
作者&投稿:翁方 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Good morning(下午换good afternoon) everybody!
After a few days of study, do you feel a bit tired?

Now I'll tell you some jokes so that you will relax.

First one: Which table can be eaten?

第二:为什么蝴蝶没了翅膀还可以飞? 因为它坚强.
Second one: Why do butterflies fly when they have no wings? Because they are strong!

第三:蜗牛告诉我它可以不吃不喝活十年,这是真的吗? 蜗牛说的话我怎么能明白.
The last one: The snails tell me that he could live for ten years without eating and drinking, is that true? Well, how can I understand a snail's words?

How do you feel about these jokes?

They're all flat jokes。。。

注:冷笑话有多种表达,可以说bad joke, non-joke , anti-humor, flat joke 或 dry humor

the first three minutes of my English lesson:
Hello everyone~After these days' study,do you feel tired?
Now I'm going to tell some jokes to release you ~
No.1:Which TABLE can be eaten?VAGETABLE
No.2:why can a butterfly fly without the wings?Because it's strong
No.3:A snail tell me he can live for decades without food or drink,is that true?How can I understand the words of a snail?

How do you feel with these jokes?
they are cold jokes..

Good ~! After learning the past few days, you feel tired?

I will now say some joke, let you relax under.

First: What TABLE can eat? VAGETABLE

Second: Why did not the wings of butterflies can fly? Because it is strong.

Third: snail tell me it can live decades without food or drink, this is true? Snail say how can I understand.

Like how you feel. ... ... ... ...

These jokes are cold joke ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Hello everyone!Are you tired about your study and your homework which seems endless?Now just relax yourselves and I will tell you some jokes.
The fist one.Which table can we eat? Vagetable
The second one.why the butterfly which has lost its wings can still fly? This is because it is very strong
The third one.A nail once told me that it could live through a decade without food and drink.Is that true?OK...I'm just kidding!How can I undertand nail's words?

That's all~~how do you feel about these jokes?
OK~~~these are just some cold ones...

Hi everybody!Are you feel tired during these days?I will tell you some jokes and let you relaxe.
No.1:which"table"can be eaten? VAGETABLE
No.2:why the butterfly can fly without wings? Because it is strengthen.
No3:Is that true that the snail tells me he can live for ten years without eating and drinking?How can I understand the words which the snail says?
How do you feel like?
These are cold jokes.

Hello!Everybody!{[After these days that we study]}(这个句子不对),Do you feel tired?

Now, I will tell some jokes to you to make you relaxed.



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