise 网络 Suggestion; advice; Suggestions 我建议你在日常饮食中补充些维生素E和维生素A。I suggest supplementing your diet with vitamins E and A 能不能请您就我该做什么给点建议呢?Please could you advise me what I should do?这...

答:如:I ask that he leave. 我要求他走开。2、“建议”类宾语从句英语中某些表示“建议”意义的动词,后接宾语从句时,通常要用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气,这些动词主要包括advise(建议), move(提议), propose(建议), recommend(建议), suggest(建议)等。如:The doctor advised that he ...

答:用法:reserve sth for sb 例句:These seats are reserved for special guests .这些座位是留给贵宾的。英语propose用法都有哪些 在英语的道路上很多人都吃过苦,对于英语很多人都不知道如何是好。那么propose用法都有哪些呢?很多学生还不是太清楚。对于英语的用法我们需要了解非常多,只有更好的了解...

答:propose suppose advise recommend 上述这些动词的宾语从句中都要用should,would,因为是虚拟语气,另外还有hope,expect,等!

propose that +虚拟语气的用法
答:I propose that he be on time next time.一英语的影响力 (1)从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过了任何语言的人数,10多个国家以英语为母语,45个国家的官方语言是英语,世界三分之一的人口(二十几亿)讲英语。比如在日本,除了他们的本国母语——日语之外,英语是他们的第二语言,很多高层次的...

答:serve the purpose 管用;有助于解决 for purpose of 为了 to this purpose 在这意义上 in purpose [古]故意地 dual purpose 双重目的;双用途的 to no purpose 毫无效果地,完全徒劳无益 更多收起词组短语 n.目的;用途;意志 goals, intention, sake, objective, use vt.决心;企图;打算 propos...